Sloppy Joes

A sloppy joe is a sandwich consisting of ground beef, onions, tomato sauce or ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings, served on a hamburger bun. The dish originated in the United States during the early 20th century. They are also known as wimpies, yip yips, slushburgers

Early 20th century American cookbooks offer plenty of sloppy-joe type recipes, though they go by different titles: Toasted Deviled Hamburgers, Chopped Meat Sandwiches, Hamburg a la Creole, Beef Mironton, and Minced Beef Spanish Style

Now, to me, this sandwich has a meaning....the idea of it is sort of what you might call, the definitive home style sandwich? Brings to mind images of Americana, perhaps a portly woman serving from a line, perhaps your local mother, whatever the case may be. One could be served a sloppy joe while enjoying entertainment on a starry night, windows open, hearing the crickets. It is more of a modern traditional sandwich for that kind of appeal.

Looks messy as fuck to eat but I guess that is implied in the name.

they are k

Depends on how big of a joe you want, and conversely, how sloppy

One could have a less sloppy joe by having a smaller portion of meat, not spilling out from te bun

It has been ages since I've had one. Tomorrow it is.

The problem being, the most popular canned sauce lists high fructose corn syrup as it's top ingredient.

Make it yourself using Huntz Ketchup, which is 100 percent natural

The sloppy joe exists entirely for the purpose of masking the horrifyingly poor quality of early 20th century ground beef with a sweet and spicy sauce.

If you're squeamish about health, why are you eating this in the first place?

Is that why? I just thought people liked eating garbage

Fuck sloppy joes

It's just seasoned meat and tomato sauce.

Basically every Italian dish, but in a bun. Fuck you.

People like to eat Sloppy Joes

A hot beef sandwich makes sloppy joes look like peasant food

That, is not more of a traditional home style sandwich, that is more of a diner experience sandwich, something of an oddity


Beef gravy rules almost every other food. That's why it's great. You need a roast to create drippings, then you put onion on it and a gravy emulsion in to cook to brown. That makes a milliard creation you can't resist. They make poutine, hot beef, proper gravy from it.

>local mother

What does that even mean? Is there an unlocal mother?


I'll never understand how do you even eat that

I would probably just use a spoon to eat it

What the fuck is that

>shart in burger

Now I know what movie to watch later. Thank you Schloppy-Sensei.

Would use tomato paste for this.

Absolutely. Very common

I make them maybe once a year?
I just use rolls instead of hamburger buns.

use lentils instead of ground beef and whole wheat rolls good healthy meal w/ ur own sauce

A sloppy jew?

>ragout sandwich
>originated in the USA

checks ok to me, only an american can be so retarded as to give it a name and call it a recipe

Yeah, this is a sloppy joe!

Or a mince sandwich as we say in civilisation.

Obese Amerilard makes beefburger poorly, gives it name to prevent looking like fucktard.

Obese Amerilard see, obese Amerilard do. Other fatties copy original lard savage and another shit tier Amerilard "recipe" is born.

That's a very deep and educated observation of their culture

We call that a loose meat sandwich in land of the rulers, USA, and it's very different from a Sloppy Joe

Britbong here, isn't it just bolognese in a roll?

No, meat sauce is Italian shit for noodles.

Sloppy joes are more about the meat and confined texture. For me it's the cried chili joes

That's not sloppy joe you retards, in the land of the free pictured is referred to as a sub

Never had one, would like to trie

So what flavour is it? Is it just mince and ketchup?

You fucking people humanly hopeless. Just find a quiet place and die. You're just not human.

Depends. Regular canned joe is kinda like salty BBQ and lightly seasoned meat.

Homemade has many varieties since you work with store bought ground beef and spices, but usually I make cried chili joe which is a mix of chili mix, hot sauces, peppers, BBQ fat extract, ketchup, jar spices and worcestershire sauce.

Oh potajoe skins are good too.

It's regular joe with the recipe for potato skin stuffed in large potatoes.

>toast sandwich
>originated in the UK

checks ok to me, only a european can be so retarded as to give it a name and call it a recipe

So, like said, it's ragout?

No.. ragout is like pulled pork sandwiches. Sloppy Joes aren't the same.

>be (you)
>eating ragout in 1927 decades before this recipe ever existed

Neck yourself.

Sloppy Joe meat is nothing like ragu, it's more like a thicker in consistency chili with sauce for flavoring/lubrication

It is not liquid or nor does it qualify as a sauce, despite involving the use of sauce

Ragout and ragu are not the same thing, monganon.

Is Ragnussian, Ragulous and Ragtastic similar? I got this ragulonium in the fridge I don't know what to do with.

> Very loose filling
> Hard bun
> Brown sauce
Do you WANT to look like you shat yourself? Because that's what is going to happen if you bite into that. It's going to fall out and land in your lap.

I cannot fathom who thought it was a good idea to put that in a burger bun. Don't you have pie crusts?

We Americans are adept at eating things with our patented buns.

We hold it, you see, on an even level, flat, steady, do not squeeze it, simply hold it, take a bite, a good strong bite with your teeth, not a gingerly bite that will not pull

I can see how one not used to such devices would assume when you hold it, you hold it with your hands verticle and with it facing down, but this is not how we do things

I have illustrated for you

Also, in American the Hamburger Bun is almost always extremely soft

imagine being this obsessed kek

whatever u wanna call it as long as it doesnt give you heart disease

>Unfunny and a retard.
Wew, lad.

Imagine being this obese kek.

>It's going to fall out and land in your lap.
that's why you have a plate, poorfag

No its usually ketchup, which tastes absolutely nothing like actual tomato sauce fuck you

>It's going to fall out and land in your lap.

That's the whole point, you tard. Why do you think it's called "sloppy joe?" It was a food invented for kids to have fun with and get messy while mom looked on with her head cocked to one side and a whimsical, exasperated smile on her face. Haven't you ever seen a 1960's commercial?