hey Veeky Forums
this is my kitchen for 3 months
hey Veeky Forums
this is my kitchen for 3 months
Every post deserves a reply.
It could be worse, user. Get good
the dishwasher is triggering
why would you want that in a kitchen so small over additional cupboard space or an oven??
it's my toaster oven and skillet, i think i can make this work
it is an extended stay hotel. they will give you cups and plates which would then need to be washed. i assume most people wouldn't bring their own.
i did my first bit of grocery shopping
I've seen worse. You don't have much bench space or a real oven but it looks pretty clean and you have a dishwasher.
I'd give it a 4.5/10
i will test it out with breakfast, an italian sausage
the microwave doesn't spin
i couldn't find the martins brand potato buns at the store, i think these will fall apart
they fell apart
looks like the average kitchen in a gommie block, if whole eastern europe can live like that, so can you
Is that a metaphor for your life op?
it could have turned out worse.
fuck thats sad
How long until the police find your hanging body in this hotel? Keep us updated.
>putting onions in the fridge
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Not gonna make it user...
for some reason i find these little dinky kitchinettes comfy as fugg. makes me want to get a studio apartment and become an alcoholic.
How much does that place cost to live and why are you living there? Looks comfy
$5k/3 months
work is paying for it
i dont think there are such thinks of "extended stay hotels" in my country
what services does this include exactly?
like, do they clean you/change your sheets and stuff like in a regular hotel?if so, seems like a bretty good deal
Shit that's expensive, where the hell is it?
>it could have turned out worse.
I can't imagine how
"hey mom, you and your husband should come visit me in my new place and see what a man I've become"
Just a question out of curiosity but did your wife divorce you?
>2 burners
>toasteroven instead of a real one
>tiny ass microwave
>single sink
>small dishwasher
>literally one cutting board worth of space
3/10, hope you arent sharing with anyone. I could bearly tolerate this alone
I had to stay in one for a month when my lease expired and I couldn't find a new place in time
It's just a hotel room with a kitchenette. Basically an already furnished apartment. You can make it work.
Yes, they still changed the bedding, vacuumed, dusted and all that.
Mine came out to $1000 for the month I was there.
They keep banning dinotendie tripfag whenever he makes a post for some reason, makes me sad.
wait, really? why the fuck would they ban him?
phoenix, az
friends, how should i prepare my chicken thighs?
because the Veeky Forums mod is the biggest faggot on the entire internet
I literally saw someone get banned because they used the phrase "boipussi"
Christ almighty, you must work for a rich company. Pretty sure some apartments offer short-term leases that would probably have been cheaper, but anyway.
Kitchen's small, but at least it's functional and clean.
there is no way you could've made such an accurate post without having been in that same situation.
no fucking way.
>raw onions
But why? Why the fuck wouldn't you fry them?
Raw white onion is a pretty common hotdog topping, though I agree - caramelized > all.
What sort of work do you do user, if you don't mind me asking?
I mean I could understand finely diced raw onion on top of a chilli dog or something
Maybe it's just my preference, but I fucking love fried onions on a hot dog
Is that the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base housing?
This is the most depressing thread I've read in a while.
computer security
Oh god, you need an island, moar counter space!
they should have put in an oven instead of a dishwasher.
who is going to have enough dishes at an motel to warrant a dishwasher?
an oven on the other hand can make frozen pizza and other things.
>Toaster oven
Sucky kitchen but you have all you need friend
This. It's basic but functional.
Lived like that for years during college.
Congrats you've landed yourself on top of a lucrative bubble.
Nigga do you know how fucking badly people would abuse the oven if hotels had ovens? the worst shit some dude can do with a dishwasher is wash clothes and poach salmon.
tell me about it... this is my old kitchen
>Two fridge/freezer combos
but why
the one in the corner is sorta broken so the landlord bought a new fridge.
but the old one stays cold (the condenser lines just ice up or something) so we keep it in the corner and use it like normal.
I somehow doubt he's going to be cooking all day and """""entertaining""""" like all those pretentious bitches on househunters claim to do. It's a perfectly fine kitchen for a 3 month stay.
Are you a Nigger?
That looks /comfy/
why don't they take the plates away and wash them in an industrial dishwasher instead of installing individual dishwashers in every room?
ayyy, my first job in the field starts next week
no sir
sounds kinda hard logistically. you have to borrow cups and stuff from the front desk if you don't bring your own. they would need to return the same number of cups / dishes / whatever... i'm sure it could be handled better. i haven't had housekeeping come in yet but maybe the housekeeping will just put my dishes in the dishwasher and run them for me. maybe even put them away. i don't really know, i only checked out 3 cups.
i hope you don't suck
time for round 2 of italian sausage maybe this will come out better
i fried the onions like you asked
Looks like something I would make. Greasy, delicious, and a little careless. 10/10