Veeky Forums Red Pills

Give me your biggest food-related red pills, I'm ready.

Other urls found in this thread: - Tibb#page/n1/mode/2up

More like reddit pills

Now fuck off

Just because something comes from America does not mean its bad.

your butthole has taste cells so you could actually eat from there

Olive oil is a meme

>Olive oil an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
I can confirm.

Some fast food tastes good when it's hot and fresh. Soda isn't literally poison if you consume the proper amount, which is about 6 oz or less, same goes for juice. Getting people to eat cultured meat instead of telling them the only way to help animals is to be a vegan will do more to help animals since they won't be turned off by how extreme some vegans are. Most recipes probably teach you bad techniques and directions, you cannot caramelize onions in 10 minutes like many recipes say.

Eggs are not that good.

Not sure how you can say that, there are so many ways to prepare them. But it takes a bit of skill to make them come out really well and not rubbery, dry, etc.

Needing to eat 5 portions of fruit/veg a day is a myth.

yeah you should get about 7-8

Powdered MSG makes a lot of stuff taste better

Herbs De Provonce makes everything taste better.
Season everything
You can break down a chicken, or really any bird, in about 15 seconds when you get good at it.
You don't even notice burns after a while.
Use lemon juice to clean really dirty dishes.

crab is better and cheaper than lobster


The problem is, not every fruit and vegetable is the same fucking thing!

Avocados, apples, grapes and strawberries belong far away from this meme

>using the term redpill outside of Reddit

Fuck off

Supermarket bulk sections make you pay for the bag. Weigh your shit, then bag it.

Self Service restaurants requires two travels, one to fill half of a plate with the appetizers you want, and once you finish it you go to get the real meal with less than two opitions.


lmao what bullshit


Here is the book if anyone wants to read. - Tibb#page/n1/mode/2up

Keto is not a meme


please don't spread this pseudo science crap. the same people who spread this shit spread the anti-vaccination and holistic medicine bs. homeopathy and other shit. do us a favor and don't reproduce

Shouldn't you be blowing up a concert hall right now or something?

>how to get pancreatic cancer