Not even meme-ing... do americans really eat this?

not even meme-ing... do americans really eat this?

Not even American and I do this. Shits good

looks like im gonna have to try this and tell you if my american self does

Dairy is a staple in most of our diets, sure.

But stupid shit like Doritos cupcakes and deep fried Twinikies exist for such a niche audience. One that doesn't mind eating shit for the sake of bragging about having low self esteem and a terrible pallet. These "fries" seemed to be aimed at that demographic, and most Americans would look at them in disgust if we ever saw a fat, breathing sack of shit downing a box of them.


pretty sure french fries are a vegetable so what's your issue?

its all fat anyway, you can only eat so much of it. shit like this isn't why we have landwhales. landwhales result from those half gallon, half liquid, half sugar things we call drinks and not fucking doing anything all day

I'd eat that.

I also got the fried cheese melt whenever I went to dennys, which was just mozzarella sticks jammed into a grilled cheese. Fucking amazing.


that actually is far more representative of europeans.


insular as fuck

You cant deep fry everything and say wa la i only eat vegetables le healthy diet

>The majority will of black or Mexican heritage within 10 years..

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>No, you

well i beg to differ, shitty pop science nutritionists blindly devour vegetable cock and thats a vegetable so get fucked

>europeans have shit wine, beer and cheese

Are you even trying?

>GMOs are bad hurr durr

c'mon man. That's just ignorant.

yes everything you read or see about american online is completely true

>no capitals

I recognized you were a blithering idiot even before I read what you had to say.

No but I think I'll have to try them now, that looks pretty good.

I've never been to a Dennys before, and I remember thinking maybe I should go just for that sandwich when I saw the commercials for it. So much cheese!

germans do, at the very least

Denny's is great if you know what to get and what to expect. It's quintessential diner food.
The sampler platter is excellent because of the variety you get to choose, their smothered cheese fries is basically diner poutine, and if you want to feel your heart struggle to keep working get the Slam Burger. Fried egg cooked to your choose, hashbrowns, some sort of gravy sauce, cheese, on a burger with a side of fries or hashbrowns.
Its basically a full breakfast and lunch rolled into a burger.

>do americans really eat this?

Erry fucking day, euroshit.

You got a problem?

Not thusfar. I would if it was put in front of me. I might end up making some at some point.

What, they don't have junky, bad-for-you comfort food in Europe? It's fried cheese and bread. Near every culture has a version of that that at this point. Don't be such a stereotypical European douchebag.




i want flags on this board
it's the leafs behind this im sure

Nah, it's americans just clowning.
