Tastes delicious

>tastes delicious
>goes perfect with smoothies
>low calorie
>cheap in the summer
>doubles as a drink too

Name a more based fruit

You literally cant

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umm watermelon is a vegetable dumbass

grapes basically do the same thing

Sometimes I think I'm a transnigger. I love fried chicken, watermelon and grape soda, but I see black people once or twice a year so it can't be their influence.

None of those 3 things were invented by, cultivated by or consumed by Sub-Saharan Africans until they were domesticated and brought to the new world. The scots invented fried chicken, grapes are indigenous to Europe and Watermelons are indigenous to the Middle East (Egypt), which despite the clawing and reaching of the Nation Of Islam, was not populated by Sub-Saharan Africans, but Mediterranean people(s).

It seems to me that you missed my point or you're just autistic.


You associated 3 non-black things with being black. Ironic you'd call me autistic when your depth of knowledge in Sub-Saharan African cuisine is as deep as a meme or facebook post. How awful.

not grown on a tree = vegetable

Why do melons have to be so hard to incorporate into recipes? I want to bake some watermelon cake or muffins with the real thing, not jello.

Double retard.

for me it's the durian

Probably because they are too watery. I think if you seriously want to try to make watermelon muffins, cake or pie you need to reduce it on low heat into a kind of thick jam or puree. That would probably work.

Juicy, more flavor, and a much MUCH better texture

So, what does i actually smell like? Im going to Malaysia this year and i don't want to vomit if i try it

I tried one recently, it smelled like piss and tasted like rancid garlic and cloyingly sweet brown sugar.

blue raspberry

>niggers liking chicken/watermelon/grape soda is just a facebook meme

eurofag spotted.

>>tastes delicious
That's where you're wrong.


Show me a fucking white in the south that doesn't like fried chicken and watermelon. Also, I live in the south and have heard every stereotype there is about nignogs but I've never heard grape soda.

That is because they would never call it grape soda. Ask a nog about purple drank.

>I live in the south and have heard every stereotype there is about nignogs but I've never heard grape soda.

that's because you're a sheltered fucking suburban white faggot poser who needs to stfu pefore he gets punched by some real niggers.

bet on that. one day, you're going to be "protecting the blacks" with your typical ignorance and get punched right in the fucking face.

fucking fool.

>indicates whites are just as likely to like fried chicken and watermelon
>indicates he's never heard of another unfounded stereotype although he's heard all of them
>You're just a whiteboi suburbanite, sjw, antifa, nignog loving, anti-white, race mixing cuck who will be violated by nignogs one day.


>full of seeds
>texture of mushy bananas mixed with sandpaper

It's not even the best melon.

NYer actually.

I like dealing with facts though. None of those food items were ever associated with blacks until 19th century Americana.

No luxury items would ever be associated with the descendents of farm equipment.

The left's obsession with negro spunk is palpable.

They cost more and have more calories

Purple drank = lean.

It's made with sprite as it's main ingredient.

Nah, purple drink may now be associated with lean but had always been to do with grape soda. There's a relevant segment of a Dave Chappelle stand up special in which he comments on the difference between whites and blacks, who respectively have 'juice' and 'drink'- meaning grape soda, not lean.

>citing a hypocritical black muslims who unironically believes a man named Yakub created all other races as a science experiments, TRILLIONS of years ago, as factual evidence that "drank" refers to carbonated beverages.

The "drink" he's speaking about is bugjuice, not bummies: aka "generic soda". Purple drank = lean.

nigger food

I fully agree on flavor and texture. I still like a water melon on a hot summer day, it's simply more refreshing.

I lived with a nog who used to walk to the KFC/Popeyes during it's closing time so he could dig the trashed chicken out of the dumpster.

I think Dave is regular Muslim

black user here.

watermelon is literally one of (if not the) worst fruit out there.

it's 99% water
1% fruit

also grape drink is too sugary and syrupy for me.

plus all i drink is water and coffee

>clearly seeds inside

This. How can you call him autistic after making that post?


They're all radical and retarded. Why else would they all think a pedophile warlord is the epitome of perfection and compassion?

>lived with black people

How awful

>dumpster dove for food

Out of poverty. Yes.

So you both shared the same tent under an overpass?

Brokeback'd each other guaranteed.


Claiming that watermelon has nothing to do with southern blacks because the watermelon is not indigenous to America is like claiming potatoes have nothing to do with Ireland.

No, I said that because as the descendents of farm equipment, luxuries like melons, apples and peaches, pecans etc etc etc would not be a regular part of their diet. To add, Britain introduced potatoes to Ireland, and overfarmed them to the point of soil decomposition and subsequent famine. The Irish eat potatoes NOW because throughout history they were NOT allowed to.

Understand what I'm saying?


my african american studies professor a couple years ago said that slaves were often given very small plots of land to farm for themselves and that watermelon was common

They're a luxury item, from Saharan Africa (blacks don't live there and never have.) and historically has no association with blacks outside of American slavery and stereotype. Don't associate luxury items with farm equipment ever again.

>African American Studies

Glad you put that 6figure loan to good use senpai.

You know we can import crops and grow them in the states? We've been doing it for hundreds of years now.

What your saying still implies a cultural connection, today, between black people and watermelons. The only point of contention is history.

What does that have to do with Massa not letting dem nyaggas eat melons? Black people enjoy black and milds as well, doesn't mean they invented the cigar.

None of the 3 mentioned items are African in origin. I think of India or North Africa (not black) when I think of watermelons desu senpai.

Black and milds aren't cigars

>dat fancy tip to make them feel special and worth a shit :^)

The box SAYS they're cigars.

>thread about tasty fruit
>5 posts until stormfag bullshit

Pipe tobacco =/= cigar tobacco

I've never been to stormfront. Like I said, I stick within the realm of reality. Now call me a Nazi (which haven't existed since the National Socialist Party was disbanded in 1945 btw...) so we can boil down to the fact you have no argument and can't refute what I've said.

It says "cigar" right on the box. Friendo.

Yes and Kraft singles say cheese on the package.

>The Irish eat potatoes NOW because throughout history they were NOT allowed to.

Then explain why the blight caused 1,000,000 deaths from famine and forced a mass migration to the US. In point of fact, the Irish peasant grew the potato as their primary food source because they are nutritious, store well and an enormous quantity can be harvested from a very small plot of land. The British landlords were growing wheat, beef and sheep, among other foodstuffs, but not potatoes.

Kraft singles are in fact cheese though, of course this has something, ANYTHING to do with what we're talking about though.

I just did. English landlords forced their peasants to grow so many potatoes that soil erosion, deterioration and nutrient deficiencies caused the blight to flourish. If proper crop rotation was used, blight famine would have never happened.

obvious stormfag

>i have nothing else to say

No kidding...

A fruit that has the smell and texture and appearance of shit.

Black and milds are filled with pipe tobacco, though you're right the definitions are skewed as fuck because of taxation and copyright shit. People call cigarette tobacco (recon, paper, 10% tobacco) pipe tobacco. This is also because bugler literally copyrighted the term "cigarette tobacco" like cocksuckers. Cigars barely have a definition. Pipe tobacco should be 100% pure, moist and stored in jars in a qualified shop, not sold dry in bags that taste like poison.
The whole thing is fucked up and I barely understand it. Black and milds have black and gold Cavendish though, which is actual pipe tobacco, so they're called pipe tobacco cigars.

your kind are the new gaiafags, get used to it



It says "cigar" right on the box.

Disprove what I've stated. Please/thank you.

watermellons are actually peops

due to the thick rind

Yup it's a cigar. What the fuck did you want to hear from me, faggot?
It's a fucking cigar made out of black and gold cav, which is pipe tobacco.

Fuck your retard argument. This is a waste of time.

watermelon is not helpful as a drink as its a diuretic.

>waste of time

Yet you NEED to be "right" despite the fact you're wrong. Keep posting though, maybe that'll magically transform agricultural history and make Watermelons grow in Sub-Saharan Africa pre-colonial slavery.

No other fruit can compete.

Pineapple juice is delicious but actual pineapple hurts my mouth, and the texture is kinda weird

Get a fucking awesome plant.
Get some fucking awesome fruit.
There is nothing wrong with an unrotted pineapple.

Eastern yuro OP user here, sorry I caused this shitstorm.

You should definetly go get diagnosed. This is textbook autism.

>pineapple hurts my mouth

This is not the pineapples fault. This is your fault.

Pineapple is the fucking most perfect fruit in the world. I'm sorry you can't handle it.

They were growing the potatoes on the small amount of land alloted for personal use, not as a cash crop for the landlord. Their allotment wasn't large enough to practice crop rotation which I agree might have prevented blight. But that wasn't feasible. The peasant lived off the potato because it was nutritionally the biggest bang for the buck given the small growing area.

Not an argument, or refuting the stated fact.
Ireland is an island surrounded by TRILLIONS of dollars worth of fish. Lush fertile soil and rolling green pastures perfect for raising livestock. Have you ever been to Ireland? It hardly ever snows and really isn't that cold compared to a lot of Europe and even America. Peasantry and poverty only happened after British conquer, under viking rule the Irish thrived, even participated in raids against Britain. Ultimately that's why England desired Ireland, for abetting Viking slavers/conquerors.

That being said, Ireland was used as one gigantic farmlands populated by "sub humans" as the Irish picked up A LOT of paganistic traits from their Viking occupiers.

problem with watermelons is you can't actually cook them, I don't know any recipe that calls for watermelon, like you can cook apples into pies or whatever, lemon juice, orange zest, what do watermelons have?

>not cultivated or consumed by black people
>the Middle East (Egypt)

Sounds delicious...

Sand niggers aren't the same as niggers.

That or dehydrate them - which would significantly reduce the volume

Purple Drank is now actually an anti-energy beverage sold in a can.

Not a joke.

if you are eating one that's the texture of mushy bananas then your problem isn't that you don't like watermelon but rather that you apparently haven't had a good one. Have you ever had a good one, fresh cut (not those pre-packaged grocery store monstrosities) and I guess maybe seedless if the seeds bother you too much?


But that 1% fruit is delicious and packed with vitamins and minerals. The 99% water is refreshing and watermelon-flavored, making it delicious also.

>most fruits & veggies are 90%+ water anyway

Show me any human being who lives anywhere who doesn't like fried chicken and watermelon.

** Idaho

Whatever they are they smelll nice, but how'd we get on cigars/not cigars from watermelon?

it's the bromela...something enzymes and the acids

lol OP... this is Veeky Forums afterall. I'm surprised ANYONE is still talking on subject.

Nigger here. I would hit him.

I also don't like watermelon. Fried chicken and koolaid is fucking ace though.