What's the best type of onion?

what's the best type of onion?

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onion power rankings
1. sweet onions
2. white
3. green
4. yellow
5. shallots (gay onions)
6. red
7. pearl

The name Kim Kardashian triggers something in my brain that gives me an overwhelming urge to masturbate.

Fucking addiction bruh.

I used to be partial to the texas yellow, but now i just get the regular old white ones.

Sooo you jerked it to this pic of an onion user??

No, was waiting for the feeling to pass. I already masturbated today what does my dick even want from me at this point?

I get the same effect from the names Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Lopez. Wish I was a patrician boob guy but I'm a filthy literally shit tier celebrity with fake ass man.

Jerk it to the onion user
what a thing to be able to say you've done


I was hanging out with a chef at a Michelin star restaurant once and he called shallots the "prince of onions". It fucking kills me that I never asked him what the king and queen of onions are.

red onion.

anyone who disagrees has never had to chop or cook at least 20lbs of onions every day for a living


u r dumb
red onion a best

hahahahaL such a funny pic do you mind if i save it

how are you :)

Fuck red onions.

Yellow is best.

Red onion is good in a salad or something where the onion is eaten raw

If you gotta cook the onion, brown is really your only choice.

I cry and get all runny nose n shit any time I cut up onions, I can't imagine how bad it is cutting up onions for a living but nobody is forcing you to, you could just go get any factory job and work your way up through that.

onion powder

I hear this a lot, but what do you guys have against red onions?
I use reds in curries or onions&peppers and I like it that way

Yellow/sweet is most versatile
Red is best raw and fresh
White is only good for onion rings to be quite honest
Scallions are GOAT

If I have nothing but red onion, I'll cook with it but it just lacks that savoury bite the brown onion has.

What does the white onion do? I've never bought one?

White onion has a very generic onion taste. A bit more of a spicy bite to it than the other varieties
Works alright for caramelizing, best suited for fried onion dishes like onion rings though

This thread reminded me of this video

I use yellow onions in dishes with a sauce, and red onions for raw/stewing/caramelising.

If you make French onion meme soup with red onions then fuck you

Are you me?

>Kim Kardashian
>Nicki Minaj
>Jennifer Lopez
Haven't seen such shit taste in a while.

i ain't retarded bruh

though i do wonder what it'd be like now

The one I don't have to eat

You gay boy?

These might be more you're style. Drake, Justin Beiber, Bruno Mars.

sure, go ahead ;)

Red is best eaten raw. Everything else is good cooked.

Your knife is dull dude its causing all the juice to fly into the air and into your eyes
Sharpen that shit and you will rarely if ever have that problem

I get only red onions here,so red is my answer