How do you use this stuff?
Chili Paste
I usually throw it in when sautéing my onions.
use as you would hot sauce.
slap it in a stirfry
Anything wet that requires garlic or heat
Do you add it raw or saute it a little?
Any stir fry or fried rice.
I think it's required for bibimbap, which is p. easy
pretty much any asian recipe you can think of
Fried chicken
Dipping sauce or stir fry.
Spicy chili crisp seems more versatile of a condiment though.
stirfry but what I really like to do is spread it on a triscuit with gouda and a sprinkling of oregano or thyme, mmmm.
i add it to the meat around 30s before the vegies, also wok with the heat of 1000 suns
> p. easy
Do you not know how to spell "pretty" ?
I dump a bunch of chili garlic sauce in tuna.
I use it for chicken wing sauce with a bit of honey
it's great with spring rolls
Make sweet chili sauce
Add one generous teaspoon of it into a stew.
One or two if it's a big ol' pot of chili that you're cooking.
>spelling whole words
p gay tbqh
In soup
>avoiding the wordfilter
baka senpai desu
you can also place some under your foreskin for a spicy fap.
Almost doesn't need hands