"Hi, my name is Stephan. I'll be your server this evening."

>go to restaurant
>get seated in hipster nu-male section
>get reminded to call for Steph - on with an "on" and not Ste - phen with an "en" multiple times during the meal.
>tries to make small talk while we're eating
>gets absolutely crushed and offended when I tell him to leave and not come back until I call for him

The fuck is up with urbanites these days?

Irritating waiter / waitress thread.

>tfw name is Stefan

It's super common in Slav land but I hate how people in America pronounce it so much.

I honestly am considering just going by Steve if I were ever to move there.

Definitely go with Steve, dude.

Stefan with an "on" is super faggy here.

It's not pronounced like that where I'm from. I've been called StefOOOON multiple times in the US, even by my own relatives and it's awful.

Slavs pronounce it as Ste-fun. Or like how you'd pronounce the "an" in the word another.

Though I've told people how to pronounce it and they are seemingly incapable of not saying it as Stefon

steph curry pronounces it like stEFFen for whatever reason even though its spelled stephen, which actually makes alot more phonetically sense than stEEven which for whatever reason is the normal way to pronounce it in american english

why do americans do such silly things

Stephan used to be a cool name before stephen "down low Castro boy" curry faggoted it up.

That's why you just go with "Steve", bro.

Steve is the dude you roll to the bar with to pick up chicks, or invite to the BBQ party, or is the guy you count on to have your back in a fight. Everybody loves Steve.

Stephan is....well, the faggy guy with the ponytail that fucks up your order at the restaurant and about cries when you call him out for being the irritating fuck he is.

Got it, Steve?

Because it's short for Steffeminate

>stephen "down low Castro boy" curry

That boy needs to stop lyin & jus come out of the closet. Ayesha curry aint foolin nobody.

Well considering I look like Niko Belic with a beard, I doubt people will mistake me for a faggot.

Not until you tell them your name is "Stephan", at least.

>Because it's short for Steffeminate

I'll take my chances I think. If someone makes a judgement about who I am as a person based solely on my name then I don't really have much interest in further interacting with them anyways.

goddamn american scum learn how to properly pronounce names that do not origin from your language, it's not that hard. Only kids can't do it.

you know the whole world laughs about the way you talk foreign languages? Never ever has someone complained about my accent when I talk english; and never have I ever heard someone honestly complement an american, who spoke a foreign language. Maybe sometimes when we're polite because we know how to behave around others.

>the bouncing dvd icon on screen
fukkin lol

Wow you're a whiny piece of shit. I hope he spit in your food.

t. stephON

You seem upset, Ameriboo.

Here, have a picture of some plain white toast.


Be seated by maitre/front of house

Server approaches table and status "Good evening, my name I...."

Stand, request cost, leave, never return.

Dude, they weren't insulting you. They were trying to explain that Steve is a masculine name, and Stephan is a faggot name in the US. One of the posters even told you to use "Steve," otherwise people will think you're a gay faggot. It was advice that you would do well to heed.

I hope you didn't tip

Who gives a single shit about Stephen curry on this board except for his last name

Nah, he got like 15% for the effort as he wasn't intentionally rude....just annoying.

Quit your bitching. Stop being a sour prick and maybe more people will be cool and like you. Just leave him a bad tip and don't say anything. Go make noise about something that matters bruh

Why the fuck should I want to please sheeple anyway? I'm not a beta orbiter nu-male like you.

>not understanding context

i hope youre a hot woman so you can pop out a couple kids and be a housewife because you seem too stupid for real life

StephON's back, I see...

Oh.... That's uh... Cool?

Seated at table by host was informed Alice will be our server, wait 10 minutes no server arrives call a nearby busboy Franklin swell guy he takes our drink order and apps. Gives us a great wine pairing and reccomended the house ginger soda for my daughter which she loved. Recommended great meals which we loved. Ordered the seasonal dessert a ganache with seasonal berries inside a tart with icecream great stuff, great service. See a waiter who was on her phone and left multiple times deliver our check. Pay the bill on card no tip and cash tip Franklin 30% when he passes by. Alice mentions I forgot to tip quite loudly I then informed her she didnt touch a plate nor glas and will not be receving a tip. I was livid after she did that and requested to speak to the manager. I informed him of what occured and the conduct of his server Alice. I would probably still be waiting if it wasnt for Franklin and reccomnded he get promoted. Well I ended up getting a discount and Franklin did get promoted and I go to that restaurant biweekly as it is inside a popular mall and i take my daughter to shop.

Honestly the nerve does not provide any type of service then attempts to shame a person because of a non tip when i did tip who provided service.

You're just a fucking moron with basic bitch education. I grew up in fucking TEXAS, and I know the right way to pronounce Stefan. You pronounce it like you've only heard it on fucking SNL. Jesus......

I have a somewhat unusual name, nothing weird or stupid, but unusual in the US, and I learned a long time ago that how people react to my name is a relatively good indication of their intelligence and whether I want to keep interacting with them or not.

"Either wear a hair and beard net or bring me a different server."

My response to OP's pic touching my food.

dude cooks a mean patty melt. cooking.

"Are you cosplaying as a hipster samurai Stefan?"

Calm down, StephON.

>requested to speak to the manager.

That's pretty much what I do when I get shitty service. They usually appreciate it hearing about it, and that always leaves me with the impression that they know that the waiter/tress in question is ass and are just waiting for the right justification to fire their asses.

My name isn't Stephan, and you're a fucking gaylord with a bad education.


What are you, 12?

One time I had a waiter who would crouch down every time he came by the table. I'd have to look down to talk to him. It was... really fucking weird

cause you are spelling it wrong, if you want that pronunciation then spell it stephan

t. stephAN

had this once or twice
kinda hate when they slide into the booth with you though, of course it all depends on where you're eating

I've been lucky enough to not get anyone terribly obnoxious or shitty in recent memory

went to an olive garden once after a long day on campus finishing a big assignment, it's like an hour and a half drive home, it was 9PM, and I just wanted to sit down and get waited on before I really hit the road

my waitress was so overly concerned about me, assuming because I was totally exhausted and probably showed it and because I was there alone

just let me eat my spaghetti I know it looks bad but I'm fine I promise

I purposely refer to him as steve curry


>user misses out on waitress' # because of his autism
Also this thread is stupid as hell, Veeky Forums is increasingly becoming Facebook for weirdos.

I disagree. I've pretty much laughed the entire time I was reading this thread. That's not a bad thing.


Never reply to me again.

>implying i'm gay

What about your wife's son?


>move to North America
>servers annoy you every 3 and a half minutes asking you if the food is OK or if you need anything
>the only thing I need is for them to fuck off and leave us alone because they keep interrupting our meal
>looks on their faces when we'd tip them low or wouldn't tip them at all with our excuse being that the servers were too annoying
If we want you, we'll flag you down. The food's fine, we'll let you know if there's a problem with it. Annoying customers every 3min in the hopes that you're gunna maybe get extra good boy points for being "helpful" doesn't work. Fuck off.

>Name is spelt "Craig"
>they pronounce it "Kregg"
>name is spelt "Megan"
>they pronounce it "Meh-gan"

>being such a ravenous anti-social hog that you fly into a rage if your precious meal is interrupted for 3 seconds to give the waiter a thumbs up

you're like angry dads who flip their shit when a friend calls during dinner

>when they slide into the booth with you
do americans really do this?

>blaming americans for your faggy name

>go to a dim sum restaruarnt because I'm curious and like to try new things.
>find out its run by white people, and the ingredients are all gimmicky.
>hipster waitress sees me and looks obivously annoyed.
>she did a shitty job of explaining the menu and we should orders courses, which is dumb on her part
>feel extremely unwelcome and rush to go, left her a tip only so she wouldn't get the satisfaction of saying she knew those people would leave her anything.

>being this much of an American millenial
No, not at all. If we want to order more drinks/food or if we have an issue with the food we were given, we'll call the server. We don't want the server interrupting our conversation every 2 minutes. Shit's rude and it's obvious that they're try-harding for more tips when they should be doing actual other work instead.


Go jack off to Oreimo, faggot.

or you could schedule the trouble employee for lunch shift one day a week. Eventually the problem takes care of itself.

This. They will be on their hands and knees by the second week begging for their old friday/saturday night shift.

I don't know about other countries but America is really undergoing an unskilled labor crunch. A lot of people are just opting out of minimum wage-cuckery and the service industry has been hit particularly hard and are very desperate.
My mom who works in the industry says her place will hire basically anyone with a pulse and staying power at the beginning of the year and be lucky if they have 1 or 2 stay on in 6 months.

So yeah, insufferable hipsters and shitty service employees are around because establishments are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

my dads name is stephen but I call him step-hen

I usually leave a note if I tip poorly. I've never not tipped; the worst ever was $3 on a ~ $80 dollar meal. I'm fairly young, so I get shitty service a lot. I just jot down something along the lines of, "I tipped poorly in accordance with the service, not my age" or similar. If it was particularly bad, I'll talk to the manager. I've only done that twice.



Good thing we gots dem programs so peeps don't have 2 B doin' shitz that's beneath themz to make dat money, nome sayin, yo?

>implying blacks ever worked
Its mostly the lefty white kids that have started living off the state and/or with mommy and daddy.

>waiter squats down next to table as we order


My grandfather was a trained waiter in Italy before he moved to the US, so whenever we go out he usually ends up talking to our waiter about his experiences at the end of the meal.

Hipster waiters would love having him as a customer, but I live in a place without too many hipsters so mostly the waiters are just trying to get everything cleared while partially listening to him talk.

I thought classically trained waiters were taught to be invisible during service? I really wish that was still the standard.

>thinks I was specifying blacks as being lazy, entitled pieces of shit

I mean when we go out to local places, not fancy ones.

He was classically trained, so I'm pretty sure the classical style of presentation and clearing was standard for where he served. That was during the 50s though.

Stephan is a medieval serbian honorary name, meaning "the crowned"

Interestingly, we consider Bob, Bill and Jack aswell as Kevin, Jason and Donald to be effeminate and faggy

Koliko jebenih srba lurkuje ovde? Ne verujem da sam jedina

>Ne verujem da sam jedina

?!?!? od kad žensko zna za čen, beži na blic žena pusti nam ovo

funny, since I'm polish and Stefan is just out variety of Steve
no idea why anyone would pronounce it with an -on though

You're a fucking idiot they force the waitresses and waiters to go to your table every three minutes ding dong

Man, that's a funky lime.

I hope you realize the poster you replied to was shitting on American pronunciation...

it just goes without saying

This is just a difference in culture. In North America it's generally considered a big gaff if you have to go get your server. Additionally, it's rude to flag down your serves as it implies that they're not attentive enough. When I went to Europe the first time I had a hard time at restaurants because servers there aren't nearly as attentive and I always felt awkward. This resulted in me having to wait far longer than I should to get the bill or order another item. Eventually I caught on to that is just how things are done there and adapted. Which is what you should do too.

>Veeky Forums is increasingly becoming Facebook for weirdos.
where do you think you are?

>you're spelling your own name wrong


I feel like I get shitty service too because of my young age despite being polite and very neat, since I have worked in the service industry. And also because I am not hipster looking at all.

This kind of reckless meme-mashing is irresponsible behavior. I'm gunna have to ask you to leave this thread for a while.

>Stephan is a medieval serbian honorary name, meaning "the crowned"

That's great, Slobodan, but over here "Stephan" is a modern hipster name given to future nu-males, and it means "effeminate faggot".

Lol if you have to prove how much of a nu-male you aren't, you probably are one. I hope the next time you are a dick to someone, they poison your food haha.


Would be funnier if he was your step dad. Well, not really but yeah.

What Is that clip art supposed to be illustrating?

tip him $1 and see his reaction


The restaurant industry needs to die. Not because it's completely restaurants' fault, but the way that everything works nowadays is complete shit. Customers hate going out more and more, especially during busy times, and restaurant employees hate dealing with customers, plus they have a shitty work environment. I hope eventually things get so bad that the majority of restaurants in the states close and millions of people are out of work so we can try it again, hopefully better.
>but there's a huge demand to eat out
>but people need unskilled jobs and the food industry is a huge part of that
>but it's been around forever
The sooner it's no longer feasible to own a restaurant, the sooner the industry will experience collapse and then there won't be as much market saturation, which will lead to new competition and better practices

>shit bait thread from 2 days ago has 94 replies
Fuck you all

T. StephON.....again.

>being such a cuck so as to rename yourself because anglos are linguistically incompetent

Jebote Štefan...

hon hon hon
I'd call him Stéphanie to piss him off. Ow do you like it, Américan pig?

Trying to make it sound French and sophisticated maybe?

A server interrupting your party to bring you the bill and implicitly asking you to pay and leave is considered rude in Europe. That's why Muricans wait hours for the bill hoping it would work like at home.
Also you can stay the entire afternoon at your table talking with whoever you went to the restaurant with, if the place stays open as a café or something. It is a thing.

>I hope eventually things get so bad that the majority of restaurants in the states close and millions of people are out of work so we can try it again, hopefully better.
>Once it becomes no longer economically feasible to own a restaurant, cheaper restaurants with better service quality will start springing up.

That's some incredible magical thinking you've got going on there.

>Keep wages low enough in an industry to keep out skilled workers
>Watch as small restaurants fail to keep up with larger chains that can get away with high turnovers easier

It's a shitty time to open a restaurant, but there's no indication that major chains (especially fast food) are on their way out.

An obvious reason is that most people recognize they don't have the disposable time or income for eating out as much. This is more likely the cause of why restaurants are suffering, rather than people becoming more dissatisfied with their level of service. More money isn't likely to start flowing into the food service industry until this changes.

Veeky Forums will always always always jump through hoops to chase any bait related to "I'm so much better than millennials/normalfags/my well-adjusted peers".