Favorite youtube cooking/food shows? i really like dead set on life, fuck thats delicious...

favorite youtube cooking/food shows? i really like dead set on life, fuck thats delicious, and hot ones but recently i watched binging with babish a lot and am looking for more shows like this.

if you havent seen it he takes food from movies/tv shows and makes it (this part i dont care at all about) however his voice overs, cooking style, and the cinematography are all amazing.

so what im looking for is other cooking shows with great recipes, voice over, and hosts without too much in between chatting. i also love the initial shows i mentioned and am always looking for more of those travel/food shows with great hosts but mainly i want to watch more excellent food get made.

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also love the munchies shorts of action bronson etc cooking, a new one came out today with his semi retarded friend Mayhem but it was still nice to watch

Babish is the man


I dont like this guy because he doesnt show his face and dubs over everything. Just show yourself and talk during it... its more human and less fake.

ok well i dont care if you got a suggestion who shows his/her face i just want to watch more good cooking.

How did this guy take off so fast? I his first video was practically less than a year ago and he has nearly a million subs already. Is it just his personality or something?

I think the whole "doing foods from pop culture" thing rocketed him

"fictional foods you really want to eat" threads are always popular on Veeky Forums and /co/ so it makes sense it'd catch on everywhere else

The content he produces is fairly generic for a youtube cooking show, but he's charismatic and entertaining, so yes.

i think the media foods is only the reason i first clicked but i stayed because the guy is super dry and kind of funny, but he isnt just babbling constantly (which i do like some times, like every time action bronson cooks i laugh so hard, especially at whatever the final dish ends up being).

what keeps me around is that he just knows how to cook very well, has good technique, is interested in making simple and complicated things, and just has good cinematography. if anything my only complaint would be the whole media food thing and that the videos tend to be pretty short, i watched almost all of them in 2 sittings.

so once again anyone got any suggestions that might be similar to this?

for some reason I don't really like when obese people are really confident.

what do you guys think of Alex?


For me it's Bing, the best search engine.

Pretty Good Cooking, without a doubt. Good personalities and the food isn't cringe inducing.



Only food channel that matters desu


Binging with Babish's concept is awful, I don't care about almost every show/movie he does. However, his execution is good enough that I'll watch when he cooks something that isn't a sandwich/burger

Not cooking but i like to look at The Food Ranger, he does street food videos all over the world

Bruno Albouze, Byron Talbott, Peaceful Cuisine, BBQ Pit Boys.

Jamie Oliver. Usually for Gennaro, but Jamie's little brick and mortar set is super comfy.

Sorted Food is alright. I wish glasses would get his own show because I cannot stand his friends.

I also watch drunk kitchen sometimes.

>I also watch drunk kitchen sometimes.

thanks for letting me know I can ignore all your recommendations.


Can Binging with Reddit stop advertising his shit channel here?

You use the same fucking image every time.

Kitchen Almazan is pretentious as fuck, but damn if it doesn't make me salivate.

>Binging with Reddit
you have to go back

First We Feast is fucking kino, and Sean is a great host.
Aden Films

Do you know what pretentious even means

I like Brad

do you have any real criticisms for the show?

Fake and gay

Mind of a chef

85% of the recipes he does are just him making a simple dish, but he touts it around as
A) Somehow always SOOO AMAAAAZING
B) Actually related to the shows version in any way

Are military rations food?

if not then competitive eating videos, those are definitely about food probably I think.

But he takes EXACTLY what ingredients are mentioned in a show he's using a recipe from.. Sometimes he modifies it, but only AFTER trying it how it is described in whatever show is featured

Have you ever actually watched an episode?

Almazan Kitchen. It's a bunch of Serbians cooking innawoods, no music, no talking.


YSAC desu

>burns the calzone
even if it's the edge of the bread it's poor form

>But he takes EXACTLY what ingredients are mentioned in a show he's using a recipe from
15% of the time he does.
The other 85% he just throws together whatever he thinks would work.
He didnt even fucking try with the Always Sunny episode. Didnt try to do a faithful recreation of rum ham whatsoever, he just took a chunk of raw ham and soaked it in rum, of course it was going to be disgusting because making an alcoholic meal would have been too hard.
No no, he'll do that to soothe the idiots who want it "soaked in rum" and then just make a standard rum glazed ham afterwards.

Goodfellas prison recipe? Explicitly doesnt use as much onions as they clearly state they use in the movie, because "i dont wanna ruin it :(((("

He's a faggot with a good voice who cooks regular food and touts it as something else.

>favorite cooking thread
>No comfy 18th century cooking tv show anywhere


I can't stand cunts who make clickbait faces

James Townsend and Son is the fucking best

>Liking uneven shit quality audio and LAV bumps

>I also watch drunk kitchen sometimes
You mean "Pretending to be drunk: The show"?

>noone posted Henry's Kitchen
literally the only cooking show worth watching


Dude is running out of movie food to make already.

Gennaro is the only good thing about Food Tube. Jamie is so fucking annoying.

>reality tv
>cooking show

Isn't that all of the shows in that genre?

can you tell me why is he redit?

Redditing with Babish is alright.

How much do you get paid to shill for this shit?

More than you get paid to bump it.

I could use a good laugh.

I won't be over the top as user here. But I will agree that he overcomplicates dishes lately for no apparent reason, while destroying the original. I don't mind that he tries to make something better if he has no idea how to make the exact same dish, but he has to put in his train of thought that he must add the necessary surrounding information about said dish.

>Who made it?
>What kind of food/drink/equipment he has?
>was it a fast food joint/a 5star restaurant/ a guy bored to death making something to eat?

For example the episode with the Twin Peaks. It was a simple fast food joint. The coffee maker is the proper way to do it. Not all those things that he brought a guest to do them.

top tier

1. quality of videos
2. tv-themed tags make his videos "related videos" to tv show analysis. You look up a south park clip you like to post on facebook and his channel might show up on the side bar.

i usually watch channels like Maangchi but for as close i can get to a series is Kitchen Conundrums by Thomas Joseph.

Don't know why but that man happens to always keep my attention.

I watched the first few episodes of drunk kitchen yeaaaars ago and she seemed legit drunk then. God damn does this white hair look terrible on her.

Their click bait titles kill me and I wish they actually talked about how stuff tastes, but they are pleasant to watch.


Maangchi, Korean milf teaches you how to cook Korean food
Food Wishes, American dilf teaches you how to cook food
Zagat, dying media format shills mediocre food but it has food tripping with Molly and that's all you really need
Munchies, (usually) randos cook food that is sometimes good
Jas. Townsend, history daddy and friends prepare historically accurate food from America and roleplay as people from those times sometimes
LGR Foods, husky man with a good voice slaps together appetizing sandwiches
Junskitchen, some semi-famous youtuber's side account where he cooks fancy shit with his cats
Essential Pepin: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjeYiUz6rdHoj4_PF_pMbwvd2QdGGQZhX this link is Essential Jacques Pepin, a fairly popular US TV chef from France
4k Kitchen, abandoned channel but the guy cooked some stuff with a nice professional appearance to it

>55 posts in
>no ja/ck/

What the fuck.

Sometimes he sounds italian and sometimes he sounds like fucking Shrek.

TheWolfePit is fairly decent.

It's almost as if people who like cooking and food are sharing their favourite uploaders, not circlejerking around with their favourite cringe fake-lebrity.

I lol'd

I think theyre pretty

>Food Wishes
My man. What I love about that cool old man is that he shows you the simple but proper way of making things without over complicating it.

My grand marnier souffle turned out perfect first time I ever tried to make one.

Cult moo
The Scott Rea project

Not exactly food-related but Burrfection for comfy knife kino

>So much amphetamine
>So many spiders

Maangchi is my favourite food milf

The way he picks his nose mid spaz gets me every time

Eater is pretty good. Lucas is a great host


Binging with Reddit makes me cringe. """Nerd culture""" needs to die.

home run chipperson

I hope he does a joosy scalfani while making food from rick and morty or some other shitty show and dies from salmonella

Cult moo are fucking great


Agreed. Cringy reddit hipster garbage.

What the fuck is nerd culture.

Put it in Your Mouth with Namasensei

>Get drunk to the point they're vomiting everywhere while talking shit about the food they're making

I miss them

Probably only had one or two good videos. That guy is pathetic. His Japanese tutorials were decent.

They did three good episodes and it got annoying. Deep pull though, I didn't think anyone else had seen those