Find a flaw.
Pro tip - you can't
Find a flaw
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>steak fries
Britbong pls go.
Looks comfy senpai
Poor chip:beans ratio.
Chicken nuggets are better than fish fingers desu. But really it's all down to what mood you're in.
What are those orange log shaped things in the top left?
Egg looks a bit fucked too
Fish fingers
>steak fries
those are chips m8. you eat steak with skinny fries.
>skinny fries
You mean pommes frites?
looks pretty comfy lad.
Serve it up with crinkle cut chips next time for a five star comfort rating.
Holy shit, that brings back memories of elementary school. I don't think I've seen them irl since then.
>tomato beans on steak fries
disgusting.. who the hell eats eggs with beans anyways?
>no crispy mushrooms
>mushrooms with battered fish
fuck off lad
Those are breaded, stop pretending to be a Brit.
>One egg
>Poor quality processed "fish" product
>Soggy looking chips
>Meagre amount of beans
You are everything wrong with British food.
Baked beans are for mongs and children.
>Soggy looking chips
The look like normal oven chips to me famalam. Where's this sogginess you imagine?
sea tendies
Chips don't look bad. Everything else should hit the bin.
>find a flaw
Nigga, I'm struggling to figure out if any of this went right at all.
2/10 because the "food" made it onto a plate.
I'd eat it
Flaw found: It is not the OP from the other thread on breakfast right now.
It's an evening meal lad. Not comparable
Ugh, I remember being fed this often growing up.
Worst part is I'd still both devour it and enjoy doing it.
lol, steak fries
>ugh I can't believe I experienced something I enjoyed as a kid how TRITE
Britbong who lived in the states here. Literally all British food is absolute dogshit tier. Everything, from restaurants to the supermarket is fucking tasteless. Even seasoned it stays tasteless.
The only things British food does alright is cuts of bacon and sausages, and even then Irish ones are better.
Fuck I hate chips.
I miss actual bastardised Mexican food.
>no buttered white bread to make a fish finger sandwich
Brown, brown, brown, and brown. Get some veggies in that mofo
The beans aren't mixed with cheese.
There's no ketchup on the chips.
The fish fingers aren't crispy enough.
Only 1 egg.
No visible salt and pepper.
>miss even shit tier tex-mex.
I feel for you, bro. When I was stationed in Germany the one thing that drove me fucking batshit was not being able to get Mexican food or a decent Pizza. It was just a periodic craving because I liked German sausages and other dishes. And don't even get me started on Korean versions of american food. Even on base at the snack bar, the fucking gooks that were cooking used ketchup as the sauce, I kid you not. I was over there for 2 years and was dying even for goddamn shit tier US pizza from a chain.
>Only one egg
No spoon to eat beans
Oh, but there is a flaw OP.
Nothing to dip the fries or fish sticks in, besides the egg yolk and there's only 1 egg so it won't last.
All sides, no mains
You're a fucked up human being if you add ketchup to a plate with beans on it, even acknowledging the paltry amount of beans in the OP you're not to be adding ketchup till every trace of them is gone from the plate.
you mop up the sauce with your chips lad
>/thread yourself
wew lad, last time when I checked it was spring
Fucking delicious lad, just needs a bit of 'chup on the side
>all the salty americans in this thread getting rustled
My sides
>he doesn't /thread himself
Low confidence beta detected
Baked beans don't taste like ketchup. Your logic is flawed.
>The city of United States
Beans good. The rest is fried garbage.
No, he doesn't. You noodle armed choir boy.
Theyre right up your alley then.
Fuck off you lying yank twat. Go and inject some hfcs directly into your atrophied dick, not that you could get any use out of it anyway what with it being a dried out husk from childhood mutilation.
Burgerblobs are unimaginably autistic. They sperg the fuck out the second they see something they aren't used to.
>countless "American '''''cuisine'''''" threads
>gets ass ravages when Americans call out Britain for its shitty food
Still mad about the whole "independence" thing, yeah?
Not OP but another Britbong who lives in the US here. He's right and you know it, British food is shit-tier
Replace those shitty fish fingers with some nice sausages, add another egg and some more beans to fix the disproportionate amount of chips, couple of rounds of bread and butter and you have a nice meal.
Plus it needs salt and pepper on the egg, pepper on the beans and salt on the chips.
>British food is shit-tier
American food is clam chowder, fried chicken, Mexican food and Italian food.
Remember next time someone starts talking shit about British food.
Nope, Americans didn't invent barbecue.
this guy knows what's up
>fried chicken
Thats British.
>Americans didn't invent barbecue
Like the rest of our cuisine, we just perfected it.
>Thats British.
Then American food is just clam chowder. No thank you.
>hey want to get something to eat?
>yeah, what do you want?
>maybe some eyetalian or mexican food
>sounds good brah, american food is the greatest
As opposed to tinned beans (canning invented by the French, Heinz invented by an American), back bacon (invented in neolithic times), chips (invented by the belgic), fish fingers (commercialized by Americans and brought back across the atlantic)?
Oh but let me guess, you invented America so all american inventions are yours by default?
>Heinz invented by an American
>"fish" product
it's breaded fish you spacktard.
Your penis was mutilated as a baby, you will never know true sexual fulfilment.
Your shitposts pale in comparison, you are half a man.
Why would you do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?
So British. Why are shart in marts so monumentally stupid?
Looks tasty mate, but those chips don't look like they've got salt and vinegar, fix pls
The absolute state of the clappyfat who made this post. You can feel the angry 14 year old seething behind the keyboard.
Which nation founded the UK and who was their first King?
Scotland is absolutely nothing like England. At all.
When your country is less than 250 years old, you don't have much culture.
They embraced their immigrants culture as their own.
In all fairness, a lot of food in America looks delicious, but unhealthy. I don't like the look of Mexican food, though.
Eating fried chicken and sloppy joes all the time would be boring. That's why they need their mexican/bbq culture.
Viking, Irish or Germanic?
Didn't the Danes completely conquer England, Wales and Scotland except for the Kingdom of Wessex? Hmm... Cnut The Great probably, seeing as England wasn't even unified until 1000 something. 1012?
Leave this thread Sven Ironcock.
None of those founded the UK and none were the first British King, fuck you are dumb.
>let's call mexican/italian food our own, and eat bbq 365 days per year and pretend like it's our food and nobody else knows about it
>oh and we will eat turkey with mayo like it's totally unique
>also let's make scones but call them biscuits, and let's cover it in gravy, but let's make the gravy white instead of brown and make it nothing like gravy
America 1 - 0 World
Seems England was nothing more than leverage a Scandinavian Royal Family used to cuck the Vatican into obsolescence, they DID send proper duty/tithings.
Does the FACT your ancestors were borked and Flæskesteg'd so hard it runs through your veins, and has roots in your DNA?
Why are Bongs so obsessed with penises?
>Why are Bongs so obsessed with penises?
Ask this American why he's obsessed with them.
>Sven Ironcock.
Sure thing, Uhtred the Bold. No horned hats 4u though, your ancestors didn't wear those.
>has no rebuttal
>"haha u mad"
Truly epic.
You're so stupid. How do you function?
A cock is a rooster, which has spurs (gigantic talons on the back of their legs used to kill other cocks) and fights to the death ovet essentially nothing, ie: beserker type animal. Sven Ironcock was an actual person, one of many warlords who laid waste to England and its people.
I function at a level which illustrates I didn't inherit trauma from the CONSTANT RAPING of my ancestors by foreign people(s) and don't need to pick on othet countries and their people because of it. Thanks for the input Bjorn.
God damn you really are a stupid 14 year old. Samefagging just makes you look even worse.
>beserker type animal
>Sven Ironcock was an actual person, one of many warlords who laid waste to England and its people.
So you're calling me a conquering berserker warlord? Cuck.
>he didn't disprove that smelly vikings ruled him country for half a millennia
Whatever makes you feel better about being the descendent of rapebabies, and having the genetics in you to unironically enjoy sprinkles on toast as a meal.
>He unironically says in one of the six burgerblob obsession threads in the catalogue while repeating some of the most hilariously fucked history I have ever seen a blob spew forth
Laughing at your life.
Good god how are shart in marts this utterly stupid?
You're talking to more than one person you realize...
Anyway, learning time Sven.
>In the British Isles, Danes landed three Viking ships at the isle of Portland, Dorset in 786 AD, where they met and killed a local reeve and his men.[4][note 1] In 793 AD, a Viking raid and plunder of the monastery at Lindisfarne took place,[note 2] but no further activity in England followed until 835 AD. In that year, the Danes raided and built a permanent camp on the Isle of Sheppey in south east England and settling followed from 865, when brothers Halfdan Ragnarsson and Ivar the Boneless wintered in East Anglia. Halfdan and Ivar moved north and captured Northumbria in 867 and York as well. Danelaw – a special rule of law – was soon established in the settled areas and shaped the local cultures there for centuries. Cultural remains are still noticeable today.
Idk man, you should probably stop talking. I'd stop talking too if Germanic people once upon a time ruled over my ancestors, then we drove them out, only to wind up with MORE GERMANICS ruling over me (windsor line).
Tisk tisk Nigel Borkinstein.
>angloshit """"rebuttals""""
does rosbif have a button that isn't just "AMURRRRRRRRRRRICAA"?
Then after this was of course this:
So you're all part Frog too, NEAT!
>Samefagging again after being found out
God damn kid, lrn 2 Veeky Forums.
Please. You're making yourself look stupid. I'm referencing my own posts so that you KNOW that England isn't a "thing" and has changed ownership more times than you've been laid. Not only this, but the noble class of "England", historically anyway...has licked the anus of any warlord clean, just to maintain their wealth. So you're all mixed race cowards who don't even know your own history. SAD!!!
That's such a cliche attempt at deflection. Anyone can go to /int/ and find that out. You could have google translated some actual French as the bare minimum.
Christ you sharts are lazy.
Ketchup is an abomination unto god. Ajvar is superior