About homemade food

so i mostly go to restaurants, a few people here said that i should make homemade food, and honestly it isn't all that great. It makes a big mess, It uses a lot of ingredients (i only have so much bread) and just doesn't taste as good as going out for dinner. pic related its my food it tasted alright i guess

what are you even doing you fucking retard? is this real?

Have these posts become increasingly common on Veeky Forums in the last month or am I just out of the loop?

why does it look like you're eating on a laundry room trash corner floor OP

>it uses a lot of ingredients (i only have so much bread)

What the fuck are you trying to do OP why would you need a lot of bread
or are you saying you have nothing but a lot of bread

this post is confusing and seems almost baity

Dude, how do you call a bowl of microwaved chili with a hotdog and slice of wonder bread a big mess when your "living quarters" already look like a garbage dumpster when sanitation workers are on strike?

i need the bread for extra food, the chili and hotdog isn't enough, and i needed bread to cook the chili

you needed bread to cook chili? why?


You use the crumbs for seasoning in the chili right

w...what? no, please explain

This image seems to be an artful representation of gay sex

It adds flavour and texture was my original idea but it was just kind of soggy, the non crumbled bread was good though. after i ate it i realized i could have made like a chili dog out of the bread and hotdog but it was too late

first opening the can is tiring, none of my knives are sharp enough to saw the top off, and i spilled a bit on the floor but its ok the cat cleaned some of it up. and boiling the hotdog resulted in a pot of dirty hotdog water which the cat wanted but i had to clean it up myself

oh for fuck's sake how do you get to a place like this in your life, op?

what do you mean


not enough?

this post can never be appraised highly enough

will you take pictures of your living quarters for our enjoyment?

Well, i guess you at least know where you went wrong.


what about your battlestation? kitchen?

Posting in epic bread.

OP, please take more pictures of your home.

I think /r9k/ killed Veeky Forums with slews of people who don't know how to take care of themselves

If it's not food disasters it's McChicken posting. This shit has gotten out of hand.

Jesus fucking christ user

buy eggs and learn to fry them that's step 1, when you've figured that out you can move to spinach.

why not get a can opener friend?

open cans with your shitty little katana

They have, indeed, become worse.

I prefer these to mcchicken threads tho.

I consider this all to be part of the artful mosaic that is /ck.

Yup. There have been a few anons that live in absolute squalor making threads like this.

i tried it doesn't work
never learned how to use one
the kitchen is locked rn i cant get in

> i never learned how to use one




In fairness I couldn't figure out a can opener the first time I tried either. The idea that you have to squeeze real hard to lodge the blade in isn't something that's necessarily obvious without having used one.

>i had to take a class on how to use a can opener

Please never touch a tool or sharp instrument

>shear force? what the fuck is that?

>Hi I'm a lazy dumb fuck who is going to spend the rest of his life well below the standard of living, despite any advantages I may have had, strictly due to a lack of motivation.

Not having learned is not an excuse.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you. The worst part about this is that you seem to think your behavior is completely normal.

lol you're literally retarded



My battlekitchen


>the kitchen is locked rn i cant get in
Is your handler not home right now?

Yeah she was out for a while but she came back and let me into the kitchen again with a bit of persuading so i got in and took that picture

i took the advice from this thread to heart and cleaned my room
im thinking of moving the cooking supplies in here and bringing the wonders of the kitchen right to my bed is this a good idea

Yesh OP you should probably move the oven into your bedroom, for the magic.

Then you can have the wonders of kitchen when ever you want.


We're still waiting OP. Please post more.

heres this neat stain

This is a rage thread. Wtf did you do to your home, OP?


This is beautiful!

I really like what you've done with the place OP, I could only imagine the smell and texture.

i dont know what that is or why its there
heres my cleaned room
im still not allowed into the kitchen so sorry this thread isnt about cooking anymore but to get it back on track slightly i had another hotdog today it was good

Why were you banished from the kitchen?
How was your hotdog today?

Post the bathroom.

the hotdog was good although the microwave blew it up and i was banished because i left the fork in the can of chili again when microwaving it
maybe later the doors locked and i dont know why