Discuss the jelly bean.
Discuss the jelly bean
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anything other than jelly belly is shit
shit taste, user. i hope you get earwax instead of cinnamon
Do jelly beans belong in chili?
only certain flavors of jelly bean
literally every other brand of jelly beans is a bunch of different color beans with the same exact taste.
i will not deny the part about flavor but the texture is where they all vary. jelly belly is shit because theyre all tiny and have no resistance when biting into them. a good jelly bean has an outer shell to crack into and get that jelly goodness
I actually really like the licorice flavored jelly beans and I feel like I'm weird for it
the black ones are the best oens
Me too except I'm not an insecure faggot who thinks about people judging me for my jelly bean preferences
There is only one acceptable jelly bean flavor
And that flavor is Key Lime
the blue ones
Goes well with a fine milksteak boiled over hard
Get the fuck outta here with your weak ass shit.
god tier jelly beans comin thru
>lol we have bad flavors ON PURPOSE ;^)
give me all the black ones
Jelly Belly only good beans 2bqh.
>cappuccino, pear, pineapple, margarita,
i know this is a bait post but please do not joke like that ever again. i almost puked
Pupcorn is best flavor
Cappuccino, banana, coconut, and strawberry cheesecake are the best flavors.
Sure thing Germany
I'll take the white ones
Jelly Belly is ridiculously better than the others.
Jelly bean factory fucking sucks
You all suck.
my fucking NJGGGEERR
THE jelly bean? Which one? I like Cherry and Black Licorice.
Fuck the jelly bean.
Sausage, tabasco and chili mango
this guy gets it
Pardon me, superior jelly beans coming through
Oh man I remember having these when I was a kid, they were delicious. My mom used to buy my brother a pack like everyday because he wouldn't eat normal food she cooked for him.
He's diabetic now