A few days ago I successfully injected an egg with hot sauce and fried it.
Today, I'm looking for new ideas on things to inject with hot sauce.
You have the fortunate pleasure of choosing what that thing is and seeing it work or fail spectacularly.
A few days ago I successfully injected an egg with hot sauce and fried it.
Today, I'm looking for new ideas on things to inject with hot sauce.
You have the fortunate pleasure of choosing what that thing is and seeing it work or fail spectacularly.
Other urls found in this thread:
A mozzarella.
Can you post a picture of the final fried egg?
If you didn't take one, kill yourself.
chicken breast
A bullet
your dick
1,000 quinoa grains
lime cheesecake
unpopped popcorn kernels that are then resealed somehow to make them poppable again
A strawberry with balsamic vinegar
No challenge, very similar to simply stuffing a chicken breast.
I'll keep it on the list of possibilities, that actually sounds like it might be good.
Inject a potato with hot sauce before you wrap it up in foil and throw it on the grill.
You could also try into a bell or other pepper.
Maybe even steak or roast.
Inject a grape with wine
Do a cherry tomato with fresh herb oil, salt, and pepper
A hot dog
Your mom
so was it exactly the same as pouring hot sauce over the top when it was finished?
inject balsamic vinegar instead, if there's some kind of liquid basil (or if you can finely puree basil) add that to the mix.
or buy a corn cob, and inject melted butter into every single kernel
I'm leaning towards this and the strawberry recommendation.
If I find time on this three day weekend will post results. Neither sounds as difficult as the egg was, but I'll find a way to take either up a notch.
>A few days ago I successfully injected an egg with hot sauce and fried it.
had to read twice because wondering if this was a drug addict using some kind of street metaphor about getting high
Can you inject an egg with another egg?
Like, could you fry an egg that is almost entirely yolk without it ending up scrambled or an omelet?
Probably, but it's more fun to see/eat something unique and outside of the box than it is something more mundane. I also attempted it with thinner sauces like tabasco and franks. While those attempts weren't as successful as a thicker sauce like sriracha was, the tabasco was such a thin sauce it blended into the yolk entirely so there wasn't any obvious red.. it was solid yellow as the yolk appears. The tabasco taste was very prevalent, so I could see it being a 'nice surprise' type of dish; expecting one thing and getting another.
I work in a pharmacy, no illicit drugs here, just the legal kind... and far much easier access to syringes and needles.
I think he means a ball of fresh mozzarella. Personally I think it would be too porous for injecting something, and I can't really think of anything I'd WANT to inject into mozzarella and eat on its own.
Youre probably correct in that it would be too difficult to inject something into it. It would be better to coagulate some type of sauce in alginate and then ball it up with some shreded mozzerela. Maybr even bread and deep fry to complete.
Figure out some way to inject hotsauce directly into the meat of chicken wings, instead of slathering it as a sauce on top
Nearly impossible with tissue tears during the cooking process. Youd be better tearing all the meat off, creating a kind of minces meat mold that you could pocket and seal, then refry to finish.
>I can't really think of anything I'd WANT to inject into mozzarella and eat on its own
Seconding this. Just get a whole bunch of grapes and make them alcoholic
Inject sweet peppers with something.
Theyre bite sized and would benefit from additional flavor.
what about those mini tomatoes ? I don't know what they're called in english
maybe you could suck out the liquid and inject balsa or pesto juice
cherry tomatoes
There are recipes where that has been done but probably would be too fiddly with more than a few chicken wings. I'd get a bigger thicker cut of meat and use one of those tools for making corned beef - dunno if it's called a corning needle or a brine pump
>A few days ago I successfully injected an egg with hot sauce and fried it.
what is this wizardry?
You don't understand nothing
don't do this, you will make a homunculus
>ctrl vodka watermelon, 0 results
Inject a watermelon with vodka, wait for the season though
Poached egg injected with sauce hollandaise
I wonder if it would be possible to pump Tabasco or some similar thin hot sauce through the blood vessels of a freshly slaughtered chicken
Yo nigga, I herd you like eggz...
you'd have to make his heart beat
what about designing a pace maker for dead chickens
You should be careful, user. You might end up with some kind of spicy hot sauce homonculus.
This is some next level evil food scientist shit
you've inspired me to do this with my eggs but with way hotter sauce.
Bread and fry after?
Of course i always preferred boneless wings if i was going to bread them, but it would be neat.
BUSINESS IDEA : pump tabasco sauce WHILE the chicken is still alive
step 1 : acquire blood pump like those to clean kidneys
step 2 : only add a small amount of tabasco each day, the organism of the chicken will adapt to low level of oxygen in blood and it prevents the chicken from being in pain
step 3 : by day 15, the chicken's blood is 50% blood 50% tabasco.
50 % of hot sauce should be good to spice things up
good luck keeping that going when animal activists find out
In OPs original thread someone mentioned a man who uses a special chicken feed to make them taste naturally more spicy after slaughter... or something to that extent. Basically, it altered the taste of the chicken.
Do you think if we fed them capsaicin it would make their meat spicier?
Only if you could actually get them to eat it. Yes, I suppose it would.
Well luckily birds can't taste the species of capsaicin
Think it would've been more interesting if you hardboiled the egg after the injection
i agree, you should do that and post pics
I believe you mean soft boiled.
Hard boiled has a hard yolk, which wouldn't work with injections.
Soft boiled has a runny yolk, which would work with injections.
That's actually pretty cool. I make over-easy eggs all the time and love to add a little hot sauce myself. I'm making poached eggs for breakfast this weekend for some family of mine, I can wait to see the look on their face when I give them this. lol
Inject wine into a grape, see how large you can get it, freeze it, have yourself a tasty treat.
Semen then serve it to someone else or eat it yourself.
Inject a carolina reaper with milk
inject an egg but with bacon fat
inject a female with your seed
bet you cant do it
A raisin with wine
>your dick
seconding this please
its beautoful
What kind of hot sauce are you using?
Inject cherry tomatoes and then wilt them on low heat in an oven or dehydrator for a spicy sundried salad topping.
>Your mom
I already filled his mom with something else.
Whatever sauce I want really. I only used three for the egg experiment. The world is my oyster.
I was thinking of hollowing the cherry tomatoes with a small gauge needle to expose enough room for the hot sauce then roasting on low heat much like you said. I'll have to think of a way to seal the bore hole to prevent leakage. The injection of sauce may even come post-roasting as the heat will build pressure within the vessel and force liquids outside. Going to be another trial and error run; learning experience.
I'm thinking of making some 'cupcake pizza' with the cherry tomatoes. Little pastries in a cupcake pan, the finished tomatoes on the bottom, and cheese on top... or something along those lines. Still giving it some thought.
Likely go with some type of herb, oil, balsamic combination with the tomatoes as was recommended so far.
Holy shit. I remember your post about when you woke up and wanted to inject an egg with hot sauce and then fry it. I'm happy to see in this fucked up world people are still making their dreams realities
It was discussed, that a very promising way to do it, is to use 2 syringes. One to slowly drain yolk, while injecting a similar amount of hot sauce on the other side, to keep relative pressure stable.
After all the testing I still maintain that a single bore extraction/injection is the better method.
I feel like two holes compromises the egg more allowing for more variation of failure during the cooking process.
Ah, so you use one hole for both processes. Gotcha.
I wonder if there is a way of fusing multiple eggyolks together without compromising the structure.
There's a sac surrounding the yolk that once split past a certain point can't be constructed again unfortunately. Melding two yolks naturally (unless through an alginate method?) seems impossible. Unless you come across one of those rare conjoined yolks in a single egg. I've seen one myself from a freshly laid egg; my buddy's father-in-law has like 12 chickens in his yard. Fresh eggs are crazy, shells come in all different kinds of colors. Blue, green, yellow, red, orange. It's nuts.
Have you thought about injecting different kinds of pigmentations into the yolk? Depending on how freely you can move the tip of the syringe within the yolk, once inside, you could form patterns or contrasts between colours.
Maybe even have a metallic egg. Would of course still need to be edible. Otherwise it is no fun.
Any ways for an average joe to get access to the same equipment as you? I used to work in an inner city pharmacy and needles were treated as class 4s (think anti anxietys and other drugs of abuse that aren't opiates/amphetamines)
OP, how did you not break the yolk? in my experience, yolk is very easy to break if you come in contact with it at all... worst is when yolk breaks while you're trying to poach...
If I remember right, he put them in a bowl the size of the egg and used a single puncture point to draw out 4 ml of yolk carefully and then carefully put in 4 ml of the hot sauce. He did say he has experience in doing shit like this from his work. I'll try and find a link to the archive
this but brandy, it would be like 1ml of liquid...
here is the thread and
is where he is successful
He said that some sauces mixed with the yolk, so it should work with a hard egg too?
Did you ever try unlaid eggs, OP?
As for a new suggestion, cherry tomatoes. Could be good on a salad.
thanks m8
>unlaid eggs
you mean where you cook a chicken that's still got eggs stuck inside it? i need to see a pic of this...
hey OP
nothing constructive to offer, just wanted to say I hope you continue down this route of experimentation, with the same extent of reporting as your original.
forget the naysayers.
do it til there's nothing left to do
You don't understand grammar
after the first time he does this the chicken probably just dies
I would post a pic, but it's gore-tier disgusting, so Google it. Already got banned this week for something minor.
my brother died from this
>Did you ever try unlaid eggs, OP?
What dose that even mean?
I guess me means eggs that are half out the chicken
>needles were treated as class 4s
Ask a pharmacy outside of the shithole you worked at. Alternatively, show them this thread as your reason for needing needles.
Or on amazon, they're not classified.
Inject it into your pee hole faggot
Slaughter a chicken.
It may have eggs inside that it did not get to lay. Unlaid eggs.
Some pictures are not THAT bad, might as well get banned for posting raw meat
Anyone here tried these? They look like just the yolk with some disgusting umbilical cord keeping them chained
>majority yolk egg with some chicken flesh attached
This could be something. Dialysis seasoning animals so they can be slaughtered and cooked fresh in front of the rich patrons who have to call weeks in advance to select their flavor choice.
The decadence of eating something that was forced to season itself with its own circulatory system would definitely be worth some money.
I want my goose to taste of foie gras and nothing else!
>The world is my oyster.
There's an idea. Don't they usually get paired with hot sauce anyway?
Hey OP, I remember that thread everyone was saying that the yolk would break. Glad it worked out! Why don't you try injecting semen in to that embryo you fucking fag
>eating runny eggs
HAhahaAHAHahahAhHAhaHAHAhahahahahaahAHAHAHAAhAhahaahAhHAAHAh what an le fune origin
Your cum watch what happens