
I know many people like gyoza or dumpling like in this pic because they have thing, noodle like skins, but I atually like the thick chewy version of dumplings.

What say you?

Best dumplings I ever had were Mandu bigger than my fucking fist in a little shop in Seoul. They gave you scissors to cut the bastards in half because otherwise you couldnt pick them up

what the fuck is up with South Koreans and scissors. I swear, I've eaten so many noodle soups at Korean restaurants where they give you metal scissors to cut a bundle of noodles in half just so you can eat them. Why not just make small noodles?

that's not a 'go 'za

portion control because they usually grab some onto a smaller plate and eat off of that before grabbing more.

I also like them thicker

i say that i am happy that you like what you like and you are entitled to your opinion in this regard.

have a nice day, user! :)

My two favorites are Szechuan style dumplings (sort of like in your pic but with thinner skins and covered in hot oil and scallions) and finger dumplings (narrow, fried ones).

Look, you're asking about a nation where they believe that if they leave a fan on in their room, they'll die. You can't expect rationality out of these people. Can you imagine a Korean in space, on the ISS, eating massive amounts of kimchi and gassing everyone else into asphyxiation? Then he refuses to turn on a fan while he's asleep, so a CO2 bubble builds up around his head and he asphyxiates, all because he's terrified of fan death if he leaves it on? They'd probably have to install an intermittent fan control just for him. This is why there are no Korean astronauts any more.

not extra thicc for me. then again, i'm a wonton guy.

hmmm, yeah i hear ya

Does anyone have a good recipe for thick skin dumplings? I'll pay you in memes

Fuck if I know, but it all comes out delicious.

Nobody outside of country bumpkins believe the fan thing.
They do buy into hangover cure pills and bizarre cosmetic things though.

Gyoza normally have thicker skins than soup dumplings.

You should try Nepalese dumplings they're called momos ,it's all the rage here in Delhi

>make small noodles

Rooskies have the best. Pelmeni are the bomb!

>because they have thing

Sheep pelmeni with a sourcream-garlic sauce , and sprinkled with chopped parsley are GOAT.

I'd substitute the garlic part with dill and you have a winner. I remember when my grandmother used to make those for the whole family - shitloads of pelmeni was made and then destroyed in a MINUTE because of how delicious the are.

Same here. But the garlic sauce is traditional in my country.I can't even concievge eating pelmeni without it.

Did you also have the huge metal scary looking pelmeni making thing? It certainly saved time when making them.

No. They were made by hand.

Oh man. I can't imagine doing that shit by hand. There were six of us and everyone ate like thirty dumplings. If doing that shit by hand would be a feat of immense dedication.

My grandma would roll a big, thin sheet of dough and she would press the mouth of a cup against the dough, making small circles.it was quite fast.

Where are you from?

>Jiaozi (饺子)
Originates in China, every region has a different style, thin skin, filled with whatever.
>Gyoza (餃子)
Japanese varient of Jiaozi, thin skin, usually filled with beef.
Originates in Italy, has thick skin and is usually filled with potatoes, completely unrelated to Jiaozi.

it's okay user, nobody fears the fans nowadays since they have timers on them, it will turn off so that their bedtimes are no longer threatened.

Thanks for this. I've always been confused over what the difference between them was.

actually jiaozi have a much thicker skin than gyoza or the se asia style dumplings.
a good homemade jioazi is quite massive, more similar to a pierogi than other asian dumplings

That would work, but size would be off.Those would be considered varenniki. Or whatever the fuck you call it.
I am from Lithuania.

Xiaolongbao dumplings >*

but he lies

FYI, notice that the spelling for Gyoza (餃子) is pronounce from ancient Chinese.

Jiaozi (饺子) is the modern Chinese pronunciation after thousand years of linguistic evolution.

The japs were ripping off stuff when it was popular in ancient china.

Hangover pills tickle me to no end

>take this pill with a gallon of water and you will be cured

dude, momo's have been popular in india for decades...

no, they dont'

Sichaun dumplings are best dumplings. (and they're the soft chewy kind, covered in hot oil, sichuan peppercorn, and scallions).

Sichuan dumplings are my favorite too. Pic related are the best I've ever had

There's an okay idea behind them, in that we know alcohol drains your body heavily of water, B6, and B12, which is why everybody eats eggs bacon and toast as a hangover food usually. Lots of B6 and B12 in there.

I'm convinced hangover cures exist, but they're too dependent on your own body chemistry. Personally two eggs and a redbull fixes me right up no matter what.

What's that stew in the top right? It looks like it should blow the top of your head off.

That was sichuan boiled fish. A sichuan staple. This place makes it better than anywhere else I've had it