Al/ck/ has to post in my thread this time edition.
Al/ck/ohol Thread
I promised to see Beauty and the Beast at the theater today with my mom but I was too drunk to wake up..
I bet she hates me.
>dodged a bullet
>back to my old habit of buy a 5 litre box of wine on the weekends
C-could be worst right?
(That. First. Yuengling. Of. The. Day.)
Sure I didn't want to see the movie but if mom wants to do something, I'll do it just for her.
I'm so upset I missed out.
I can't believe I stayed dunk all day.
Chilling drinking rum thinking how nice I feel and how much Im enjoying life right now. Never been addicted to alcohol and never will. You guys just gotta chill and go with the flow mann
It's only just the beginning, friend, just wait
Ma knows I'm an alcoholic.
She does this stuff so I don't drink.
But when I skip it, I just know she's probably thinking I was drinking.
I'm such a bad son.
>looks like some kind of crazy cheeseburger and liquor party
>playing games with friends online
>we're all drinking, one guys asks what we're all having
>he's having a grapefruit IPA from some place
>other friend having some kind of stout I'd never heard of
>"What about you user?"
>"Coors Light"
>we all 3 laugh
Fuck you I like it
Hey actually my mom checks in on me weekly and if I miss the text or don't answer literally she knows i'm out on a bender again
feelsbadman, but I'm not going to go see a shitty movie about it.
pic relate I guess, I just can't figure it out
>me playing games with "friends" online
>hey guise what are you drinking
>normy cuck beer answers from people
>I'm on my third bottle of whisky in two days
"uh, no comment, "friends""
lol only reason I wanted to see it with her is because I have a boner for Emma Watson.
I had a crush on her since I was a kid.
Yeah I hate her smug personality, but DAMN, she is so hot.
She can't sing though, from what I saw in the trailers.
>Hey actually my mom checks in on me weekly and if I miss the text or don't answer literally she knows i'm out on a bender again
>All day hangover finally leaves
>Not shaking
>Can stomach food again
>Not blasting stomach bile out my asshole
>Sudden, intense craving for booze
>Day drinking
>Had gotten out of the ER 4 months earlier because of a suicide attempt
>Dad, who basically fucked up his entire life to his alcoholism, calls me about...something
>"user are you okay? You sound a little drunk"
>Yeah I've been drinking, had nothing to do today
>"Oh...okay I'll leave you to it"
>Get really uncomfortable
>Call him back
>I just wanna let you know I'm okay
>Blacked out most of the memory after that
>Realize the immense amount of guilt and concern I just put on his shoulders
>Sob hysterically at literally my roommates feet when she gets home
Can't get drunk in the middle of the day now because I'm too afraid he'll call or text me again.
I have a tab of acid I've been wanting to do for months but I can never get the nerve because, what if he calls? What if I get too fucked up? He'll know.
Ive been drinking all day. I just scratched myself and now I wont stop bleeding. Fuck.
Just dont answer if you're drunk or high, dingus.
>being such a loser that alcoholism is a point of pride for you
i don't have words. this is like a sarah mclaughlin commercial.
Yeah never take acid with anxiety. Better to literally never take it. I took like 4 while my mom was home because I thought I could stay in my room watching movies.
It was an utter shit-show.
Tell me about it.
4 days later I can now barly move my finger. Pity (you)s please
why is that gif not moving
I've done acid before and it was really great.
Then I did it again with 9 strangers from the call center I didnt know at 9pm. 5 of them were veterans and two of them had PTSD.
Left at around 3am after freaking the fuck out the entire time and one of them started having a PTSD flashback, screaming at the top of his lungs "I WATCH HIM DIE MAN"
Drive home was fucking awesome though. Felt like when movies do that thing where the alcoholic is trying to avoid booze but they keep walking by all the neon bar signs.
He's really weird about it if I don't answer or respond to a text.
Here, man.
It sounds like you need a relationship. I mean, someone that isn't going to just leave or not deal with it when you mess up. But don't we all though....
Yeah I had done it before too. But man, one bad trip is a deep deep downward spiral
I'm following a girl on chaturbate.
Let's hope I don't drunkinly blow all my money on her.
Ha thanks, I forgot to even post the image. I'm still fucking worried that middle but will infect, die, rot, and need medical attention.
>It sounds like you need a relationship
I had one once. I spent literally every moment with her drunk because physical contact is so alien and uncomfortable to me it gives me panic attacks. I still recoil briefly when people try to hug me.
Then I broke up with her for no reason, I have seriously no idea what went through my head when I did that. Aside from the tequila.
Aldous Huxley said that even a bad trip is a positive experience, and I can identify with that.
fucking hell I was gunna say I sliced my finger tips a bit trying to cut onions black out the other week but this is some other level shit
That pic is so fucking blurry I thought that there's bone showing in your wound at first
As for the infection, wash it out with some strong alcohol, you don't need much, and then just wrap it up in a tissue
I'm just gonna respond even though I've got nothing else to say.
After my long tolerance break, I'm scared to even smoke weed again. I'm prone to anxiety sober so that's a factor. I doubt I'll ever do acid again unless ive really got my shit together.
I love getting crossfaded, it's such a good feeling. Its like getting drunk for the first time again.
But I absolutely, cannot, in any way smoke sober. I have an absurdly low tolerance to THC so I always get astronomically high and tweak out super hard.
Cant just sleep through it either because the panic keeps me awake.
>yes give me those sweet (you)s
This was 4 days ago I got drunk and took a shot at my TV and my wall in 3 places immune to pain without exaggeration a liter of blood spewed from floor to ceiling.
As you can tell from the shape of the cut, I was terrified it would infect and my body would just cut ties to that middle part. I was too pussy to use alcohol (I know I know but it was a deep open wound and it hurt bad) so I just used soapy water, and Neosporin. Just tonight I got it nice and open with warm water+soap and squirted a little alcohol on it.
>be cable guy
>go install internet at picrelated (short one with gray dress)
>she was very friendly and asked me several questions about my job and random stuff
>was hungover as shit today and feeling like crap, so I didn't reply much or tried to flirt with her. Plus I'm kinda fat since I spend most of my evenings getting drunk and then ordering food, instead of going to tge gym and having a clean diet
fuck man, I'm tired of missing so many opportunities... time to get clean and go to the gym again
>Jerking off to girls I went to school with at 10am
>Pic of her in college
>It all hits you at once that you're sitting on your ass jerking off to girls who moved the fuck on years ago.
I mean I still finished, but it was a sad cum baby.
looks like you coulda used stitches
could always go with super glue
>a sad cum baby.
I know stitches might have done me good but desu I'm deadly scared of doctors, needles, and the entire medical field in general.
whys that user
can't blame for you not really trusting them, but if you say you just cut yourself they'll help
unless you're in yankland and they overcharge the fuck out of you
My dad sometimes takes me to footie games to have me do something else than rotting in the bed for 18 hours per day. Our club is fucking rubbish, but I still somewhat enjoy that. Reminds me of the happy childhood days when I used to play and it's soothing to call the ref a wanker. Plus footie is a good reason to drink.
One time I got held against my will in hospital/psychiatric facility for 3 nights for telling a priest I saw an angel.
But I think my dear of doctors is mostly related to needles and the sterile area they work in. Needles go without saying, and the sterile thing is just unsettling.
At the end of the day, doctors really are just the same as the rest of us. We all just have human brains and they could easily make a mistake and hurt you badly.
>One time I got held against my will in hospital/psychiatric facility for 3 nights for telling a priest I saw an angel.
oh yeah been there for various reasons
don't really trust doctors mentally anymore tbqh, just go for physical shit
I quit my job of 9yrs
Idk if it was better or worse that I was in a backwoods ass hillbilly ass facility.
Still sucked a million dicks to be behind locked doors and every person there wondering just how crazy you are.
What priest calls the police on a man for saying he saw an angel anyway? Fucking bitch.
Is Suntory worth a damn? I have a lost in Translation poster in my room but I realized I never tried the stuff. Japanese whiskey sounds fun.
Just got left on the side of the road by someone i trusted, what do?
Walk home
Call an Uber
Call a friend/family
Tell Story
I made a huge batch of kilju and it tasted like those cheap chardonnay in a small box from corner store. I made a second batch with half white sugar and half brown sugar, which was better, I think. I can't remember because we drank it all!
Ppl say it's good but too expensive
>tfw you're trying to be a mod on a Chaturbate
Fuck my life.
I don't have enough money to stick around.
>Trying to be a mod on Chaturbate
I can't even pretend to understand this one but I do suppose that once you have that power you can really abused it
>Tfw the hiccups start
Now that's a feel for the common man
She told me the only mods she has was others who were around for 3 years, and I'm only around for 2 days.
And I threw her like over 400 dollars.
Oh my God you f****** bastard $400 that's absurd over One Direction of time and for your sake it better be over 6 months.
I spent a grand total of under $100 on LiveJasmin and the fact that I did that made me almost want to kill myself at one point.
why wouldn't you just pay for a call girl?
Cuz I'm shy.
I can talk to a girl online, but I can't in real life.
call girls job is to make you feel comfy, they'll help you get rid of shyness, stop throwing your hard earned money away user
For 400 dollars?
Why didn't he hire 3 call girls and a half dozen erotic massage sessions.
(I recommend erotic massages man they are good)
Cuz these girls talk to me.
I'm staying at my girlfriend's mom's place in Maine and after she went to bed I started drinking all the wine in the house. It's an italian family so there's lots of it. I don't know what to do with the empty bottles though...hide them?
throw em in the gutter
call girls will talk to you too, and you'll actually get your dick touched
Can I have some money plz? I've got big tits and I'll talk to you online, I'm just not a girl. so I'll only ask for $200.
i just completely blew off work. was up all night vomiting. stayed comfy all day watching movies and smoking weed.
You're probably drinking vinegar.
too real. i hide em in my luggage or under the bed until i go and then i stealthily throw them out
This is it man. Long-story short; I recently realized I was an alcoholic and it's ruining my life.
I used to be super Veeky Forums and happy, but then some shit happened and it got me into daily drinking of 9-12 beers while playing LoL, every single evening. I thought for so long it was perfectly fine because I have a decent job and drinking beers with video games was a perfectly normal way to relax after work.
Yet it's literally all I do... I slowly became an hermit and haven't had sex in a year
So today I'm going to bed sober. Tomorrow I'm going back to the gym, and then I'll track my progress with a picture and weight every 10 days
w-wish me luck bros...
PS: at 50 days I will reward myself with a fine whore
haha Long story short youre my nigga.
Im serious man resist the urge to buy any more Chaturbate monies. Youve basically bought any favor you could get so just go on and find the Erotic Massage in your area.
Took me exactly TWO(2) tries to find the right place for me and they absolutely adore me every visit. If youre quiet and tell them shhh even once or explain slowly one time that you prefer a non-emotional kind of visit they will be more than happy to oblige.
I promise m9, theyre morel ikely to want the kind of in-n-out relationship than you do.
post more bulge
tripfags are just the worst
any /criminal/ alcoholics here? i had my first dui roughly a year ago, and am about halfway through my one year of probation.
this past month, i have fucked up and went on a drinking binge. (two failed tests, not calling in regularly, etc...)
is there a way i cant slip out of this without getting a probation violation and being send to jail? all i did was drink. it's just so hard to stop.
yeah it was meant for Veeky Forums actually
are you me?
I drank the whole time with a breath alcohol reader in my car, didn't get caught, miss one work program day....
your friends and family are very worried about you and currently looking for a rehab retreat but haven't heard back yet.
Try making a meal that requires a lot of prepwork. I found that to be really helpful for taking my mind off it.
i feel like shit
I was hoping u were BN (big nips)
Fuck, I haven't felt this horrible in years.
I haven't drank this much since I was 22.
Damn, man, fuck.
I think I'm trying to kill myself with alcohol.
go on....
But when I make a promise, I mean it.
it's almost 9pm, I was supposed to see the movie 12 hours ago.
I'm just so sad, I lost all my friends and even my own parents are upset I drink.
Even my online friends hate me.
I just don't know what to do.
Fuck I'm so far blown I can't even post right.
I meant to post this.
My energy is so gone, I can barely lift myself up.
I wank to drink, but I debated it for the last hour.
Man, it fucking hurts.
I have so many problems, I think the only way to fix it is death.
I dunno, either I'm really drunk or I'm too sober.
I hurt everyone who comes near me, so I hardly ever let anyone in. I smear weeks at a time with black outs till I'm so sick and withdrawaling I can't get off the floor.
The real sad part? Any of those people I hurt or destroyed would say they know I didn't mean it, and they "will always love me/still love me"
Totally destroyed, that's me. I have to find a way to not hurt people anymore... but I'm afraid of what the answer is.
I don't think anyone loves me though anymore.
I've gone to the point to those I hurt no longer care.
if it helps you, even the ones who care still can't be around me anymore... other then to see if I'm still alive sometimes.
>wake after blackout, banging on door
>prepare to shout "go away"
>look out of curtains
>they gtfo
>blood all over bed
>phone smashed
>empty bottles everywhere, no booze
>post this
Today is gonna be a bad one.
Brb stumbling to shop. Hop I don't puke on Singh's floor again.
I'm in love with a girl on chaturbate. She left me after 11 years, because I wouldn't stop drinking, and she became a professional slut.
Kill me please. Thanks.
May I recommend anything done in dominican republic if you're able to find it in your store.
wtf happened
Absolutely no idea. Was downing spirits all day, tolerance seems to have gone up, 3.5 bottles made me completely black out.
living the life I see
>When you're failing classes in uni and it just makes you want to drink
>Drinking is what caused this in the first place
I was drunk and/or high the entirety of my uni days apart from the two weeks in the run up to exams.
Microdose lsd when you are revising. It will sort you out, you'll still want booze but it's more manageable. If it's not to late make friends with an exchange student and tell them you'll check their English for all the coursework.
Damn bro right in the feels. Just stop drinking man, it's really not complicated. I'm 3-4 months sober now and don't even think about it anymore.
>get stupid drunk
>snapchat this reserved girl I've had a crush on saying I want to eat her pussy
>somehow thought it was a good idea
>wake up vaguely remembering it and thinking "oh shit"
>she never speaks to me again
>got sober
>moved in with likewise sober boyfriend
>really want to drink but don't want him to see me drunk or risk him trying to drink with me
I guess its for the best, but I do miss it sometimes. Have a drink for me lads.
>Just stop drinking man
Oh gee wiz I never thought of that! It's all so clear now!
Lol your not an alcoholic. You just became a lazy fatass. Come back to this thread when you wake up shaking in the morning and panicking because you drank all your vodka the night before.
i feel so fucking shit