And i hope you don't mind but we opened these to snack on while shopping

>and i hope you don't mind but we opened these to snack on while shopping


I've only ever seen non whites do this

That is not okay and I do mind. I wouldn't say anything, but I would glare at them and hope they notice.

It's fairly common in the midwest among trailer trash. In eastern suburbs, soccer moms do something similar where they eat grapes and nuts and shit while shopping.

Back when I worked at a grocery store, there was an incident once where this guy walked in, got an Arizona green tea and drank it right there in the isle, then just tried to walk out. When he got stopped by security, he insisted that he had brought it in with him.

As long as it's got a fucking barcode and you're actually honest about it, sure.

If you're eating something or feeding it to your kid and that item needs to be WEIGHED? Fuck you and your entire family.

Funny, I have only ever seen white people do it. I always assumed black people don't do it because they're afraid the cashier would assume they are stealing it

when i was a tiny child my mom would let me and my sister eat a loaf of italian bread as we went through the store, and i would end up pulling out all the soft bread from the crust and put my arm into the hollow bread tube and pretend it was a robot arm

how tiny were you?

small enough that my sister would have to eat the crust of the bread for me to reach more of the bread insides. must have been kindergarten age or younger

My mum used to give me a kaiser roll while shopping, she'd just tell the cashier to count one more (though it's not like my 3yo ass would ever finish the whole thing at the store)

Nowadays I don't do shit like that, except when I'm so parched I can barely take it, then I might sneak a couple sips of whatever drink I'm buying. Nobody ever cares.

What's that, Jamal? You left your money at home, but I can keep the half eaten bag?

Sounds fair.

Food nah but drinks for sure. I've paid for multiple empty drinks in my life.

Had a friend who would eat produce without any intention of buying it. Not like "I'm going to sample this grape to see how ripe they are" but like "I'm hungry, I'm going to just eat a few grapes out of the bag on my way by"

Which one of you dumb FUCKS leaves their pistachio shells on every god damn shelf?

what was life like as a tiny child?

>That is not okay and I do mind.

They're paying for it, it's fine.
The only weird part is bringing it up in the first place

You jerks are bringing back traumatic memories of my previous job as a cashier.

>almost done ringing them up
>"Oh yeah, I just remembered"
>they bring out an empty wrapper from their pocket and let you ring that up too because they ate it while shopping

And then they give you this smug little look, like, "See? I totally could have gotten away with it but I'm just so darned honest!"

I occasionally get thirsty and drink a bit of water or soda or something, never eaten food though, never even considered it. Half the fun of shopping for snacks is going home and popping open 80 different bags of fucking food, eating a real meal, then realizing you blew a ton of cash on snacks.

They used to let you weigh them in the produce section before doing the rest of your shopping/checking out

Me, but I'm just, uhhh, sampling ^;) If you don't like it put a fuvkin' trash can near the bulk bins, asshole. How do you expect me to be neat about my free lunch when you don't provide trashcans? Do your job and clean up after your "customers" you lazyass fuck.

I'm perfectly okay with that. Homeless people eating half a roast chicken and then stashing it under a shelf to be found a week later I was not okay with.

They're are trash cans all around the store you lazy prick. Walk to one.
I don't even work at a grocery store. I just despise having to wipe away pistachio shells so I can grab a can of fucking tuna

Once when I was about too hung over to keep moving I started drinking a tea while I was shopping. When I was going to check out I just reached around and scanned it for the cashier. She looked at me with some combination of lust and gratitude and said "..thank you.." in the tone of voice you'd expect from a woman whose child you had just saved.

>I've only ever seen non whites do this
I'm white and I've once opened a bottle of water to take a sip before i bought it because I was hungover and felt like i was about to vomit. Probably wouldnt open a bag of chips just because I was hungry though

I used to split a donut with my girlfriend when we went grocery shopping. I forgot it once and had to go back in and have them charge me one donut. I don't get donuts any more.

i was sick as a dog once. so i drank orange juice and eat some bread once.

Go back to your motorhome bobby-joe.

Went shopping with girlfriends family once and they did this with water, they dumped the bottles when they finished and never paid for them, they stole fucking water.

Also fuck mums that use their pram as a trolley and expect you to trust them to find every item they dumped into it whilst they push their kids clothes about and feel with their hands without even looking. Spotted some fat fucker with two boxes of them mini bags of haribos called them out on it and they played dumb gave me one bag and said there was 26 in each box expecting me to scan that shit through. Asked for the box and counted every single packet, there was 30, so i counted the next box and 30 again, whole time she played dumb like it was an honest mistake. Why are mums the worst fucking people ever?

I hate poor people

>>they bring out an empty wrapper from their pocket and let you ring that up too because they ate it while shopping
Do Americans really do this?

Are you going to pay for them? Who the fuck cares?

I live in Austin TX, fucking white kids do this kinda shit all the time, even open up dip to use it in. They do it just to be fucking cute.

I've seen this happen, we do.

this is sort of acceptable in Australia, moreso with drinks though

>real meal
You make me sick

>I live in Austin, TX

I read this in Nic Cages voice

Yeah because every Aussies are drunk at all times, it's the norm

>they stole fucking water
Bottled water is theft in the first place.
Where I'm from, tap water is about 7.5 USD equivalent for one cubic meter.
A cheap half-liter bottle is 0.75 USD equivalent.

Roughly 2000 times more expensive.

Hey fuck you op. When I'm doing my weekly shopping it's nice to snack on something. I pay for it so wtf is the problem?

I've put many empty drink bottles on the conveyor belt. It's never seemed to be a problem for anyone involved.

>Why are mums the worst fucking people ever
Because society glorifies them for no reason other than they shit out a baby, and they get away with using "AS A MOTHER" as some sort of justification for everything they say

stop being a dumb faggot

This but with cherry pits. I find fucking trails of them going around the store.

fat fuck detected.

>do this at every grocery store I go to
>stuff the empty bag in my pocket and don't pay for it

Americunts BTFO

I do that, it's a cool way of making me look like the casual cool guy of the store, i open a giant bag of some kind of chips and I snack loudly with my mouth open to further show how comfortable I am in the store, almost like I lived there, if I see anybody notice me I walk over, give a smile, and offer them some food, I say "Go on! These are soooo goood bud" and make friends with them

We only do it in our neighborhood in small stores run by us, never walmart. Fucking dune coons will say you stole a hot coffee 30 seconds after paying for it.
Even then it's not common for anyone except diabetics and whiny children who can't wait for their snackies.

There were no water fountains in a ghetto Target, so I guzzled most of a gallon of water. It was my roommate's turn to buy the groceries, but he was too embarrassed by my perfectly reasonable action. He pretended to not know me while I paid for my 75 cent purchase separately. I of course acted like he was my best friend and carried all the bags as usual while he was sperging out. Pretty funny.

When I was a kid ma would order us wedges from the bakery section and we'd munch on them through the store.