Just made perfect lemon curd

Just made perfect lemon curd.
Feeling like a goddess: AMA

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Do you think Trump is doing a good job as president?

I think what he does wrong is over inflated by the media, but I still don't think he's doing a good job.

Ah: depends on what the job of a president is.
If the job is distraction, I would say he's doing an A+ job.

This was me, btw


How did you make it? Don't hold out on us.

May I try some?

recipe? i tried but it separated


I'm sorry. Lemon curd looks good though.

Zest & juice of 1# lemons
3/4 cup sugar
6 eggs
1 stick butter

Combine eggs, zest & sugar
Whisk until smooth
Add (cold & pieced) butter & juice
Heat over medium flame in heavy bottomed saucepan, whisking constantly, for 15 mins
Do NOT allow to come to boil

Oops, me again

Bay Area born & bred: none of this hipster bullshit.
Fortunately, I have rent control.

Not yet: it's cooling.
I'm gonna end up using it to make lemon cream pie.

could it be used to fill a cake? too soft?

Lemon curd is best curd.

I think it could, actually, once cooled.
I'm tempted to save a little for biscuits, but I think I need it all for the pie.

embarrassing thread/10

i wanted to do a base as cheesecake with biscuits and use it for filling, then adding some italian meringa to balance the acid from it
dunno if it will fall apart, i love lemon but cant make a decent cream with it

why are you on Veeky Forums? wouldn't tumblr or pinterest be more fitting for a female your age?

you know the rules
breasts (with timestamp) or take a hike

Can't leave, my dude

You would be shocked.

It's a blue board, user.
But in the spirit of things, here's some just got outta the shower cleavage.

addicted like the rest of us huh?


what am i looking at

I always thought that some presence of females on /an/, Veeky Forums, /co/, and /lgbt/ were a given. This isn't /a/ or /tv/ why are some of you so surprised to see a girl on Veeky Forums's cooking board?

we're not surprised to see a female, we're surprised to see a 40 year old female.

what are you, mysoginist?

13 years ago, I was 25, newfriend

Fucking misogynist cis male, you should castrate yourself right now

from roastie to roaster

you should end yourself.

calling people 'newfriend' when you are 38 is a sign of autism.

Your ability to do math is impressive.

i smell some buttblasting in the air

Wanna be my mommy gf?

you sure showed me.