What are you supposed to eat as a woman to keep as thin as society wants you to be?
>inb4 eat normally
What are you supposed to eat as a woman to keep as thin as society wants you to be?
>inb4 eat normally
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Nature wants you athletic to defend the lives of your children if necessary. Whether it be sprinting to safety, or actively engaging in a violent defense of your babies, that's what nature engineered humans to do.
What happened to her? Steroids?
Why do people worship this pig-nosed feminist piece of garbage that can't even eat with chopsticks?
She was in Kickass and had a huge pedophile following until she turned 18.
wait she was the little girl that got shot for training in that movie? I always thought they looked alike. Makes sense now.
Look up your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). There are a bunch of online calculators.
It's basically the net number of calories you burn in a day. If you are currently a normal weight and wish to maintain, then eat the same number of calories as you expend. If you want to lose weight, eat less.
You can also eat above your TDEE and not gain weight if you burn off the excess calories.
Realistically, you can eat anything so long as calories out is equal or greater to calories in.
Use myfitnesspal to track calories.
>inb4 that's to much work
Then stay fat
abstain from fat as much as possible
eat beans and bread. veggies. lean protein. non fat dairy.
no snacking
2 meals a day.
walk for exercise.
for men to look good you have to adapt a lifting regimen as well as eating healthy
women just need to do light physical exercise and not eat as much as a 250lb man
>as thin as society wants you to be?
shut the fuck up you fat cunt you even have the option to be "curvy" and pass up chubby dudes
for breakfast a grapefruit and some oolong tea without sugar
for lunch green salad with some lean turkey or ham
for tea cucumber sandwiches
for supper fruit or a light broth
tfw dislike fruits
is chugging smoothies fine?
>not-so-subtle triggered fatty bait thread
How about no?
God she got gross.
High in calories, low in nutrients and not satiating. Whole carbs are leagues above bread
>lean protein. non fat dairy.
I'm gonna assume you meant lean meats, chicken has been associated with the most weight gain out of all meats, turkey is barely better
Dairy is even worst no matter how "fat free" it is
>no snacking
Doesn't matter if you're eating the correct foods, even if you aren't counting calories
If someone followed your advice they'd have to calorie restrict themselves and go to sleep hungry every night
>oolong tea
You're better off eating plants that drinking tea
>lean turkey or ham
""Lean"" still contains high amounts of fat (including saturated), contains very little nutrient and are not satiating
Ham is all of the above, but worst and with ridiculous amounts of salt too
>cucumber sandwiches
So, a bunch of fat spreads between empty calorie slices of bread with some added cucumber so you think it's healthy?
>fruit or a light broth
"Light" broth are relatively high in calories, not satiating and full of fat and salt
Fruits are much better consumed early in the day
I'm assuming the portions you have in mind for this type of diet are small, so you're basically saying "Calorie restrict yourself" and using terrible foods as examples of low calories meals
Would you both please do some research before trying to advice someone?
Simple, the same shit in smaller portions, don't try to eat like a man does, especially not like a tradesman or something like that.
Yes eat a whole bunch of carbs so you don't gain weight. Quality advice
Veggies and protein daily, carbs once a week. Your welcome.
I lost almost all my fat on a 40/40/20 diet. 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat. I used those ratios at 3500 calories a day and lifted my ass off in the gym and lost all fat and put on a bunch of muscle over a one year period. Just eat clean, healthy foods and keep track of what you eat so you know for sure what you're eating is what you're eating. Don't guess at numbers. Don't eat from boxes or packages or cans or frozen this or that. Whole foods, real foods. grab some pots and pans, cook some real food. Eat clean every day, exercise as you should. It's not easy until it's normal if you aren't used to it.
>abstain from fats
There's nothing wrong with eating unsaturated fats unless you're going overboard, especially since they'll keep you more satiated than carbohydrates and protein.
>Grab some pots and pans, cook some real food.
This is the secret right here. You've gotta know everything that's going into your meals and exactly how it was prepared.
Why do you care what women eat you beta fuck?
>not liking a little thickness assuming she has boobs and butt to match
Na, just her body type
She just needs to choose clothes that fit her body type better I think
she's bulking
>as thin as society wants you to be?
This is why women will always make less money then men.
Men are competitive. I will have a better physique, I will run faster, I will have bigger muscles than the next guy because fuck him, that's why.
Men will race each other to be better.
Women all want to be fat, comfortable, and accepted in their safe spaces.
This is why men work harder, invent, create, and EARN a higher pay than whiney ass women.
She looks fine. I don't get why people even care. She looks just fine. She'd make linebacker babies, that's for sure.
>EARN a higher pay than whiney ass women.
My wife makes 240k a year you spergy faggot. I bet you get out earned by millions of women.
>bragging about his wife's income
Lmao, enjoy raising her son.
> pointing to outliers as a defense
> "maybe feminists need to sftu about equal pay then>"
This is probably why your woman makes more than you, dummy.
>Men are competitive. I will have a better physique, I will run faster, I will have bigger muscles than the next guy because fuck him, that's why.
I just grew some chest hair reading this.
I make a million dollars in a week and I fuck your wife faggot
>Men will race each other to be better.
>Women all want to be fat, comfortable, and accepted in their safe spaces.
>This is why men work harder, invent, create, and EARN a higher pay than whiney ass women.
There are a few women who work as hard as men. You just never hear them cause they're not the dumb, uneducated feminists in protest rallies begging for pay raises.
>What are you supposed to eat as a woman to keep as thin as society wants you to be?
This "woe is me" , "i'm helpless in the face of society" shtick is not helping your demand for equal pay at all.
Be alpha if you want to earn that top dollar. Stop being so beta all the time.
>abstain from fat as much as possible
you can literally die if you do this.
The only correct answer or
It literally is eat normally . You just have no idea what normal looks like anymore because America has fuck huge portions .
>You just have no idea what normal looks like anymore because American niggers have brainwashed society into thinking Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease is attractive
>you can literally die if you do this
Yeah, and you can literally die if you cross the road. Come up with a better argument, faggot.
Good goy. Own stock in diabetic supply companies I assume.
>Men are competitive. I will have a better physique, I will run faster, I will have bigger muscles than the next guy because fuck him, that's why.
>Men will race each other to be better.
>Women all want to be fat, comfortable, and accepted in their safe spaces.
>This is why men work harder, invent, create, and EARN a higher pay than whiney ass women.
You sir, win the internet.
Maybe she's dating a black guy, they like them to fatten up a little.
>Maybe she's dating a black guy, they like them to fatten up a little.
They just making excuses for some people's laziness & gluttony. Callin all that fat sexy. Aint nothing attractive bout no 300 pound woman with fat folds & sweat marks.
>Yes eat a whole bunch of carbs so you don't gain weight. Quality advice
you need energy to live, and carbs are superior to fat and protein.
scoffing at carbs will advocating fat is crazy, fat is about twice as energy dense as carbs.
fatty detected, tell us about how your friends are just jealous you can't figure out contraceptives
Guarantee a fattie posted this
You need essential fatty acids and essential amino acids to live. There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate you dipshit, and carbs aren't the ONLY food that contain energy.
So, yeah, all those fat ass dudes, mem working shitty jobs, and "numales" that you all bitch about, all those are 100% male, with dicks, and they tend to suck ass. But hey, that's not as fun as your circle jerk you've got there. Maybe take it over to
No. Fuck you. Eat normally.
Here you go:hsph.harvard.edu
Now the thing is that this only works if you ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE PLAN, you obese shit.
>Women all want to be fat, comfortable, and accepted in their safe spaces.
If you want to be fucking babied and have special female PRIVELIGES, then you don't get to cry about not being treated as equals.
Simple as that.
you get plenty of fat just eating food. no need to add extra fat to a diet, unless you want to gain weight. Most americans are covered in a thick layer of fat - the body has all the fatty acids it needs, perhaps enough for many years, if, theoretically, they hate no fat at all, which is impossible, because most food as a little fat in it.
And I'm a woman btw.
Just sick & tired of the princesses demanding to be treated like princesses, yet complain about not being treated as equals.
That's not the way the world works, sweetie.
>society wants you to be
Fuck off back to tumblr
>muh society is holding unrealistic body standards
No, you are just overeating. The standards are the same for men
>And I'm a woman btw.
clit pics or GTFO
>>muh society is holding unrealistic body standards
It's basically women admitting they're mentally weak and unable to deal with every day societal pressures.
>just eating less pr healthy food keeps you thin
I see you never went outside your room.
the reason why abstaining from fat is so important for weight loss, is because fat is calorie dense, and the body prefers to store it instead of burn it. So most fat eaten is stored, and it all adds up throughout the day, week, month, and before you know it, you're a fatty. Keep fat intake to a bare minimum to control weight.
Holy shit this thread is terrible. OP just go to Veeky Forums and read the sticky. You can skip to the diet section and just read that.
>inb4 eat normally
this is actually the proper correct advice though
the issue is that women generally need less energy intake than men because their bodies are smaller
I think this leads to women eating for pleasure more often
also probably has to do with the fact that average portion sizes are not necessarily designed for women either
I'm about to come at you like a MFing spider monkey boy
>most fat eaten is stored
That's not how that works. Your body will use available calories until you go over your TDEE and then stores extra calories as fat. If you don't reach your TDEE your body turns to fat reserves to make up the rest, which causes you to lose weight.
OP here
My point is that even if you eat healthily if you have a body type like girl in pic (chloe grace moretz) you're still not good enough and will have to starve in order to force your body to be something it's not (willowy and slender). That's how people get eating disorders and die.
Not necessarily
Blame your genes. I've seen girls that eat like horses and still look like models by exercise. Chloe just has no hip to waist ratio and wide shoulders. It's unfortunate but a lot worse has happened to girls.
>Men are competitive. I will have a better physique, I will run faster, I will have bigger muscles than the next guy because fuck him, that's why.
Yeah that's why there's no such thing as fat men, right?
Most people can't eat like horses and have model bodies
This society tells you that if your body doesn't have the right hip to waist ratio or your shoulders are too naturally thick or whatever, then you're disgusting
And then you end up not eating so that you get to a low enough weight to make up for it, which is unhealthy, because your body is just not meant to be willowy and slender
And then you end up with fucked up mental and physical health
Eat healthy food with low glycemic index and you can barely fuck up unless you're actively trying. I can't talk for tiny girls though, being 5'0 must be tough for keeping slim. Although probably worth it, god I wish i was short
Nonsense. Humans are specialists, girls are designed to store resources for hard times and babbus, hunter gatherer women would be cardio bunnies, they would not have been fitness models. Highly defined musculature is, from an evolutionary biology perspective, strictly a masculine thing
Gtfo hon
It's not the fat, but fuck her proportions are all over the map. This has to be a shoop, r-right?
There are shoops of her out there yeah, but this is not one of them
Women come in different shapes, not all of them are the hyper feminine ones you see in the media
So, so sick of guys expecting girls to be hourglass perfection or else they're too fat
Sometimes girls aren't hourglass even though they're perfectly healthy
>So, so sick of guys expecting girls to be hourglass perfection or else they're too fat
I agree. all men are evil.
We should fuck.
THAT'S RIGHT YOU PIGS! Every woman has the right to look like a refrigerator!
Get it through your heads sweeties!
I had a recent spike in weight due to switching to a sitting down job and managed to catch it quickly. I've started walking to work, cut down on junk, positioning my meals, and drinking a lot of water and I'm steadily losing the weight I gained. Was 150 when I started the job, went to 165, now I'm down to 160. My goal weight is 140, which will be ideal for my body type and height.
Tldr don't sit on your was all the time
This isn't healthy OP
I meant portioning
>Every woman has the right to look like a refrigerator!
And SOME men loves themselves a nice refrigerator for the house.
Just don't come crying to us when we're not those men.
Not everybody has to love your obese ass, sweetie.
> you don't have to drink a lot of water. reduce fat and sugar intake.
It's not the waist I was pointing out, hun. It's her arms, legs, head and torso, it's all out of whack. She's always been on the androgenous side, hence the ped patrol.
Lonely fat chick detected. Get off the internet and go cry about Hillary losin
Its not about being thin. Its about being fit. Fit is attractive. If you are fit your body is attractive. Its as easy as that. Hormones and instincts and everything, you know. And fit human bodies are rather thin. So do sports. Different sports. Something for endurance. Something for strength. Something for coordination / flexibility. Just running alone isn´t enough.
Also retarded extremes like bodybuilding or weightlifting don´t apply. One might even argue that those bodies aren´t exactly healthy, what with all the rather extreme measures they have to employ to achieve their specialised physique.
>She's always been on the androgenous side, hence the ped patrol
Facts have been stated.
The problem is she has no tits and she looks like a fucking ewok. Not her arms or anything like that. An ewok.
Dumb frogposter.
Also you're forgetting that men can eat much more without getting fat by simple virtue of being men.
>Being a man
>It's not the waist I was pointing out, hun
You literally said waist-hip ratio. So you did point out the waist, hun.
Chloe grace moretz is fit and she's not fat
Is her body considered conventionally attractive? No.
>this society
No, it's people's opinions. The whole world could think logs of shit are hot but I'm still not going to find scat appealing.
I'm not really into mexican girls, no society has made that opinion for me, it's just the wiring in my brain
I honestly feel people have this grand idea that humans are so easily brainwashed into what is attractive and what isn't. You can't redirect raw sexual attraction.
If big shoulders and no hip/waist ratios are turn offs to me, and Chloe comes up to me asking me out, it's just an unfortunate deal. I don't think she's disgusting, there's just a lack of attraction.
I literally didn't. I said proportions you projector.
Not op but. ZIt told me 2200 bc i work a pretty high expenditure job (i throw the delivery loads at grocery store deli, like meat and boxes of cans, veg) plus i workout 2x a week, ate 1300 or less every day, still gained weight
Sadly i have hashimotos but i'm medicated, and my dose is correct, so anyone who thinks outside factors dont affect weight is pretty medically misguided. So much goes into metabolism that isn't just calories in.
May I ask what you don't like about mexican girls?
> You can't redirect raw sexual attraction.
Are you implying that male isn't the superior gender in all aspects?
Back to with you.
Ah got you confused with Because I made no mention of waists in the post you replied to, I said hourglass/hyper feminine.
I've never heard of that frozen pizza.