Ten times more antioxidants than normal green tea

> Ten times more antioxidants than normal green tea.
> Fights cancer like no other tea, or drink.
> Anti-age.
> Lower bad LDL cholostrol, weightloss.
> Have important vitamins and minerals (C-vitamin, sink etc).
> 5 times more L-theanine, which improve brain activity.

Original from China.
Popular in Japan.

Although it's a little bit expensive, It's really a wonderful tea, I love this wonder-drink.

Anyone else who drink this green tea too?
Have many cups of tea do people on a daily basis?

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A tall glass of iced matcha is delicious.

I pick up cheap packets from my local Japanese grocer. How does the higher grade matcha differ?

Fairly certain most of those benefits come from the fact you're actually consuming the leaf rather than being a wonder-drink.

I have been drinking a lot of green tea lately. I'd like to try this but it kinda seems like a fad.

Give it a try. I don't think it's fad food by any metric, but fad food is a silly thing to avoid on principle as it is.

I'd rather drink caribou piss

You are right. Ok you convinced me, I'll buy some the next time I go past an asian grocer.

I would recommend it, don't judge it. trust the numbers, and the taste is quite good/okay.

I think, the a more brown-colored powder is less good quality, dark green is the best.

I refuse to buy that lame ass whisk though.

Hibiscus > Matcha

Both are great though, top 2 beverages.


How do you get it all foamy like it's supposed to be without a whisk?

I don't care. I refuse to have a utensil in my house that's only purpose is to make one (1) drink.

>> 5 times more L-theanine, which improve brain activity.

I think you got ripped off, buddy.

I use it for cooking. Pudding and oil-based sauces.

why can't the japs invent coffee flavoured matcha?


just buy regular green tea and grind it in your mortar and pestle

You could do that, but it wouldn't be matcha.

Matcha is grown and processed in a particular way that is different from usual.

I eat steeped tea leaves. It's probably the same.

I use matcha powder in food, but I cannot stand it as a tea, it tastes absolutely foul. That's not to say I don't like the matcha flavor, I adore it, and think it complements many great things.

It's just not something I like on it's own, makes me gag for some reason. I feel like a kid saying that.

Is there any big difference between expensive matcha and cheap shitty tasting matcha, if you only drink it for the health benefits?

If they're both organic probably not.

100%. Green tea is good for you and ingesting the whole leaf just means you're getting more of the same good stuff. However, it also means you're getting more of the bad stuff like fluoride and (depending on where the tea was grown) heavy metals and pesticides.

If you're planning to drink matcha on a regular basis, make sure you're getting a really high quality tea from a safe region (aka not China). That means no Teavana, you faggot OP.

Thanks anons, have nice days.

do you have any sources for that? something in legitimate medical journals?
I'd love to get into that tea if that was all true, but I'm a skeptic and never believe 'ancient Chinese wisdom.'

>fights cancer

Can confirm, medical student here

>excise tumors from gross smoker
>dump a bunch of green tea on them
>they all shrink immediately like a bunch of raisins

It's actually really effective as medicine but it's hard to get the tumors enough of it when they're inside your body

Antioxidants increase the rate of metastasis, numbnuts. Cancer cells don't mix well with oxygen, who knew.
>petri dish =/= human body
You know this.

Yep, I drink at least 2 cups of matcha a day. It's not my favorite tea, but I like it well enough.
My favorite tea is kalami assam. I drink 3 cups of that every morning. I usually drink the matcha after lunch.

>cheap shitty tasting matcha
There's a risk it's powdered sencha instead of matcha

but you're only drinking it for the placebo so it won't matter

im sitting in a coffeeshop selling large cups of this tea for $6 (six) american dollariedoos

the sign for it claims it reduces cancer and increases metabolism by 30% (LOL)

I can never get it to dissolve quite right, It's also hard to get here and crazy expensive.

>I'd love to get into that tea if that was all true
Health benefits aren't the reason to drink tea, at least not as advertised. Most of them are negligible if they exist at all.

You get your health benefits by not not drinking the sugary jew.
But I drink tea because water gets boring and coffee gives me the jitters.

Whether or not it's healthier than water is irrelevant, as long as it isn't worse.

>most of them are negligible if they exist at all

Do you know what negligible means? I don't think you do.

>"so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant."
That's what I meant and that's what the dictionary says.


What about powdered sencha? I remember reading somewhere that it contains even more antioxidants than matcha powder but I have no idea if this is true or bullshit. Either way, it's pretty good, I love mixing it with white greek yogurt along with some honey or marmalade.

>A big list of unproven shit

Where can I buy good matcha online for cheap? Is aliexpress matcha good?

Unitaskers btfo

It is a fad in the west. Lipton even makes some sort of matcha shit which I am sure is just a combination of lawn clippings and a pinch of cheap matcha.

>fit for human consumption


glad I bought organic Korean stuff then

>not paying $10 and waiting 60 days for a small bag of 7d Dried Mangos


I only tried to buy matcha once, and it was shit. I probably got a very stale jar, it was more yellow than green and smelled of fish

>drinking matcha with water
pleb tier
>drinking matcha with warm milk
ascended af

>paying more for an inferior product

I don't drink it as tea, but I do add a couple teaspoons of the powder to curries and tahini sauces.

They have a tea ceremony session with most likely ceremonial grade. Should I try?

I hope you eat your vegetables. also


there's some legitimate research being done. here's the most high profile study regarding standard green tea (not matcha).

t. """med student""


yes. come to /tea/ and talk about it too.

So you just don't know how to use it in a sentence correctly? Gotcha.

How do you drink green tea without it staining your teeth?

isn't sencha more beneficial than matcha?


Sup Alex.

I get my matcha hit from the kitto katto

The same way you make foam out of milk. Get a frother, you dumb cunts.

>buy bag of cheap green tea
>smash it
>collect dust
>wa la matcha substitute with the same effects for pennies

>Original from China.

Claims to cure cancer
> Uses chinese tea filled with DDT
> DDT is one of the strongest known carcinogens in the world

This is what dumbfuck white people get for believing chinese bullshit.

> "here! you buy tiger penis Now! It make you live foreva! you buy now!"

>Claims to cure cancer
>> Uses chinese tea filled with DDT


People who buy Chinese crap deserve to get cancer.

>these statements have not been verified by the FDA or any other organization and come from a culture that touted the benefits of snorting ground ivory

Nice meme

If I want to try it, any reason to avoid these "matcha in a stick" packets?

Some things to look out for when buying matcha:

>Japanese vs. Chinese
Always buy Japanese unless you like heavy metals in your tea
>Different grades
Ceremonial grade is the typical label used for matcha you are supposed to drink by itself. It's more expensive, but tastes better. Matcha meant for smoothies is cheaper but you wouldn't want to drink it by itself.


That stick matcha appears to be Japanese at the very least, although I have no idea what kind of quality it will be. Since you can buy in small amounts I guess it's worth trying.

Call me barbaric but whenever I have matcha I just pour it into a water bottle and shake

Antioxidants are bad guys in fighting cancer case.

>add a couple teaspoons of the powder to curries and tahini sauces

Ingesting fluoride is bad, although you shouldn't really be worried, only if you swallow fluoridated toothpaste.

those are lowest quality matcha you can buy.
the higher the quality the sweeter the tea and the more vibrant the green color, almost glowing.
the ones they sell in sticks are almost greyish and bitter.

This shit?
You're dead on. It's shitty green tea that has enough matcha in it to make the tea a bit cloudy.
Magnificent, my fucking ass. Not even worth the 1.50 I spent when I found it on clearance.
And I know a bunch of retarded people will buy this, not know that's not how matcha is supposed to be and hate it. Just like bad supermarket sushi.

>good matcha

lol. also this shits dumb, if you buy from legitimate sources you can have great Chinese tea, hell even stringent EU organic shit if you want.

this. although I disagree with the "CHINA BAD" meme. Japanese matcha is superior because of tradition/expertise.

ya had this at my parents house last weekend. can confirm this was bad. had nearly no flavor.

I have heard of this shit killing people, I'll stick with my green tea

I've heard of knives killing people, I'll stick with my whole onions.

can't compare the tea to a knife

that would be like saying there is less shootings in sweden than america

Matcha tea causes irreversible damage to the brain stem.

Please provide sources.

You remember to brush your teeth two times a day? Which you should be doing even if you are not drinking tea.

>fights cancer
>thinking you understand nutrition better than the entire field of nutritional medicine
>being this deluded

>Please provide sources.


I wouldn't buy Matcha from Teavana, or most other US retailers, desu. The color is quite dull, which is generally symptomatic of them having let it sit on the shelf for much longer than it should...