Spotted dick

>spotted dick
>bangers and mash
>bubble and squeak

Are the Brits having a laugh? Who comes up with their dishes and the names for said dishes?

Actually tried spotted dick once.

Imagine cinnamon raisin bread, but cold and no cinnamon. Also bland as fuck. Almost wheat bread with raisins and a slight sugar taste. But holy fuck is it dry. How something can be so spongey and still manage to make my mouth drier can a nun's cooch in the Sahara I have no clue.

Proper Spotted Dick made with suet and served hot with a home made custard is heaven.

Bangers and Mash depends on having a good beef sausage, decent potatoes for the mash whipped with cream and butter and onion gravy.

Bubble and squeak is just a way to use veggie leftovers - you just fry them up. Think loose vegetable pattie.

t. Richard

And these are comfort foods and usually eaten in the depths of winter.

it's a steamed pudding meant to be served warm, and usually with custard

Can't believe you left faggots and gravy off that list.


No burger, just no.

>stotty cake
>toad in the hole
>eton mess

If you want to come up with british food names just babble like a nursery maid to a 2 year old for a while. It's like putting a monkey at a keyboard - eventually they'll type out "Romeo and Juliet."

A burgerblob saying that is just the height or irony when you speak like a toddler after a high speed collision with a brick wall.


Amerifats can't understand the beauty of the english language

>beef sausage
Fucking kikes

as opppsed to sloppy joes, dirty rice, chicken bog, snickers salad, tater tot hotdish...

Let's not forget all the ones named by niggers & spics


literally obsessed

Yeah I just wish they could halt their obsession for but a single day. Sadly Americans live to obs3ss over us, thus the daily 4 obsession threads in the catalogue like right now.

Burgerclaps are just that pathetic.

So you had something designed to be served hot with custard, and ate it cold, on its own?



>nignog food names

Those don't count since nignogs chatter like they have an extra chromosome 21 all the time.


You were too lazy to steam it, weren't you, you idle toerag?

>Nignog & spic food doesn't count in America

But that's literally all you've got. That or bad imitations of wop food.

>Who comes up with their dishes and the names for said dishes?
Those are traditional dishes that date back to the Victorian era, names and all.

The problem is that the language has shifted since they were made, but names don't change.

Chicken Fried Steak.
Which is not, apparently, steak fried in chickens, but cheap shitty shoe-leather beef steak fried like KFC.

>Chicken bog

A wut?

>chicken bog, snickers salad, tater tot hotdish

I'm an amerilard and have never once heard anyone say those things nor are they even a food that I know of.

>Americans don't even know about and appreciate their own cultural heritage
