What's good and well balanced povertyfood?
What's good and well balanced povertyfood?
Other urls found in this thread:
Those goats that climb trees.
Red beans and rice, easy as fuck to make.
List of highly nutrient dense food:
Whole eggs
Whole milk
Sunflower seeds
Cocoa powder
Basic cheap peasant food for the most part.
can we get a fucking sticky already? jesus christ, this same thread 50 times a day
Oddly enough this channel has some nice low cost foods that are good for you.
check the other cooking videos too. All super easy, cheap and healthy.
>OP asks about well balanced food
>Starts posting potatoes with butter and hardly any vegetables
Where do you live? In my country it is expensive as fuck.
t. Spaniard
Tell him to take a fucking multivitamin.
You're still missing out on fibers that way.
>Supplementing anything but vitamin D
Ill give you the vitamin D
I'll just have the supplement.
Make one, then we can all link people to it. If you're not willing to make it, then you don't have the right to gripe.
>You're still missing out on fibers that way.
That's fine. Fiber does have various health benefits but it's not essential.
Why is it bad to supplement other things?
Because it's unnecessary and by supplementing people often miss out on other nutrients.