Post gourmet food from your country

Post gourmet food from your country

Ill start



Wow, that looks amazing, I'd pay about $2 for one! As long as it went to the local surf life saving club!


Is that fucking krakowska?

How would your stomach not hurt after eating so much fried food, yeesh

>being a stomachlet




t. Bulgarian

Looks like someone with a nosebleed sneezed on it


there is something very polish about this pic

How Russian/Polish/Bulgarian/Ukrainian/Romanian, etc are you OP?

that has to be Australian. Also NZ is just a state of AUS with a better fiat.


Shit looks yummy

Rate please

best in thread

if that's worcestershire sauce then fuck you

That's gravy.

That is a very tidy looking munchy box.

That's clearly an onion gravy you mole-eyed twunt.

People aren't actually falling for this shit are they? It's 3 fucking items just get and assemble them yourself. Hershey's is shit chocolate anyways

i must agree