What are some foods millenials like?

What are some foods millenials like?

I like cashews.

Mason jars.

I like cashews and mason jars.

I like cashews in mason jars.

I like mason jars made of cashews

I like cashews made of mason jars.

Me too.

I work with a bunch of millennials and it seems 90 percent of their diet consists of chicken tenders and french fries.

Literally me

I'm a stone mason and I like cashews

Well, if my millennial son is anything to go by, they like pizzas with unusual toppings, any current weird or limited time fast food product, shit loads of coffee, and lots of weeb food, including japanese style breakfasts. He also eats lots of lamb, in all kinds of ways (chops, burgers, shawarma, whatever, he fucking loves lamb, and fish too. I've never seen him turn down any fish dish, he'd eat fish for every meal if he could).
I'll tell you what he doesn't like, he has zero interest in your pic (avocado toast) thinks it's stupid, and if he eats avocado, it's usually over rice (as part of a rice bowl) or as guacamole.

the McChicken


I'm 31 so I suppose that makes me a Millenial. I like steak. And, of course, cashews.

it's time to put this reaction image away reddit

Chicken on pizza
Real Mexican tacos from a truck
Grain bowls
Artisan baked bread

Things I have seen milennials eat:

>energy drinks

After exhausting research I have concluded that these constitute no less than 99% of their dietary



Lots of brunch. Avocado toast for $14.


As a cashew, I think mason jars.

I like cashew-shaped Mason jars

>Chicken on pizza
this lol

ITT we realize that millennials don't have an actual concrete dietary trend and shitting on a group of people because of the year they're born in is retarded

shut up millennial

Do you mean your millenial wife's son?

I enjoy pho and am white
Are my opinions bad? Should I change them to fit into this board?

Upscale burgers
Heat and eat convenience food from Trader Joe's
Banh mi
"Gourmet" mac & cheese

desu the tomato one looks really good

Nope, my son. Do you have problems reading?

>Being old

Die soon, you rotting bastard. I hope your life's peak was fun.

I hope you realize the dramatic irony of your post, dimbulb.

I guarantee that you could find trends in millennials that occur in greater frequency than the population at large. Faggot.


You're not allowed to post on Veeky Forums until your entire diet is compromised of mcchickens and rot gut booze

Dino nuggies!


wife's millenial son.
millenial wife's son means he's fucking a millenial girl, and his weaboo fish-eater kid should be like 3 years old.

Fucking autists

>millennials don't have an actual concrete dietary trend
They do, though. They have totally changed what dining out is over the last decade. They've stripped it of most of its formality and put the focus on how the ingredients are sourced. They've embraced Asian and Latin flavors that would have been way too daring for their parents. They grew up watching the Food Network, so they expect to see creative, chef driven menus when dining out. They're not shelling out the bucks for classic French or Italian fare in a formal setting. They're going to the brick oven pizza place that serves burrata with strawberries instead of tomatoes. Or the place that does fried chicken in some kind of spicy Asian sauce. Or the place with an in house butcher that cures their own meats (and makes their own pickles). They have at least one vegan friend, so they expect to see at least one vegan dish on the menu. They may or may not care whether the food is organic, but will pay extra for locally sourced stuff.

I actually think they've greatly improved dining out in most cities. Their openness to flavors from around the world, concern for food quality and preference for casual dining over formal are all good things in my view. Their love of artisanal, local stuff over mass produced has forced a lot of mid tier places to up their games. The grain bowls and avocado toast might be a little silly, but mostly they've been a force for good.

My parents have been eating zabuka and bread for years and they were born in 1950

this is not necessarily wrong but all of this is obviously coming from the perspective of white people who have little to no cultural identity to begin with

comedy oversized burgers

forgot the image. christ i'm gay

>christ i'm gay
I agree.

Great analysis user.

You've given this serious consideration before. Do you work in market analysis or something?

But I don't though. Proportion is important.

I fucks with those

>white people who have little to no cultural identity to begin with
Blame the 20th Century for that. The rise of industrial food production homogenized everything, the Depression and WWI popularized a bunch of awful poverty tier dishes, then the rise of fast and convenience food coupled with women integrated into the workplace destroyed what was left of American home cooking for most families. By the time I came of age as a Gen-Xer only a handful of regional dishes hung on in families, who considered meatloaf and green bean casserole as traditional as pot roast and chicken and dumplings. We were blank slates open to all kinds of international influence, and we sure as fuck needed it.
>Do you work in market analysis or something?
Not exactly. I used to be a food writer and wine sales rep. Still follow the industry like I did then and still have lots of friends in it. Just spent the morning reading the entire new (and sadly last) issue of Lucky Peach.

>I used to be a food writer
Writing yelp reviews doesn't count.
>and wine sales rep.
See pic

>entire new (and sadly last) issue of Lucky Peach
Thank fucking god that dreck is DEAD, and you should be embarrassed to admit you read them all.

Someone has to work to pay for your neetbux

Well that someone isn't you, that's certain.
I've known my share of "wine reps", and they all have one trait in common. You're all douchebags with barely 2 nickels to rub together. (And any extra cash you earn you spend on insipid trash like Lucky Peach).

>being this butthurt and assblasted because someone once had a job selling wine.

>being assblasted enough to respond

You've shown your cards already.

wait, there are non millennials who post on Veeky Forums?


I eat rice and steamed veggies/stir fry with chili/ground turkey/boiled eggs 70% of the time. I eat out (burgers, hot dogs) about once a week, and on occasion I make pasta.

t. millenial

>newfag detected

>Writing yelp reviews doesn't count.
I haven't written a Yelp review since 2009. I had a little column for a neighborhood newspaper. Not a big deal (nor a big source of income), but it gave a few fans and definitely improved my writing.
>Thank fucking god that dreck is DEAD
It was not always good, to be sure. But there was nothing quite like it in terms of art direction and getting good writers to write about offbeat stuff. It was the magazine version of a chef driven restaurant - you could tell the creative calls were not being made to court advertisers or reflect corporate market research - it was the team trying to put together something they thought was interesting and would please their readers. Not every article (or issue, for that matter) worked. But there was nothing quite like it: too irreverent for the mass market, yet too well put together to be a fanzine. You could feel it was a labor of love.
I didn't do so well as a wine rep because I'm shit at being a salesman. But it got me into doing wine lists for a few places. Even though I make my living in another industry now I still do the list for a very successful wine bar. I enjoy it too much to completely leave the industry.

I sold my house I love avocado toast so much

That's Gen Z if my sister's anything to go off of.

Also this.

Does millennial mean hipster ITT?

I suggest baking some chocolate chip cookies and drinking a glass of hot cocoa. It'll help how you're feeling.

KEK is even worse than XD

Sorry, I'm not a fattie like you.

I eat a fuck ton of eggs.

they're gonna put the top piece of bread on all of these sandwiches right?

Sorry sweetie, that costs extra

The hipster thing was really the tail end of Gen X, but millennials definitely adopted it. The difference is that Gen X hipsters spent their money going out to see bands that sounded like the White Stripes and the Strokes (and buying their CDs), drinking cans of PBR and thought sushi was adventurous eating. Millennial hipsters spend their nightlife dollars at restaurants instead of live music shows, drink IPA and eat stuff like Korean BBQ tacos. They're way more into food than Gen Xers - celebrity chefs are their rockstars. And those with jobs have the money to eat out because they're not spending it on music like the Gen X hipsters did.

So if you're talking about the effect of millennials on dining out you're talking about those who live in cities and have the money to eat out. That will pretty much be 20-somethings who live in or near neighborhoods with restaurants that cater to their tastes. You might call them hipsters, but they have much better taste in foiod than the hipsters of 15 years ago who wore Von Dutch trucker caps and blew all their disposable income on coke, cheap beer and Modest Mouse tickets.


Millenial usually means people born from 1982->1999, but the term has been expanded a bit in both directions to try to define a generation of people instead of just an event in time.

I thought it was 1984-2004

Regardless you shouldn't be on Veeky Forums if you're 33+

Fuckoff millennial

wtf not? I'm almost 50 and have been coming to Veeky Forums since '05.

Get a load of this faggot

>he doesn't know we're here forever

Korean food, poke bowls, and California style burritos. Being a millennial sure is tasty.

I'm the cashier in my gay son's bar.

Old peeps is best peeps

Jesus christ you fucking failure


>Veeky Forums has been around since 2003
>if you started using it when you were 18 you would be 32 now

god damn newfags

>this is not necessarily wrong but all of this is obviously coming from the perspective of white people who have little to no cultural identity to begin with

Wow. Are all 'Merican blacks this fucking racist?

As far as white American food culture goes it was home cooking in most of the country. As families stopped cooking traditional American dishes over the course of the 20th Century that culture was lost. It got replaced with convenience and fast food. The whole New American thing is an attempt to bring back some of those dishes in a fine dining context. But few of the folks going out to eat it have any memories of home cooked examples of these dishes. Because while plenty of white Americans still cook meals at home very few of those meals are the kinds of things people ate in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Because very few people want to spend hours making dinner. If they do cook they want something they can throw together in 30 min or less.


I'm sorry, I didn't know Moot died and made you the admin.

>the hipsters of 15 years ago who wore Von Dutch trucker caps and blew all their disposable income on coke, cheap beer and Modest Mouse tickets.

EXCUSE ME, dickwad, but that's not Gen X you're talking about (except for the coke, perhaps). Yes, we went to LOTS of concerts, festivals, and shows, and drank lots of beer and liquor, and some of us did drugs, but 15 years ago was 2002, and by then most of us Gen Xers were in our late twenties and thirties, already buying houses and having families, and no one was wearing fucking trucker hats. We also moved out of our parents house when we were 18, went to college, and got jobs, so we could take care of ourselves. And, I might add, we were the ones who STARTED the the new food generation of farm to fork, tip to tail, food trucks, home-style fusion, and back to roots cooking. You're welcome.

Gender fluid Muslim transgender semen

Don't get defensive. I'm in the old part of Gen X as well. And I agree with you that a chunk of what's so good about millennials is how they ran with some of the ideas we supported like
>the new food generation of farm to fork, tip to tail, food trucks, home-style fusion, and back to roots cooking
Also while this is true:
>We also moved out of our parents house when we were 18, went to college, and got jobs, so we could take care of ourselves
Those of us living in the city and not yet married were partying like fuck. Rent was still cheap enough that you could work a shit job, live in the East Village and go out every weeknight, then sleep it off on the weekends when the bridge and tunnel crow took over your neighborhood. And going out was much more about rock and roll than fine dining back then. We had pretty good taste, but we'd still slum it with PBR and well shots if it meant we could catch another show that wekk.

I'm a millenial. I like meat, steamed veggies, and fatty carbs. An ideal meal would be ny strip, steamed broccoli, and potato au gratin

>they want something they can throw together in 30 min or less

I know this may be a bit out there, but don't you think that is a negative attitude? I guess what I mean is this sacrificing your life for a frenetic runaround for your master instead of doing something relaxing like cooking and enjoying a slow meal with family, takes precedence. So what happens when you're 60? Will you look back like most and say I fucked up? Look at your priorities, 30 minute housewife.

Millenials like things I personally dislike, fucking millenials.
t. retarded millenial with no self awareness

>millenial wife's son means he's fucking a millenial girl, and his weaboo fish-eater kid should be like 3 years old.

Millennials are pushing 40 at one end of the generation kido...

>Look at your priorities, 30 minute housewife.
Her priority is getting the kids fed something they will actually eat without losing her mind after picking one up from soccer and the other up from a music lesson and now they're hungry and starting to be pains in the ass about it. I watched it happen to my sister. She started out as a vary good cook. Then she popped out three fussy eater kids. Now making dinner is the last chore of her day before she can pour herself a glass of wine and be fucking done for the day. The quality of the meal is unimportant because the kids have shit taste (like all kids). It's just something to get over with as quickly as possible.

Yeah, I'm just jaded. I grew up playing neighborhood pickup sandlot sports and parental organized formal sports, both. Which do you think was more fun? Which do you think developed the most character and social skills? Parents run around in a frenetic mania to get their kids into organized structured "games" and activities where they don't even get to be kids and the parents are exhausted. I don't get it. I hate to say it, but it seems almost like some kind of mass hysteria.

>getting this TRIGGERED by the truth

American black people are the same exact way btw
both white and black people living in the US have developed cultures that have little or nothing to do with their heritage
but see honestly I think you can't really blame them for their reckless appropriation of other cultures when they have basically been pushed into this situation over multiple generations
I think its perfectly natural to desire the type of fulfillment that comes from having a strong connection with ones heritage so when you can't do that, especially from a young age, it also becomes natural to look outward and latch onto other people's

your welcome for civilization


Get a load of this guy