Whats your go to shitty beer?

Whats your go to shitty beer?

Mine is yuengling

PBR. It's just palatable enough that I don't mind it. Natty Ice is too watery tasting, and IceHouse always gets me too fucked up because I end up drinking a 6 pack of tallboys too fast

Becks, Paulaner or Pauli Girl.

Would be yuengling but my state doesn't have it so I have to grab a few cases every time I'm in Ohio. My go to shitty beer is probably Miller lite I guess

Why even drink shitty beer? I just drink vodka.

Alcoholic shitheads need something cheap to binge on.

good taste


Corona with lime. Even shit pubs and bars have it and it's not so bad.

Frat boy detected

Nope, just an alcoholic. I'm too uncomfortable to be a frat boy.

should i go pick up a couple beers?

i haven't decided. but i know if i do i'll get pic related

Iron city

uh, what?

As cheap as or cheaper than PBR and tastes the same as pretty much any other cheap lager.

I basically only get it at concerts when craft beers are over $8 a glass.

Probably this or Modelo because I live in Texas and it's cheap and fairly palatable

although I'm also partial to Old E

Deaner...ya gotta give'r...just give'r...

>TFW posting in a troll thread

Yuengling is the best American macro beer, actually.

It has a cool AF train on it, so I'd say get it.


They're cheap shitty beers bought almost exclusively by frat boys at my old uni, because they go down like water

First time i ever got drunk was in China, on Yuengling. Thought for years it was an actual Chinese beer.

Now I think it taste too sweet and they supported Trump so I don't buy

who the fuck cares who a brewer supports?

you're a goddamn idiot

>and they supported Trump so I don't buy


Ok, so you're in Ontario and you only have $2 to spend on beer. I will let you in on a secret: buy Jever.

Grain Belt. Leinenkugel as a second choice.

this but fucking cancer to find in flyover states

Haven't had beer in years
Just been drinking 1+ liter of some local missouri vodka (viaka) most weekdays. cut back to two bottles for the weekend though since I just sleep through it anyway.
When I want to just taste a shitty beer I go with sapporo or bud heavy, but it never gets me drunk :/

>Now I think it taste too sweet and they supported Trump so I don't buy
Roastie detected.

looks like mount daniel- good climb, user. congrats. thinking about doing that one myself this summer

for me it's PBR

Came to post this

Yuengling is head and shoulders over all cheap beers.

When money comes into play, for me, it's Miller High Life for best shitty all-day drinking beer.

These, but Coors is my number two

Currently drunk on 12 Coors lights. P comfy

Brb, buying

Yuengling is cheap beer, not shit beer. Big difference.

it tastes god damn identical to budweiser, coors, miller, keystone, pabst blue ribbon, every other god damn beer in the $4-$8 dollar range.
there is NOTHING special about any of them. they're no more offensive or better than each other.

Kirin Ichiban or Asahi Super Dry. It's like 2 bucks cheaper at asian markets than anywhere else so i always grab some when i go

Depends where I'm at.

Yuengling, 312, Spotted Cow

my nigga

Lone Star is great idgaf Not a fan of cerveza like Modelo though


not true. bud coors miller all taste the same, like metallic water. keystone tastes like sewage. PBR is ok, actually palatable if super-fresh. Yuengling has great lager flavor. You are baby's taste

Inoffensive taste.
Gets you drunk.
Image puzzles under every cap.

Now available at all ghetto convenience stores.

Same. A decent lager flavor at a dollar a can.

jokes on you i got lowenbrau because i went to lcbo instead

This stuff is pretty decent for sub 50c a can, otherwise Ying-a-ling is the ideal piss beer.

I started drinking this ironically and now I too find it inoffensive tasting.

Forgot picture.

Superior PA shit beer coming in. Shit takes likes heaven.

Grain belt nordeast is better

I don't like Trump either but that's a pretty shitty reason not to buy the beer you like.

I know a guy who works at a brewery so I just buy 58L kegs for $100 each.

>go to shitty beer

n e w c a s t l e

>preferred local hipster brew

smuttynose single digit

Amber lager tastes like Light Pilsner made with rice.

Nope, Yuengling is about the only pre-war American lager that isn't a cheap pilsner

I just pulled the image off google. Would like to go hike in the mountains eventually though.