What's the best way to make gutter oil?
What's the best way to make gutter oil?
[shitposting loudly]
imo this is one of those instances when it's best to buy it from the store
gutter oil is a fine art and these big conglomerates have it down to a science
When did you realize Chinese aren't human my bros?
when I first met my wife, that's when I realized some of them just transcend being human
Ah, a race mixer. Your ancestors spit on you from the grave for squandering their sacrifice.
You truly are human garbage.
Meanwhile his offspring become professionals and yours become line cooks and janitors.
...and with that realization I become free.
If that's what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night. I can however assure you that is not the case lol. Even if they were, at least they would be pure.
I guarantee you all our ancestors would've racemixed if given the chance.
>his offspring become professionals
Hapas have some of the highest rates of suicide, and end up ostracized from society because both white and asians don't accept them. Tgey end up with mental diseases and either turn into a weirdo murder type, or if its a girl then they become liberal arts sluts who take major dick.
Please, I know you want to justify your marriage, but nothing good is going to happen.
You done gone wacko there son. Don't you have a yard to burn a cross in?
Yep, pure whitetrash.
Why are there so many libshit retard redditors here?
>not falling for the white supremacist trash
>he's a libcuck, sjw, antifa
You know the difference between a cuckservative and libcuck? The cuckservatives' masters fuck the cuck, too.
>le racist meme
That's funny, hapas tend to be someone the most racist people, either blaming and hating their asian side for not being able to fit in, or as a SJW hating their white side for whatever SJWs hate white people for. But please, blame the messenger for calling a duck a duck.
he's a 50 center, they get TRIGGERED AS FUCK when whiteys fuck yellow monkeys
hurdur white privelege
hurdur line cooks and janitors
You degenerates never cease to surprise
You know, now that I think of it I don't think I've ever come across a half breed asian that hasn't been treated like shit by their peers white or asian. Except for the rich/pretty ones but I suppose that's par for course.
he's right though. i am a hapa. its nothing but suffering and alienation.
That's cause your a whiny autist.
>t. hapa
Also can we keep /pol/ shit on /pol
Not him but all hapas are whiny autists.
Only a good plurality, some of them turn out normal
This is why you can't eat street food. You never know what fucked up shit they did to it.
Third world street food, that is.
quoting infographics from /pol :D...fug
what a high standard of information you have
Some of them turn out hot as fuck also
But we don't care about their problems.
>mfw when my daughter is in danger of becoming an import tuner ho
>le /pol/!
>le ur arguments invalid now!
Looks like the autistic racemixers are SEETHING lol. None of its from /pol/, but please, it's ok, your hapa kid will only kill like 3 white girls, that's not much
Hot ones tend to be the crazy ones.
But hot and crazy's my type so it all works out in the end
thanks but you don't have to defend me from /pol/ types, nothing breaks through their delusion so it'd not even worth it.
is this real?