First time cooking for myself, how did i do?

first time cooking for myself, how did i do?
tips appreciated

eggs are for peasants

Not great. I would give you a 2 but I'll +1 you up to a 3/10 for effort and trying to cook. Keep at it.

burnt and wrinkly
i'd eat though eggs are good no matter what

Eggs are burnt

First time ever?

In that case 7/10 it looks edible.

Looks like something a high school drop out would cook.

how do i get them unburnt?

Did you use a syringe to inject hot sauce into the yolk before you cooked the eggs? I did and I made a thread about it. It's the newest Veeky Forums approved way to cook eggs

Flip them earlier. Medium high heat. I flip mine as soon as I can easily get the spatula underneath it without anything breaking or leaking

go to bed mina

spatulas are too heavy for me as i am a 5'2 94 pound korean girl, any other ideas?

Wood spatula

>any other ideas?
Be my gf, and I'll cook for you.

You forgot to open your soda pop

protein detangler

Have oppa hold it for you nida~

>Spatulas are too heavy for me

How the fuck do you move the pan to the stovetop then?

stop bullying her

she dropped out at middle school level

>Big wave


this girl made those eggs, don't they look delicious now?

No, gooks are fucking disgusting.

that was just plain rude

If they were edible, didn't make you sick, and weren't revolting - you did well for your first time. I used to cook everything on high - if you did that, learn how to use "medium" and learn what it means to "not crowd the pan".

am I cute like japanese girl nida~?
oppa when are you going to pay for my plastic surgery nida I'm running out of ways to hide my massive jaw nida~

post tits or gtfo corean this isn't /soc/

Get a lighter spatula

she's full on natural since she was a baby

did you put butter down on the pan? or no stick spray of some kind? looks like you didn't desu

just 1/4 a cup of water


i dont even

Maybe you should refrain from making posts as low quality as , then?

so you wouldn't eat those eggs if that qt offered them to you?

get some toast
also GOD tier beer

glue them to your chest and pretend to be a little girl with big nipples. then stick the opened beer bottle up your ass and tilt your ass so its pointing the bottle upside down.

eggs are for pheasants
fixed that for you

your a girl? and thats your best efffort at eggs? are you SURE you arent a boy in a girls body? thats really sad.

did a cute girl make those eggs?

Couple sodie pops?

They look meh, but I'd gladly help her with them and cook for her when needed.

When you posted this yesterday it inspired me to show you what proper eggs and liquor looks like.

are you homeless?

Your only "claim to fame"

You are baiting and probably found this image somewhere nobody can flip flat eggs their first time cooking they always end up scrambled.

Other than that throw some pepper on those no salt some bread and butter and your golden.A bit runny for some but i aint a pussy.

>no salt

don't look mina!
its not safe thread

its a mean thread

Are you guys seeing this?

Be nice to Momo, she might have brain damage from an incident when she was a child.

heat too high

she should see so she can improve



I'll have to try this sometime

Pretty sure you fry the rice then fry the carrots.

literally impossible unless your spatula is made of lead and really thicc

Asians>indians>black >mestizos >white women

tiny malnourished girls are easy to break

she could have literally chopped up the cutting board and fried that and i'd eat it shes so adorable


fucking pussies, go kill yourselves

post your qt korean feets

>choking down ruined food makes you a real man

No, that just makes you a poorfag who's settled on shit.

how are they?

Nayeon is best Twice girl

bunny stew

>not appreciating brown lace

this is why ISIS is winning, stupid fucks like you ruining everything

Please post more.

That looks bloody delicious. What're the sauces you used on that egg?

looks like mayo

what are some good idol cooks Veeky Forums kpg?

nigga is that kimchi?

choa, she got into the playoffs of that idol cooking show

too bad she isn't an idol anymore because of the pregnancy

the only thing in the oven is bread

Toasted seeded whatever bread on the bottom.

From South clockwise:

>sunny egg cooked with s&p, finished with kewpie, bulldog, 7 spice
>plain jane cucumber
>kimchi - store bought at the korean grocery store
>'speragus left over and taken home from the parent's house from mother's day
>cottage cheese (with 7 spice)
>the last of an 8th wheel of truffled gouda

The liquor is Seagram's vodka out of a Korean baby sippy cup.

>tfw too elite to post in the /alck/ general

lower heat, also did you flip them or steam the top? Serve them on toast next time.

i turned the heat high and didn't flip it because i didn't want to burn the yolk

you did it wrong
medium heat
add salt and pepper while cooking

lrn2flip eggs, if you can't flip an egg you will never be comfortable cooking in a pan

i don't need to learn how to cook, i can play the bass

then don't ask for tips bitch

asshole go fuck your shitty eggs

stay mad cunt

she is cute

Not putting the lid on early so the egg cooks more evenly then flip it after..