What foods would you gain massive amounts of weight from if you constantly had them in your house and around you and...

What foods would you gain massive amounts of weight from if you constantly had them in your house and around you and you just couldn't help yourself?

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Pasta, nuts, breads, fruits, meats, beans.

Something like this

Ice Cream

[spoiler]I constantly have it around[/spoiler]


Granola type cereals.

Peanuts or pistachios

fruits???? how??

if you couldn't help yourself than that would pretty much apply to every food wouldn't it?


Cinnamon rolls.

Just ate one of these. So good.

what else?

sugar. Fruit isn't healthy weight loss food. Its colourful sugar.


Oreos, Ice creme. Any form of pastry.

Bread, Monsters, Potatoes, Lunch meat, Milk

I have no self control when it comes to milk. Not uncommon for me to drink an entire gallon in 1 day. Haven't had the items in my household in 6 months though.

>Pasta, nuts, breads, fruits, meats, beans.

tfw when this is your main diet and you still cant gain weight..
just cant get the calories without forcing them down...
how do u fatbros do it?
i literally have to stuff myself all day to eat more than 1500-2k calories

>gaining weight

Nothing really interesting or unusual. Desserts, salty snacks, unhealthy garbage. I buy enough for one cheat day a month. Whatever I can't eat I throw out.

Nah dude, you usally accompany that with bread

Legitimately every food in existence except celery and pic related

>fructose isn't sugar

Idk I'm not fat. I'm 33, married and a workaholic. 100% of my diet consists of delivery food when I'm at the office. NoTime2Cook.

Probably pizza rolls

My mom got into baking after she retired and would give me 2 cakes or pies every week.
I had to tell her to stop and give them to her neighbors

>naturally occurring fructose in whole fruits is the same as pepsi

Essentially, yes.

Your body can't tell the difference and metabolizes it the exact same way.

Crab Cakes. I love em. I could eat crab all day long.

He never said that, he said that fruit does not assist with weight-loss. And he's right, fruit offers many health benefits and essential nutrients, but does not do anything to help with losing weight.

Otto Würth cheese kranskies

Rippetoe pls go

except you'd have to eat more than two pints of strawberries to equal a can of coke which no one ever does so it makes no sense to compare them unless you use retarded american logic telling you to stay away from fucking fruit because it's
>colourful sugar

>eating 2 pints of fruit is difficult

LOL. Sugar is sugar, friend.

A bowl of applesauce is 12+ apples in one sitting. Not hard to eat that much, even for a EuroQueen.

sugar IS sugar and there's nothing wrong with it unless you're a fatass who can't control yourself and can't differentiate between refining fruit down to pure sucrose, cooking it into a carmel nectar drink and guzzling 2 liters of in an afternoon
and eating a fucking peach

eat an apple instead, you turd
are you a toddler or something? who even eats apple sauce?

Takis, as I have found out

Inb4 degenerate minority

I only eat 1000 calories a day so it doesn't matter what I keep in the house, I won't gain weight.

Is anyone else here sexually attracted to Goku Black?

Wait until you age a bit. Metabolism slows and slows down. Look forward to some degree of bitch tits.

Salt and vinegar chips

pork rinds.


Eat pork rinds, eatd ead pig, eat pork rinds, eat dead pig, salt their dead skin and put em' in plastic bags.

Anything other than a parmo is the wrong answer.

>no snacks
>its too hot to go to 711
>eating pb with a spoon

Nuts and alcohol

>i know what's best for people

Clearly, because you DO know fructose and HFCS are comprised of the EXACT SAME sugar.

Nice to know you're not an idiot, Doctor Anonymous.

Ground flaxseed

>fructose and HFCS are comprised of the EXACT SAME sugar
but they're not

Explain the differences between fructose and fructose.

Beer. Anything sweet. Bread.

fructose occurs naturally in plants
hfcs is chemical slurry made in a factory comprised of, among other things, fructose

Same, along with cheese, Topsy's cinnamon popcorn and beer.


I have stopped getting them

I always say I will only eat one pack and I eat the whole fucking box in one sitting

asian dried mangos

This. And a subsidized factory. It's filth and when you suck it's tit you not only get the benefit of diabetes, you get to absorb the carcinogen byproducts from roundup. Do a simple google on roundup manufacturing byproducts. Unless you eliminate all of these GMO elements you've sealed your fate. I wish you luck.

Goku annoys me so much. He's so oblivious to everything. The show annoys me, it's 15 minutes of men grunting and sizing one another up.

FUCK dude that pic makes me want crab cakes so bad

So you just snort it up or what? Mainline that shit?

>sugar causes you to gain weight


also this

You seem to be mixing up at least three topics here.

Fish nd chips?

There's no such thing as "weight loss food". Eating too much food causes you to gain weight. Eating less will make you lose weight. You can literally eat nothing but sticks of butter and lose weight, if you consume the proper number of calories.

It's still fructose, so...what are you trying to say?

Cook your food in butter. Add in peanut butter and bread wherever you can. Enjoy lots of dairy products. Ice cream is your friend.

I mean, it depends on the fruit. Sugar eaten with dietary fibre is more or less cancelled out, gram for gram.

Which is why fruit isn't bad for you in large amounts, to the same degree that candy is.

It's something like 53%? Fructose


Explain, scientifically, how fructose is different than fructose. Chemically it's exactly the same thing.

Carbohydrates are the human bodys preferred fuel source. Overkill consumption of sugar in general will lead to bulking. Candy or fruit, sugar is sugar. A banana and Jolly Rancher are comprised of the EXACT same things, essentially.

I doubt theres much potassium in a jolly rancher?

None. Bananas as we know them are a GMO product destined for extinction within my children's lifetime anyway. That being said, Jolly Ranchers actually don't have HFCS in them, just standard CS.

>fructose and fructose and fructose and fructose?????
stop asking the same retarded question over and over again
it's been explained to you multiple times

chocolate truffles/boxes of fancy chocolate candy with mystery fillings. You never know what you're going to get.

bananas going extinct is an old meme, it happend in the 60s or 70s and the just developed a new cultivar

Chocolate chip cookie dough.

>sugar molecules can be genetically modified
it's like you've never even taken a biology or chemistry class

oh wait, you did in grade school but you didn't learn anything because you're stupid

This with crackers.

So what you're saying is the C6H12O6 in an apple is different from the C6H12O6 in Pepsi. Gotcha. Confirmed retard.

They bananas we eat now didn't exist 150 years ago. They WILL die off, and our grandchild will more than likely eat pic related, and pay out the ass for them as well.

pepsi generally isn't made with simple sugar like C6H12O6 (fructose)
it's made with a (proprietary) version akin to C12H22O11 (glucose-fructose)

if you don't know the difference, that's fine. but don't call people who do retarded

>Confirmed retard.

This is the same exact argument that every single Monsanto shill has ever posted.

Genetically modified sugar cane and beets are real. Considering their agenda of contagious infertility and harm to consumers, why would they skip out on the easiest way to get glyphosate into people's stomachs?

>bananas are gmo
How fast do you think a mature banana tree grows and fruits? This can't even exist yet.

Cross pollination and plant breeding are not the same as tweaking plant DNA in a lab to make it suck up more of your dangerous pesticides and fail to produce viable seed, while infecting neighboring and non gmo crops.

Seriously. Stop fucking calling plant breeding "GMO" because it makes you look stupid. I am not performing DNA surgery on a plant because I made two flowers fuck each other.


Ice cream.

Not in the house, but there's, like a kfc right below my dorm room and I'm becoming a bad stereotype...

Mayonnaise. I will eat it by the spoonful. Very shameful. Love it on sandwiches but can't trust myself to keep it in the house.

Also ANY cheese and bread. I will eat a pound of jarlsburg and a whole loaf of sourdough if left to my own devices.

GOMAD fool

Gainz for dayz.

I get sick of anything in excess

Glucose/fructose/whatever-ose is all digested pretty much identically. The difference when it comes to fruits is that the sugars are trapped in fiber. Even when you chew your food or blend it, there are still tiny chunks of food that need to be digested, which is a slower process than drinking straight up syrup. Another factor is that fruits have phytonutrients that significantly blunt the insulin spike of the sugars they contain, and are themselves health promoting.

You don't honestly think that a can of soda is the same as having 2 small apples just because they have similar sugar content, do you?


>Glucose/fructose/whatever-ose is all digested pretty much identically
No. Glucose and fructose have totally different metabolic pathways. And rare sugars, like tagatose or allulose, are mostly undigested at all.

I was wrong to say they are digested identically. A more accurate statement would be that they affect your blood sugar similarly and provide the same amount of calories. I shouldn't have generalized to whatever-ose. What I meant by that was sugars like lactose, maltose, etc, which all ultimately end up turning into monosaccharides for cell respiration, or glycogen, which the body can use readily for energy anyway. There is a small percentage of fructose that gets turned into triglycerides, but the health benefits of fruits and the fact that they don't generally contain saturated fat means the net effect on your arteries is going to be a positive.

>Considering their agenda of contagious infertility and harm to consumers

but what about fructose?? explain how fructose isn't fructose!

I don't talk to retards except to tell them I don't talk to their kind, sorry. GMO pollen makes nearby plants infertile and you can save the seeds for next year only to find out you have 10,000 infertile seeds planted and your harvest is ruined.
My suggestion is to kill yourself.

fructose is a monosaccharide that gets converted into glucose in the liver. I'm not sure what you mean by "fructose isn't fructose"

t. 100% 'white' San Antonio native


those are plants and not humans gwyneth paltrow

and pathogens already have a hard time passing from species to species of mammals, get a brain you moran

1/20,000 GMO fruit seeds will sprout.
The GMO plant pollinates nearby crops.
The nearby crops now produce infertile seeds with a germination rate of .001% or less.
What the fuck do you not understand about genocide?