I hurt myself today

I hurt myself today

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>inb4 gmo hype and natural selection debates

rob schneider

da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb

i want some sunflower seeds now
i don't really like them but i bet if i had them right now i'd like them

99% of anything, flora or fauna has gone extinct on Earth. What's the big deal?

That happened over millions of years, not 80

We're all gonna get raptured soon anyway right? nothing matter anyway of course... your position on any matter can make sense when nothing matter right?

seriously, kys

I tip my fedora to you good sir.

>Asians have no souls so we cannot go to Heaven nor Hell

You mean YOU'RE going to get raptured soon.

the two are mutually exclusive

>people stopped using defective/ less efficient seeds
Consequence of wealth and development

Billions, factually.

Very few species have proliferated through time. Humans are no exception to this rule, unless we colonize space.

The Rapture is no more or less believable than Yakub, Moses or Xenu.

yes but how much of that is cultivars of species we're preserving forever?


Doesn't understand what the rapture is.

What a worthless post.

just to see if I could feel

And yet, 99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct and humans did nothing to cause it.

> muh fedora meme
Come up with something new to fight arguments

pls see:

>That happened over millions of years, not 80

Already responded to that retardation.

No, but unless we change our ways we'll join them. Rapture, as other anons said? The sad kind of delusion that keeps propelling us to extinction.

Responded with a bunch of words that meant literally nothing

Moses is pretty believable, though.

vegans explain yoourselves right now!!!!!!!

>factual history means nothing

Cool. Here's some science that illustrates how retarded you are.


How environmentally conscious do you think the dinosaurs were? Do you think dinosaur scientists created a mega-magnet to attract an asteroid so it wiped them all out? Suicidal dinosaur scientists?

If so, me too.

Moses, like Muhammad, was a warlord...painted in more palatable way to push a backwards penis chopping ideology.

Right but did it actually add anything or refute the fact that it's billions of years vs. 80?
You simply reinforced my point and then reinforced the other anons point about how dumb your initial post was.

Also that's a freak occurrence. The only freak occurrence currently happening is the overpopulation of the earth

The fallout from that ELE that wiped out thr dinosaurs, also took out 99% of vegetation with it. Can't have photosynthesis without sunlight.

Now, in calmer terms...explain to me why you're still responding.

>every 26 millions years is a freak occurrence

It's going to happen many, MANY more times.

>it took 80 million years for dinosaurs to die without food or potable water

Truly brilliant these reptillian scientists were. Food that lasts forever.


I'm not sure because you're not even arguing. Just throwing out useless facts that don't really refute anything from the article.
Yes, but it hasn't happened in the last 80 years has It?

>dinosaurs lived longer than 80 years

Again, let's stop pretending and stay within the realm of reality. Everything rapidly died because of this ELE. The planet was also significantly hotter, and atmosphere full of GHGs. That's very far off topic though.

All these plant species have died because that's natures will. Neither you or I possess the ability to alter the environment outside of temporary cosmetic changes.

No I think it's extremely possible to alter the environment through mass pollution

Better start yelling at China then. The western world is not at fault there.

Guaranteed, everytime humans fuck with the environment, unpredictable negative results occur. We do not have the capacity to predict outcomes from drastic modification of fundamental elements of the environment. That's why we're dealing with global warming and a planet that is becoming more poisoned even as I tap my phone. Just who do you think will escape to your Eden in outer space in 50 years? It won't be you. It will be the fuckwads that raped the earth at your expense.

>humans can't into long term sustainability
>but they will when they go to outer space in the future


The earth's ecosystem is far more stronger than human influence. Mass extinction events are common.

Nothing 20,000 years of vegetation can't completely erase. Did humans melt the last mass glaciation of Earth? The answer is "no".

We don't have the capacity to change or control the environment though, if YOU have technology capable of this, don't let any military people know. Weaponized weather machines would be detrimental.

Imagine that. Sandstorm people to death