" Hey man let me just grab a tendie!"

" Hey man let me just grab a tendie!"

Get your hands off my tendie desu!



>he double dips and contaminates other sauces with the sauce from the first dip

I don't care how fucking autistic I am, i'd be fucking pissed if someone grabbed a chicken finger form me, shits alot of food

I'm a gourmet chef at a 5 star restaurant in NYC, but I have to admit, Ketchup is my guilty pleasure.

>not keeping backup tendies in your pockets

this. step up senpai

I hate the passive aggressive victimhood of urban jabber.

"Let me" as if you're actively denying him something he has and is entitled to but for your selfish withholding, when in fact he's demanding something of yours.

"Just" as if 1 of your 5ish tendies is any small allowance.

Christ, moochers of all races and classes are the worst of all humans.

I fully agree with this unironically, it pisses me off, even if it's just fries. lord have mercy if it was every tendies.

"I'm going to do" pisses me off the most.

>Yo Imma do a #5 with extra sauce.

Screw you and your diesel engines

Would "may i please have a whole tender please" be fine


mmm yaa boipucci is epic..

mm sweet boipucci uma delicia mmm...

*fap fap fap*

>roommate will never ask for food
>they'll just hang around you like a fly
>talking about your food.
>talking about how it looks good
>how they wish they had that

God forbid it's within arms reach
>hey user I looked at your pizza and they put the pepperoni all on one side so I moved the pieces around for you!

jesus id rather they took a damn piece on their own at that fucking point

He doesn't have enough good boy points to get any of MY tendies!

>just gonna grab a tendie real quick bro

Why the fuck did this post get removed.
What kind of draconian mods does this board have?

I'll actually fucking kill you I plan all my portions in advance so I know the exact number of calories DON'T FUCK WITH IT

Shits vile, it's like having a dog except it's a grown adult ...acting like a dog

Why is that guy dipping the tendie at such an alarming speed

he's taking *your* tendie at an alarming speed

actually "can I have a tendie as well?" is enough

>I hate the passive aggressive victimhood of urban jabber.
>"Let me" as if you're actively denying him something he has and is entitled to but for your selfish withholding, when in fact he's demanding something of yours.

As a black guy, I'm entitled to your tendies or else you're a fucking racist. Not even kidding.

It works every time. kek

They should have removed more and perma-banned you, faggot. Nobody likes your shitposting but you.

>Implying white people are friends with you

>It works every time

let me guess, you live in california and just blatantly take advantage of the dumb white liberals, don't you? you can admit it.

kek, I'd probably do the same.

>talking about how it looks good
>how they wish they had that
I hope you reply with "I bet you do" while you continue eating.


>works every time

Maybe in some parts of the country, but not down here in the south. We'd say, "yeah, I don't like nignogs, what about it, nignog?" ("Nignog" substituted for "nigger" due to unpredictability of it's permissable usage here).

"Guess I'm racist then. Get your own food you damn dirty ape."