For me, it's blueberry. The best PopTart

For me, it's blueberry. The best PopTart.

Any flavour other than grape is pleb-tier.

do americans really eat this?

Yup. Maggots and all.

Unironically, yes.

pleb: pop-tarts

patrician: toaster strudels

Cinnamon and brown sugar. The texture is the most delicious part.

>not eating Dorayaki and nothing else for dessert

fucking barbarian.

Blue raspberry nigga

Cherry is objectively the best flavor, if not only for the beautiful crimson crystals.

I've liked all the pop tarts I've tried but I think my favorites would be fudge and s'mores.

Apple-cinnamon was my go-to, but unfrosted cherry is pretty good.

1. Brown Sugar Cinnamon
2. Strawberry
3. Smore
4. Raspberry
5. Cinnamon Roll
6. Wild Berry
7. Cherry
100. Any other fruit flavor
100000. Non-frosted
999999999999. Any limited time meme pastries

The limited edition mocha pop tarts are good, also the Christmas sugar cookie and the discontinued gingerbread.

I agree, blueberry is best. I also prefer generic store brand pop tarts to the real thing.

cherry has pink frosting.

>For me, it's
Being autistic, and everyone hates you, including, well everyone.

Blueberry is best, because of the slight tartness mixed with the sweet
Unlike the cherry which is more tart (but still good)

Brown sugar cinnamon is the worst flavor, but I'll eat in if there's nothing left (which is how most people eat pop tarts I'm guessing)

>everyone hates you, including, well everyone
this post brought to you by joss whedon

Wildberry, Smores, Peanut butter, and hot fudge are the best flavors. Get the fuck out of here with your bland-ass cinnamon or strawberry poptarts. It's Flavortown or bust when it comes to my poppytarts.

I pretty much only get cherry and wild berry because I only eat them when I don't want to make breakfast (and I hate chocolatey stuff in the morning), but s'mores, fudge, and the other chocolate ones are good.

this guy fucking gets it

I love the red velvet ones, that and classic strawberry. They cost $2.60 per thing but was $2.20 before. I'll wait for the price to go down. In the mean time, PB and J will suffice.