honest question: does anybody here actually eat the recommended daily amount of fiber most of the time?
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Yep. It helps when you take soluble fiber with your water.
I started eating more fiber and my bowel movements were more firm and cleaner, they'd come out in one long stroke and didn't smell as bad and also I didn't need to wipe afterwards so I didn't have to shower to prevent swampass anymore.
10/10 would eat fiber again
I do eat a lot of rice and the one I use the most is the integral short grain one I buy at the Asian grocery shop so I guess I do
Whenever I have trouble pooping I eat a whole bowl of it and next morning I run to the shitter
as long as you get 1g fiber per 100 calories
you're ok.
Get REAL fiber, not "sugar" fiber
FWIW I'm right
I have to due to my diverticulosis.
When I'm feeling health minded I'll take fiber supplements like a bar or powder. Helps clean you out a bit.
-1x roast chicken, skinned, deboned and cut into chunks
-1x leek
-2x brown onions
-1x carrot
-1/2 pound pearl barley
-68 fl oz chicken stock
-Oyster sauce to taste
Finely chop vegetables and sautee with garlic, salt and pepper
Place in pressure cooker with all other ingredients, cook for 45 minutes
Eat, 10-12 hours later have a mind bending bowel movement
Have been having traditional style soup 3-4 nights a week lately. Shitting massively and zero residue on wiping. YMMV.
Probably. I've never really counted, but on most days I eat 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables, plus a tablespoon of psyllium husk in my morning yoghurt-banana shake.
Haven't once been constipated since.
I think so. I bought a bulk box of chia seeds and sprinkle spoons of them over everything I eat.
This seems like bullshit but I want to believe it's true
Eating unsoaked chia seeds can literally kill you.
Does it create mustard gas?
easily, I only eat pasta or rice like twice a week. The rest is canned vegetables and/or salad.
>"daily fibers"
no suck thing. fibers are there to make the shit soft, it's not about eating the amount once a day it's about having some with every meal. And it requires enough water or it has the opposite effect.
>fiber and my bowel movements were more firm
you are doing it wrong. drink more
But you want it firm. Soft means messy.
no, you want it soft.
Why would you eat fiber unless you're currently suffering from pooping issues?
no you dont.
>just quit smoking
>cant shit properly
>getting anus tears
Who /cracklinoatbran/ here? That shit cleans me out like WHOA.