Comfy food thread?

Comfy food thread?

pic onion-related?


someone got boogers on your hamburger

It's blue cheese!


Nah, it's really good and easy. Just microwaved hot dogs with chunks of cheddar.


Bro can I get some of your tots?

I guess comfort is in the eye of the beholder

Judgemental much?

how new are you?

get your own freakin tots

I didn't know "comfy" was defined as "absurdly disgusting, bland and unhealthy poorfag food"
but yeah I get it, it reminds you of your childhood and shit, you probably eat it while crywanking in a fetal position, thinking about the time when you were happier and less of a dissapointing fat fuck (though still pretty plump if your parents fed you that on the regular)

post yours, please


i'm freakin starving, i didn't eat anything today



This looks familiar as fuck. What is this from?

For me, it's pretty much any form of ground up meat, well seasoned, and shaped into a myriad of foods. Meatloaf, Salisbury Steak, Swedish Meatballs. Paired with something flavorful and starchy, like loaded mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, scalloped potatoes. Some roasted vegetables if I want to cut back on the main and side dish, but often omitted if I just want ultimate comfyness.

Too much syrup 3/10

i know they are utter white trash food, but boy do tator tots have such nostaligc taste to me

If by "Comfy" you mean "Makes me want to simultaneously vomit and shoot hot liquid shit out of my ass" then OK.

Yup. Love salisbury steak w/ mashed potatoes or mac n cheese. Same for meatloaf.

Another favorite is beef tips n' noodles.

>just cheese on the wieners
wtf is wrong with you

smash but man the camera makes that look unappetizing

Chicken noodle soup, chow mein, etc... any kinda noodle with soup or generall lighter. shit mac and cheese that's super heavy is the last thing that 'comforts' me.


>at restaurant that actually serves tots
>mfw friends make fun of me for asking for tots instead of fries
A choice between tots and fries is the ultimate plebe filter. Tots are the best possible thing you can do with potatoes and a frier.

I do something like this, but:

>Big bowl of white rice
>Polish sausage minced and cooked in a skillet
>Chunks of sharp cheddar
>Shit-ton of red pepper flakes
>A little shredded cheddar on top to garnish
>All of this stirred together

I make this delightful concoction at least once a week. I only wish I had a picture.


bruh what the frick i just want 1


Problem Child 2.



sweet potato fries. I could seriously eat them with every meal forever.

Looks like fucking tonsil stones fucking sick.


Been cooking risotto now 2-3 times a week. Not italian but It's comfort food to me.

no one cares
no one cares
no one cares
no one cares
>smash but man the camera makes that look unappetizing
no one cares
no one cares
no one cares
no one cares

Sorry for your autism, fucking queer

i'm gagging reading this

Pustules of warm blue cheese exploding in your mouth

>all this poor white trash putting hot dogs in otherwise decent side dishes and calling it a main meal

What is wrong with you people


Am I the only one?

Some quality biscuits and pork sausge gravy with a phat ass potato pancake i made last night. As cozy as it gets.

Go to bed Peyton

This looks looks like cheese, refried beans, and hot dogs/sausage.

Not at all senpai, chix parm is one of my favorite dishes. It's like spaghetti and meatballs, one of those dishes that kind of has the reputation of a children's meal but when done right it's outstanding.

Toasted WE bread then top with slices of cheddar, broil it Slice of tomato next to sandwich while it brooks then slide tmata onto sandwich. a bread and butter pickle on the side.

No it's good
Don't let chicken meat dry out bread the breast well and fry lightly
Do not drown in sauce --better to serve some
More sauce on the side
Use good mozzarella and parmigiana

Oh shit I saw this and thought of him too.

tater tots are fucking garbage and you are garbage



This image of food makes me un"comfort"able.

>Polish sausage

Comfy backyard grilling with seƱor dog

That's a heck of a doggo, i sure hope he gets some leftover grillin's


i normally put some onions or some such in there too but when i cant be assed to put in the effort its eggs all the way and shitty instant

Hot links >>>>>>> hot dogs

this shit doesnt stop getting funny everytime i fucking see it jesus fucks

Muh ribs



don't think I have one. I had a diverse diet as a kid and I still do. I eat food because it's tasty, not because it reminds me of my childhood

Lentils, oatmeal and chicken sausage.

Guaranteed bowel mover

Local comfort food.
Lobster chowder.

My grandfather's friends would show up and bring us lobsters, and nan would cook lobster chowder for us

I'm cumming

Breakfast sandwiches

grilled cheese and pea soup.

tomato soup also okay.

Holy shit mang this looks amazing. Recipe? I want to know if you do more to the gravy than milk, flour, sausage.

woo wee good think we have the official Veeky Forums fucking retard to rate every comfy food I can go to sleep now hahaha xD

>spoonful of grease

Why are you being a di/ck/? He's not even giving numbers, just a yes/no.

def cabbage rolls, pierogi, & kielbasa. Love me some polish food

That's... the prettiest bowl of franks and beans I've ever seen.

>crywanking in a fetal position

Fucking lost it

its an hambooger

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

Looks lovely, what kind of bread is that? Homemade?

Definitely not homemade. They are pic related. That's Jimmy Dean sausage (sage flavor) and kraft american cheese. A delicious and heavily processed comfy favorite of mine

Is that electric current running through a hot dog?

>posts art in food gore threads
>posts absolute shit in this one
I fucking love Veeky Forums

i bet i cuold eat all of that

Oh fuck. Thanks. I just nostalgia'd hard.

Me too

Why paper?

Because it was just me and my brother slammin some breakfast sandwiches while watching wrestlemamia. No need to dirty any dishes

chillens eat this?

looks dank senpai but thats a big big boy portion

ITT food fat families ate

my parents made me spaghetti, baked salmon, baked chicken, lasagna, steak, green beans, broccoli, stuffed peppers, salads, what the fuck disgusting redneck families did you hicks grow up in? holy shit, fucking hot dogs, fried foods and cheese? what the fuck am I supposed to even say to this shit on a plate? we weren't rich at all, just not retarded and lazy apparently because fucking wow I'd call child protection services if my parents made me eat this diarrhea on a daily basis.

Chips and salsa. Have a few for a snack or keep on eating for a meal.

>my parents made me spaghetti, baked salmon, baked chicken, lasagna, steak, green beans, broccoli, stuffed peppers, salads

And let me guess. The epitome of flavor was a dash of salt. When Auntie Martha and Uncle George didn't stop by, someone might dare to add a pinch of black pepper.

Fuck off nigger/spic//both.

what is this faggot implying