Claim your pastafu

For me, it's rotini. She's a fun, slightly festive shape that holds up well to any sauce I throw at her.

For me, it's rotini. She says she wants to be the favorite of that fucking loser, but she knows she can't resist being mine instead

tortellini because fuck you

angel hair, rotini, or farfalle

penne or whole grain lasagna ricce.

I just cook up lasagna ricce sometimes and put salt on it and that's it.

Cappelletti or tortelli

Am I blind or no linguine?

bottom left box

Yes. I blind.

Under ribbon cut.

Bucatini, a marvel of Italian engineering

I like 'em T H I C C

Where's angel hair? Get this fucking junk infograph updated to world taste pls

Idiot ameritard

Capelli d'angelo is angel hair pasta.

where is alphabet pasta?

Penne all the way.

I believe that falls under gianduietta

Or the 2nd one on the list alphabeto?

I will always have a spot in my heart for cavatelli. I would always help my grandmother make the pasta from scratch, cook it with homemade tomato sauce, and follow with homemade meatballs.

Like all except macaroni. But bucatini and fettuccine are probably the best. Cavatappi feels glorious in my mouth as well.


Ziti is my pastafu.

conchiglie desu. Holds any sauce but works well with thin ones, pasta and sauce are inseparable.

fiori and ruote for me, and anything that looks like a shell

I don't even eat pasta anymore but set a plate of weird hollow dough shapes in front of me and I'll snap that bitch up in two seconds flat

spaghettini is my favorite.

farfalle is objectively the worst.

ziti is 2nd for me.

Cavatappi is my one true love

You are my nigga.