Has being good at cooking ever helped you with women?

Has being good at cooking ever helped you with women?

I know, I know
>Veeky Forums
but still, serious thread

wonder what her pucci tastes like to be quite honest with you bros

Skinny college bitches don't know how to do anything but wear makeup and be whores, so it's easy to get pussy if you know how to cook because all you have to do is invite them over for breakfast, lunch, whatever and feed them. Then you've got your in.

Even if all you can do is feed them pancakes, you're good, because from there it's parties / whatever other events you have planned.

I really like that look. Classy, old school, metropolitan. Who is that anyway?


Having money helps a hell of a lot more.

Cooking for women is worse than lifting for women tbqhwy.

>what is image search


yes, with women who appreciates the effort ie women who knows how to cook.
>implying it takes that much effort to get inside a slut

filthy non-white slut, wouldnt fuck

tell that to chad

of course not

Like one out of four.
>overwhelming aroma
>slightly acidic

>has taking on a traditionally feminine role helped you with women, who by default should already know how to cook?

No, cooking is my profession, I don't do it at home unless it's a Holiday, my wife cooks.

how does basic pucci tastes like?

This is true. They might be amused by it but will probably tag you as gay or beta orbiter to be taken advantage of. Exception is for BBQ, cooking game meats you hunted.

>Classy, old school, metropolitan

agreed, cooking is for cucks, unless you killed something with your gun to show what a REAL MAN you are

>white women
>get inside is virtually 0 effort unless you're a basement dwelling neet

Yep, this.

It's a traditionally feminine pursuit. Dunno why you're mad about having that pointed out.

Why would I be mad that I live in a first world country where men can cook for fun without being ostracized by the shura council for pursuing hobbies that the Prophet Muhammed reserved for women?

Like I said, I don't know. Although maybe it's because you're a beta who takes pride in the feminization of his own society.

As a Liberal, I fully support Muslim men beating , raping their daughters & wives however they want because it's just their culture, and it's none of our god dammed business.

t.Salman Abedi

90% of all pussies taste like rotten fish.
Other 10% taste like almost rotten fish.
Trust me ive eaten a lot of puss. Once you suck out all the juicy bacteria its kinda nice.

I once was going to meet up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while at a tea shop. She asked me to make some cookies and that shortbread would be the easiest.

Boy did i fuck up those cookies. I still took them and on the way bought a box of shortbreads at a duane reade. When I got there we both tasted the cookies and joked about how bad they were, but she still ate them and we didn't even open the box i brought

Like a month later I was talking to her and she mentioned that cleaning out that bag she brought that day she found the cookies. and whats more she was still nibbling on them and she said they had a weirdly endearing taste. I laughed it off as gross and thats that.

It wasn't until now that I kick the shit out of myself for it. Tried talking to her again, but couldn't really get past small talk.

>cooking is for fags
t. Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking

>As a Liberal, I fully support Muslim men beating , raping their daughters & wives however they want because it's just their culture

But its evil when white people do it cuz Fuck white people right?

whatever part of the brain detects sarcasm, you're missing it

maybe you should start fucking girls that take showers then

i was with my ex for almost 3 years and i used to eat her out pretty often, not once i felt anything even remotely like rotten fish.
the only weird experience was once at New Years party when we were drunk and she peed a lot and we were too horny to take showers before fucking so i tasted the piss, but i was too drunk to care anyway

Your average /pol/edditor newfag, ladies and gentleman

more likely it's just a samefag replying to himself. look at the spacing and the time stamps, it's almost certainly the same guy

somehow you made yourself seem even stupider

must've been tough, but you managed it


Why is Veeky Forums fucking obsessed with /pol/?

> go to /pol/ search Veeky Forums get 0 threads
> go to Veeky Forums, search /pol/, get 127 threads.

Its like pol couldn't give less of a fuck about Veeky Forums but Veeky Forums can't stop talking about big bad pol.


that dogg sure does have a nice rump

cause pol shits everywhere. /co/ has the same issue.

hi newfag, let me help you understand something

when Veeky Forums first became widely known, /b/ was the big draw and spillover from /b/ attracted hostility from the "oldfags", hence calling someone a /b/tard when they were acting out of line was a typical way of discrediting someone

in recent years /pol/ has become the draw for people like you, and when people like you spilled into other boards, you were rightly called out

/b/ didn't "care" about Veeky Forums in 2008, any more than /pol/ "cares" about Veeky Forums now. and that's why people are calling you /pol/

I hope this has been informative

Then why do you come to Veeky Forums sturmdrumpfer? I'm Veeky Forums, but you fuckers crawl over here like cockroaches. I never see you on /out/ or /diy/, why are you here? Because you think you might actually be communicating with a female instead of your anime pillow?

>Why is [Veeky Forums] fucking obsessed with /pol/?

FTFY dude.

>this much butthurt

>Why is Veeky Forums fucking obsessed with /pol/?

A few snowflakes accidentally wandered over to /pol/, got raped by the local crew, and became so bitter that they spend the rest of their Veeky Forums days hiding on other boards taking pot shots at /pol/.

Nobody else here gives a shit about pol.

>A few snowflakes accidentally wandered over to /pol/, got raped by the local crew, and became so bitter that they spend the rest of their Veeky Forums days hiding on other boards taking pot shots at /pol/.
> Nobody else here gives a shit about pol.



wow you people are obsessed. /pol/ is basically the America of boards lol.


Never can tell if these posts are genuine or not. I guess they're kinda funny either way.

Yeah, you tell them what's what, faglord.

Only helped me once I got into "relationship" mode. No woman you're hitting on is going to care about your cooking skills if you're not a TV chef, but it helps keep them around for another week or so.


hello chef at wendys

Landed my last GF after a couple dates when I asked her over to my place to bake cookies together. Girls love gay shit like that, you just can't let the gay shit overwhelm your entire life, otherwise you wind up looking too gay.

any girl that wears thigh highs is a complete nympho

>thigh highs
my fetish desu

Show me right now a /diy/ or /out/ thread that carries your sturmdrumpfer garbage. Protip: You can't. Don't you think your circle jerk pals are lonely, or maybe they need a black woman to protect them from a diminutive SJW, like Spencer? You fuckwads are pathetic.

Who cares if you're looking to gay? It's to make that gay faggy woman in your life happy, so you can get sex, because that's all you can offer, AND sex is the most important thing in your life.
If you're normal though, yeah, fuck what chicks want.

Pretty good ťbh.

The fuck are you on about now, Stephan?

Here, have a tomato BBQ recipe....

Per 1 cup of diced tomato
1/4 cup of diced onion
2 cloves diced garlic
1 diced habanero (skip or sub if you don't like heat)
2 tbs brown sugar
2 tbs apple cider vinegar
1 tbs chili powder
1/2 tbs cayenne
1/2 tbs black pepper
2 tsp white pepper
2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp cinamon
1 tsp cumin
Salt to taste
Water as needed

Heat oil in pan and cook onion until well caramelized.
Add tomato and mix in dry ingredients and cook the moisture out of the tomato to form a paste.
Add enough water to thin the mix out, bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer and allow to simmer for at least 30 mins, or as long as you want, just check your liquid level and top up as needed.
After the simmer, adjust thickness as needed with additional water, add the vinegar, and season with salt to taste.

You can use as is, or you can blend it and strain it. Adjust sweet and sour components according to your taste.

yes. helped me get my wife.

Being a good cook won't GET you a hot woman.

But it sure as fuck will help you KEEP a great woman.

My wife is a 9/10 (rated by my enemies), and after we broke up in our senior year of college, she dated a Chad for a year while we went our own way.

They broke up and we crossed paths a few years later. I swear to god my wife told me she loved everything about him, except that he was fucking clueless in the kitchen, and that was a major turn off after us being serious in college.

All her friends love me too. Just hosted a a party last weekend and made an osso bucco that had all their panties fucking steaming. Fought over the leftovers, and these girls are all twigs.

True story bro. There is no downside to being handy in a kitchen with women.



this tbqh family

I don't know that you can pick up a girl by cooking but you can definitely keep her around if you cook for her.

It's also great for long term relationships, if you live together... I enjoy cooking but hate the other household chores. With my ex girlfriend it worked out great because she hated cooking but didn't mind the other shit.

No, because the only woman who's ever been in my depressing little apartment is my mom.

So, uhhh...you're a butler? Why would you cook, serve, then do the dishes like an employee of your wife and by proxy her friends? Seems a bit much.

Are you sure? She's your ex for a reason..

yes, she's my ex for different reasons

>it's not you, it's me

I'd leave a man as well if he washed dishes and cooked, then scrubbed the pots and pans he used to prepare food. Women who cannot cook are useless.

erm definitely alot, being able to cook opens alot of doors, and besides it just being a plain attractive quality it's such a great thing to do together. on a more casual note i have a friend that often invites me over to make desserts and stay the night, that began as just coming over to make desserts. if nothing else it's a great foot in the door. of course afterwards it's still very much up to you personally

i'm pretty confident cooking wasn't a predominantly female field before the industrial revolution

Being a housewife was, so: having children, darning/mending clothes, cleaning, cooking. Those were wifely duties, which now are "oppressive" for some reason...when every modern woman who deviates from these winds up a worn out spinster, surrounded by cats, watching her more intelligent peers raise their children.

>cooking is oppressive
That's the kind of thing that a college campus radical might have said in 1964. That generation is in nursing homes now. Are you posting from a nursing home?

let's talk when you will have had a 5 year relationship kid

Made my wife cum when she heard i could cook

Women like a man who can take care of himself.

Modern women still think motherhood and all the duties surrounding that role are oppressive, in white communities anyway.

and you learned this on /pol/?

go talk to some women irl, what you see on the internet is a small minority

My wife is the only woman in her peer group that is married or has children. They scoff out loud whenever they come to our house "pfft JEEZ glad i dodged that bullet." When one of our children runs through the yard or makes some audible noise. They're all borderline alcoholics as well. Jilted, lonely, angry, dependent on men yet view them as useless.

How do posts like this happen? Did a nursing home get a shipment of abandoned ipads and one of them was stuck with Veeky Forums as the home page?

There is no nice way to say this, but... those people don't say stuff like that when they're at other people's homes, seeing other people's kids.

I'd like to cook you a meal big boy

It helps you break the ice a lot easier than inviting them out to eat, in my opinion.
>in your house
>you show off your cooking skills
>you set the menu
>you set the wine chart

>"user, is this safe for me to eat, being lactose intolerant?"
>"user, is this safe for me to eat, being vegan?"
>"user, is this safe for me to eat, being allergic to eggs?"
>"user, is this gluten free?"
>"user, is this halal?"
>"user, is this keto?"
>"user, is this ecological/fairtrade?"
>"user, do you have some Bacardi Breezer/Smirnoff Ice?"

sounds like you just have a terrible group of friends t b h

just ask them what they like before cooking

it can be a conversation at least, and an excuse to ask them to yours

>"user, is this halal?"


Listen buddy, I ask about lactose for your benefit. I will have the worst gas you can imagine within 10 minutes

I would be less upset with my husband if he could cook me a simple meal when I am sick and do not have the energy to cook us dinner. Men should learn how to cook basic meals for this very reason, it's highly appreciated.

All of them do, one even called my son a "future afterthought" as he has blonde hair and blue eyes. Weird.

It's not just my wife's friends that say/do this weird shit, but all the women i work with as well. None of them are intetested in marriage, or children. They almost exclusively order out, every meal. Pretty boring also, no good conversation, always stupid shit about reality TV or "lol Drumpffff".

Gets old fast. The majority of people posting on Veeky Forums are young women, and the quality of each thread indicates: i want to do as little as possible, but still gain the benefit of hard work. Or the laziest way to spruce up Ramen, or best places to eat, or obsessive McChicken posting.

Delete this horrible thread already

>majority young women

Kek no. It's majority young men, with some old fucks. There's more women here than other boards besides /an/ and /cgl/. That doesn't mean it's a majority.

>called my son a future after thought

>Modern women still think motherhood and all the duties surrounding that role are oppressive, in white communities anyway.

Our high school womens studies teacher basically spent a year teaching us cooking was sexist and should be a mans job.

This is what we're taught in shcool now.

You seem very ignorant of modern education & femminism.

There are universities full of students and teachers who are reinforcing some very sexist, mysogynistic, and misguided ideas in the name of "Feminism"

You can't even spell it correctly and you're lecturing me on "femminism" (sic)?

Stay in your nursing home, grandpa. You're describing an archaic version of feminism that hasn't been relevant for half a century.

skool is for liberals, thats why maw put me to werk in da feelds instead of putting on airs and reading like a cuck

Arbeit macht frei, that's what my dadbrothercousin always said

>Stay in your nursing home, grandpa.

Get out of your mother's basement in the suburbs and see the real world for once.

I bet all the black people you know are on /tv/.

The real world isn't all puppies & sunshine...

lol @ these ignorant snowflakes trying to give advice on the real world.

>You seem very ignorant of modern education & femminism.
These two little snowflakes are great examples. Have zero idea how schools are run yet keep talking out of their ass.

A man who can't cook his own food lacks basic survival skills and should be culled. Why trust a woman to cook your food, men have always been the best chefs.

>Why trust a white woman to cook your food?

Fixed your post.

If you want to be happy, marry your self a nice little latina or asian. They actually have home skills, unlike white cunts, and they are infinitely better mothers than white women.

and if I told you I lived in brown neighborhood in a dense city you'd tell me I live in a "liberal bubble", because muh feelings
how would you know what schools are like?

>These two little snowflakes are great examples. Have zero idea how schools are run yet keep talking out of their ass.



femminists are why I'm so lonely, why won't these feminazis have sex with me when I hold the door for them? school is the problem, if we returned to pre-industrial times I could have what I deserve instead of always being cucked by the smug chads and their hip smart phones

>marry your self a nice little latina or asian

What if I live in Latin America? Am I free to marry whoever I want?