What kind of food do nips like?

Aside from Japanese of course.

I'm putting together a little dinner next weekend and I want to impress. I know that they fetishize French cooking but from what I've heard it's not even remotely authentic. I'm comfortable cooking Spanish and Italian cuisine, but I'm afraid of using heavy meats like guanciale or rich cheeses and spices.

Any suggestions Veeky Forums?

A) Nips is a slur for japs
B) Asians like asian food, you doofus

they like tentacles and used schoolgirl panties

As a white guy who dates almost exclusivley asian women:

1. Do not cook asian, she's had better and you'll fuck up

2. Make soup, even if it is just a first course, asian cultures eat a lot of soup. just remember item #1

3. Avoid heavy starches or too much meat if you want to get laid. Nobody gets sexy after being too full.

Stick to chicken instead of beef

damn OP, is that your wife?
living the dream

do not thicken the soup

western soup is considered as gravy to asians

no one likes drinking a bowl gravy

>calls japanese people nips
>name drops some bullshit italian meme meat
Go back to /pol/

I've literally never posted on /pol/. Stop projecting

Is it okay if it's in a rich tomato sauce like cacciatore?

they like whale for food they hunt it for thier culture

>those weebs who get personally offended on behalf of Japs

You guys are insufferable. Nips is short for Nippon, and only as offense as you allow it to be.

You're calling other people weebs but you're defending the word nips by saying it's short for Nippon? HURRR


they sure love vienna sausages

Knowing what a word means doesn't make me a weeb. Being offended for another group of people is just retarded, and weeaboos can be the only explanation.

Make italian style seafood. It is not something they get in Japan at all, even though pretty much every japanese likes seafood / shellfish. Even simple like linguine with a white wine clam sauce will be great. Most Japanese like heavy flavors (see curry) but native ingredients / styles just dont use em. As per above, dont make anything too heavy for a date.

p.s. japanese are suckers for anything thats only available for a limited time (seasonal even)


only weebs know japanese.

They love cheeseburgers because they get embarrassed about everyone thinking they only eat sushi

Take them to McDonald's and do the thing where you fill the entire table with fries.

This sounds like the only intelligent suggestion itt, although the cream sauce might be a bit heavy. I think I would do a cioppino, clams in a tomato sauce with tagliatelle or even a chicken cacciatore using tagliatelle (big bonus if homemade noodles) as you mentioned.

That's a porn star

>That's a porn star
Doesn't mean it can't still be his wife.

Explain further

anri okita

>japs coming over
>they love seafood
>you're comfortable cooking spanish and italian

sounds like a good opportunity to make a paella bruh

This. Hasn't OP heard of tentacuri-no-pantiyu? Season with ground anime to taste.

Thank you my dude

>As a white guy who dates almost exclusivley asian women
>As a beta





We should of cooked them all in atomic fireballs.

nips SUCK at making pizza. All over japan, kyoto to hokido, not a good pizza joint around.

They can't handle spicy foods well. They also like having a variety of small dishes usually, something warm and juicy, something cold and gooey, something hot and liquid.

Am I the only one who actually wants to try frying cotton?

do tarako spaghetti or a cream sauce with uni and ikura

They like everything you can eat comfortably with chopsticks and then dip into soy sauce. That's what I have deduced from watching anime.

Make spaghetti allo scoglio. As pointed out in other posts, Japanese people love seafood.
If possible, try to use locally caught clams & shrimp.

No, they like shit like omurice, karē, tonkatsu, ramen, udon, and miso with tsukemono.

Most gooks are obsessed with western culture. Just give them good old burger and fries.

Stick with Italian food; besides togarashi Japanese people can't deal with anything spicy. Even the stereotypical "white people spicy" is unbearable to most Japanese people I've eaten with.

A++ hilarious post.
Jap is actually historically derogatory. Nip is flanderized internet speak and has no connotation except on that of the speaker.

Mapo tofu

You do know what Nippon is then don't you?

Thirding these posts, for a different reason: it would be exotic to her
She retired Senpai. Life is miserable and cold now

wow she fried some meat and put it on a plate next to boiled vegetables

amazing #wifeymaterial #girlsthatcancook #girlpower

Don't you dare speak ill of Anri Okita you cultureless churl.


Weebs, user.
Dirty fucking weebs.


>wow she fried some meat and put it on a plate next to boiled vegetables

Thats about 1000x more than a spoiled white girl princess is capable of.

I've never met a millenial white girl who could even cook eggs without fucking it up.

White girls are fucking useless. Shitty cooks & shitty mothers.

Superior asians are where its at.


Get out

>I've never met a millenial white girl who could even cook eggs without fucking it up.
>White girls are fucking useless.

white women are good for jizz buckets, thats about it.

If you want to have a happy life, DO NOT marry a fucking spoiled white cunt princess.

My impression of a white girl

> "me me me me me me 'you suck' me me me me me ' oppression ' me me me me me me 'privelige' me me me me me "

ITT: Beta white cucks who get denied by white women and developed an ethnic fetish and half breed Americans who will always be denied by white women

Pic related

japan exists outside anime

kek ,japs are the aryans of the east though ,but i have to say westernized asians are the absolute worst


Nip is offensive???? Why are westerners so fucking cucked ,i would not even be mad if they genocide every nonwhite
t. taiwanese


have fun getting blacked

Americans are just faggots about it. You can't even say "jap", you have to say the whole thing. Japanese.
Cant call black people black either, or refer to beaners as "mexicans", gotta call them "latino".
Of course if you're not white you can say whatever the fuck you want, but god forbid you use anything but the most polite language as a whitey

I'm not getting offended on behalf of anybody, but OP asked what food nips liked and then excluded nips from the category.

>Nip is flanderized internet speak and has no connotation except on that of the speaker.
Try referring to a nip as a nip offline and see how fast you get disgusted reactions

> ITT: Insecure, privileged, white girl princesses facing a rude awakening that they are not as special as they think they are.


White girls are still in denial about their new position on the bottom of the food chain.

Men want women with home skills and can make good mothers, and modern white women suck at the bottom of the list now.

Deal with it. kek