What pasta is objectively the worst, and why is it spaghetti?

what pasta is objectively the worst, and why is it spaghetti?

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That's a weird way to spell maccaroni

Those little fucking shells

As is that.

I happen to like spaghetti. I hate elbow macaroni. Fuckers hard to get on a fork and don't hold hardly any sauce for shit. You get a fork full of them and go to your mouth and over half fall off on the trip. It's BS.

i like spaghetti. but started getting stomach problems when my gf bought the walmart great value brand.
whatever they put in that shit isn't flour

>le contrary opinion man

How do you know it wasn't a bad box?

How do you know it was the spaghetti at all?

worst pasta I've had is bowties

How do we know anything, man?

Penne is goat

Spaghetti is nice. I prefer it to Linguine which is too thicc.

novelty-shape macaroni.

they just never seem to cook right. some parts will become a soggy mush, while other parts remain hard/undercooked.

because i've tried it 4 times.
pic related has never let me down

this meme pasta

The worst are those little ones that look like rice

100% agreed. Fuck apghetti, spaghettine and all that bullshit.



most likely to choke you

Wtf long maraconis

>built-in air hole
>most likely to choke you

i love those with alfredo sauce

try it


they act as speed holes.

they got down your throat so quickly, you're liable to choke.

Long noodly pasta is shit and fucking evil

>speed holes

anything whole-weat

I projectile vomited after eating orzo so it hasn't sit well with me since.

Goddamn it spaghetti pisses me off so fucking much.


ravioli is always underwhelming.

although that's probably 'cause i've only had the cheap mass-produced kind.

always too thin, soft and mushy.

Itialian pasta is silly
its all just the same stuff but in different shapes
Italians must've gotten pretty bored at some point in history

So we're all agreed that you should give your pasta a quick rinse after cooking right?

How best to plate up spagetti? So its not just a mass on the plate. I've seen chefs do a thing where they twirl it round a spoon or something, but what's the technique?

You wash your pasta after boiling it in water and salt?
Are you fucking retarded

Once you have real raviolis you'll probably change your tune.

To stop it sticking you peasant.

Maybe use a spoon instead?

>He doesn't lightly toss his pasta with a smidge of olive oil or butter immediately after straining
>He doesn't have things timed such that the fixings associated with his pasta are ready when the pasta is

Despite this, you have the gall to call someone else a peasant?

I don't know about you user but I always loved that as a kid. That spongebob mac and cheese was GOAT

>putting oil or butter on pasta is necessary when you can just give it a 3 second rinse with water

Way to ruin the dish.
Truly a fucking peasant.
Hows your butter'n'sketti taste?

I don't care for linguini. It's a thicker, more toothy pasta compared to spaghetti. The dishes that are popular for linguini are better suited for spaghetti imo. I'm thinking of you seafood sauces. If somebody thinks different, I'm down to hear it though. I'm not mad. I'm questioning fettuccine too.

Listen to this guy. I've been to Italy before and they had the GOAT ravioli there.

>He doesn't get that the 3 second rinse gets rid of all the starch and salt that collects on the pasta as it cooks

There's a reason plenty of recipes tell you to save a cup of the water pasta boils in. You're washing away flavor hombre, when it makes no sense too.

>3 second rinse gets rid of all the starch and salt that collects on the pasta as it cooks

It literally does not, learn to cook peasant.

>elbow macaroni.

just give up m8 you're wrong. not even the same guy.

Yeah, can't educate these Veeky Forums amateurs.
Giving your pasta a quick squirt of water and a shake around doesn't remove anything.

second rinse gets rid of all the starch and salt that collects on the pasta as it cooks

>It literally does not, learn to cook peasant.

Dipshit, the starch is the only thing that makes your pasta stick in the first place. If your 3 second rinse doesn't remove that then why the fuck are you rinsing at all?

Really makes me think.

It's the hot temperature of the stuff that makes it stick.
A quick shock of cold water fixes that without making the pasta cold.

Spaghetti is actually the best pasta and my go-to fast food


>It's the hot temperature of the stuff that makes it stick.

user, I might have been kind of a dick before, but know that I'm telling you that you're wrong only so you can make the right choice later. It isn't the temperature that makes your pasta stick, it's the starch that releases when your pasta actually cooks. I'm pretty sure the reason that tossing it with oil works is that it gives the starch something to stick too that ISN'T more starch, but I'm not positive so don't quote me. All I know for sure is that you give up a shit ton of what goes into cooking pasta by washing all that away after the fact.

You're not washing anything away.,
It's literally a quick squirt of cold water then a shake.
If anything was going to be washed away by that then it would be washed away by the draining.

Straining pasta isn't as vigorous as running water over it is, and that should be obvious to anyone who can see the speed at which water leaves the tap.

Truth be told though, I should have stopped replying when you said you thought it was the heat that made the pasta stick. If that were the case, cold pasta wouldn't turn into veritable rubber, it would slip and slide all over the place.

Either way hombre, keep doing what you're doing. It's not like I'm ever gonna eat your pasta, so it's no worry for me.


You're not running water over it you halfwit.
It's literally a quick squirt and then shake it out.
You just don't understand pasta science.

Farfalle is the best!

>eating with a spoon
You savage.

The starch is why it sticks together, so if giving it a "quick squirt" doesn't remove anything, why bother? It will still stick but now be colder.

Hot starch sticks together.
When you shock the starch with a bit of cold water it helps prevent sticking without actually cooling down the pasta.
It's fucking science.

My cold pasta sticks together you fucking retard. Go flog your bullshit some where else.


You're quite good at this. I'm impressed, honestly.

Already cold pasta is a completely different animal.
You need to have the starch in that sweet spot between fresh-out-of-the-pot hot and cooling down, which you do by giving it a quick shake of cold water.


You mean have it hot? Because "a quick shake" doesn't make it any colder. When I make pasta salad I have to rinse it and make it cold and it takes a good 2 minutes of constant stirring in cold water to even make it be able to touch with my hands without burning.

The quick shake of cold water shocks the starch molecules so that they do not bond together so easily.
Visualise it like closing your pores after a shave with a splash of cold water.
Also, like I fucking said, it doesn't cool down the pasta itself, just the starch.
Fucking hell.

So like 40 seconds or so under the water?

man i remember my frens mom made sum nassty ass spaghetti and i cudent stop spittin out all da greasy onions on my galric breD

>40 seconds
What? We're talking about pasta here!
It's literally a squirt then a shake.
Even having the tap open for more than a second is too much.

Then you don't make pasta and are full of shit. I have 5 people here. We make a pound at a time. A pound of pasta will have NOTHING...literally...NOTHING done to it by less than one second "squirt" of water while in the strainer. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It won't even touch 90% of the pasta. You're so full of shit and a fucking retarded kid. Go fuck your dog and post on /b/ not here where someone may innocently take you seriously some how.

Chill jesus

orzo is goat cold pasta salad pasta

This is my first time here and I'm laughing

Even as little as 70% coverage would be enough to prevent substantial sticking, though you get more than that.
Also, a pound of pasta at a time?
If a single/half pack of pasta isn't enough for your family then have smaller portions you fat fucks.

The reason you're reacting with such vitriol is that you're being forced to confront your own lack of cooking ability and are taking it badly.
A bit embarrassing really.

Yeah lol it escalated so quickly

Yeah think about that next time you get your whopper or double quarter pounds (half pound) with cheese you fat shit. 5 people, 1 pound of pasta = .2 pounds a person. Less than a quarter pound or about 1 cup of cooked pasta dip shit. What..are we suppose to eat 1 spaghetti string per person like the wittle birdy out the window?

Pasta is literal dish filler.
I can't believe you're eating so much per person, can you even fit the toppings on the plate?
Oh wait, you're the butter'n'sketti guy aren't you? Now it makes sense.

No. I'm the mix the sauce with the spaghetti after it's cooking and not a squirt of water for no reason guy. Pasta is a meal. Not a dish filler. HMMMM LEMME GET THE LASAGNA TO FILL THE VOID BESIDE MY CHEESEBURGER AND TACOS AND HOTDOG

Mate, you're going off the rails.
It's okay if you have your own pleb way of cooking.
There's nothing wrong with that.
But don't bite at people who are just trying to teach you better techniques.


Farfalle, especially the small kind.

Doesn't hold food or sauce, breaks when you try to eat it with a fork, too big and cumbersome to eat with a spoon. Useless through and through.

AGREED. Farfalle is shit, it doesn't cook evenly and it falls apart. The only time it's okay is in a pasta salad.

>arguing whether or not you should rinse pasta / add oil or butter
>not adding a little of the sauce you've prepared to the pasta to lube 'em up
step it up, Veeky Forums.

also, macaroni is pretty shit, especially if the noodles are smooth and not textured.


and surprisingly the ridgeless penne variation suck balls...who knew?

Bucatini is the best dry pasta there is, bite your tongue heathen

I feel like every time I cook bucatini the noodle splits legthwise and results in an ugly noodle with a fucked up texture. I was using them when I was trying to perfect my cacio e pepe and carbonara techniques, were my results caused by cheap pasta? Could it be remedied by getting some of the better stuff cut with a bronze die? In any case, my need for fat spaghetti was generally solved when my little grocery started carrying this stuff

Macaroni elbows is the only bad pasta
No sauce works with it. Even the roux based cheese sauce. Would rather eat it with shells or cavatappi.

Do you have Parkinsons?

Those are kind of shit.

Maybe don't eat like a fucking goose and actually chew your food?

This, rinsing pasta is for unrefined niggers.

I never cared one way or the other about spaghetti until I had angel hair

Now I can't stand spaghetti

Is Bobby going to be part of the Strickland briefing?

angel hair pasta can go suck a big fat benis
>tfw a texture eater


try spaghetti with garlic butter and bacon

then tell me it's shit

Angel hair pasta.

>>look at me i'm anorexic spaghetti


fucking mafaldine, never cooks right and looks/feels like dead tapeworms. pigdisgusting trash