Did it liquefy?
Did it liquefy?
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Why didnt the cook wash their hands? They're covered in shit.
no, garlic turns to liquid at 800F.
Matter can not be created or destroyed
The word you're looking for is Energy, chad.
You're right, I meant to say "matter can not energy created or destroyed"
wrong again,
"Energy can not be created or destroyed"
Neither can matter.
Fuck you're both idiots.
You haven't graduated 3rd grade apparently.
>Matter can't be created or destroyed
>Energy can't be created or destroyed
>In original post, neither thing is being implied
What are you cunts talking about
Einstein is literally retarded though. How was the universe created if nothing can be created nor destroyed?
Yup, do you remember the first time they measured a gravity wave in 2016 when two black holes collided? I read an estimate that the mass of about three of our suns was turned into sheer gravity energy in that event, in a fraction of a second. Mindboggling.
a little bit
there's zero net energy in the universe fucktard
No it got burnt
the universe contained the same energy that it does now when time began at the big bang, everything was just compressed infinitely densely and it's a lot more spread out now (after having 13.8 million years to expand outwards like a fart in a room)
matter can be created through things like the Higgs mechanism, but energy is what is always conserved and cannot be "created from nothing". A car slowing down loses energy, but this energy is transferred via heat to the breaks, or heat into the road, etc, it doesn't just vanish. In the same way you have to burn fuel in order to give a car more energy.
>energy is eternal
Hmm, sounds like a better interpretation of an afterlife than what the religiousfags have come up with since humans are composed of energy.
Afterlife is about as useful term as beforelife.
You missed the point, all of that energy came from some where before it was compressed infinitely dense. It was created. probably by your mother.
>expand outwards like a fart in a room
Beautiful comparison of our universe's creation, I'll have to remember that one.
Holy fuck!
Shut down all physics department, a Veeky Forums guy figured it out!
Please guys you're embaracing yourselves. Talk about 'go 'za and stuff
>Higgs mechanism creates matter
Fake expert detected.
You don't even know what spontaneous symmetry breaking is, do you user?
>all of that energy came from some where
fluctuations in quantum fields in the inflationary stage of the universe
yeah but where did the quantum fields come from
>13.8 million years
Your mother.
can't liquid the cellulose idiot
there's no way to tell whether energy was created when the universe began or has always existed with current physics, so at this present time trying to answer this question just becomes metaphysics. Apart from this every single physical law says that energy cannot be destroyed
yes I do, the Higgs field has a non-zero vacuum expectation value, which means that when particles interact with it they spontaneously break symmetry and acquire mass, which is represented by the v^2 term of the Higgs-electroweak interaction Lagrangian of the combined unitary SU(2) and U(1) groups (electroweak). The heavier a particle is, the stronger the interaction it has with the Higgs field, which is proportional to the mass which it acquires via this spontaneous symmetry breaking, For example the mass of the Z boson is proportional to the Weinberg angle and also the mass of the W bosons. The ability for this symmetry breaking to occur is due to the presence of an imaginary term in the Higgs field which provides an extra degree of freedom.
small error
I'm not going to fall for your jewish tricks to turn me away from our one and only creator
>can't liquid cellulose
Nobody cares, poindexter.
you can believe in physics and god that's literally what i'm saying, anything outside of physics that is unverifiable by science is open to any sort of interpretation you want
it's valid to say that the universe was created by god with the big bang, but you can't say that energy has been created or destroyed since then, as you can verify this by rigorous testing
back to the topic at hand: you can't fucking dissolve garlic in ragĂș
This thread rite here.
That's a powder, dumb fuck
Matter can be destroyed and turned into energy.
That's incomplete.
destroyed != converted
>13.8 billion years
Even that is incredibly young in my opinion.
>that building was hit by a bomb and was destroyed
Destroyed does not mean "deleted from existence".
by looking at distant supernovae, we can see objects which formed roughly 13.8 billion years ago, but anything before this cannot be seen, as the universe was so hot that it became opaque as the light within it kept getting scattered from stuff moving around near the speed of light. The current estimate of the age of the universe of ~13.8 billion years hasn't changed since the mid eighties, and it's based upon the assumption that 75% of all matter is "dark matter" (which means we have no idea what it is) and there's a huge contribution from "dark energy". Attempting to justify the universe being much older than 13.8 billion years ends up with us getting weird scenarios where the universe would have ended before the current time, or that it would have expanded so much that stars would not be able to form.
The reason why can justify predicting that our universe has this composition is because we know from measurements that the universe is almost completely flat as a whole, and we can measure the rate at which the universe is expanding, which forces a certain ratio of dark matter and dark energy to exist.
Dark matter is probably a new form of particle which is either too small to be detected or does not interact with other matter, and dark energy is more accurately a property of spacetime which causes the volume of space to expand as energy enters it.
Energy will either continue to expand until it is incapable of existing in any form we could consider "information", or it will collapse again into another singularity, which could explode into another big bang.
That being said.
There's no reason to cut your garlic with a razor blade. The flavor will come out in the oil you cook it in regardless of whether it's paper thin or 3mm thick, and cooked garlic is not an unpleasant thing to eat, so I don't know why you would waste time doing this.
energy can't expand, energy has no volume
in our current universe the most likely end scenario is a "big freeze" where space expands infinitely so eventually every particle gets isolated an infinite amount of space away from every other particle
>Matter can be destroyed and turned into energy.
No it can't. People read e=mc^2 the wrong way. It was originally written as m=e/c^2. It is actually saying the mass of something is equal to the sum of the potential and kinetic energy of the matter divided by c squared. The point is that when you add energy to matter you add to its mass, but the additional mass is very small. You are not destroying matter, you are reducing the mass of the matter by extracting energy.
e2=(mc2)2+ (pc)2
To conclude, no it does not melt. Italians are idiots. Both can be proven mathematically.
>open up Veeky Forums today
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>Sure I like gordon what's this thread about
>Pretty interesting recipe
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>See american food kino thread
>laugh my fucking ass off for 15 minutes while reading it. tears start streaming down my face from laughing so hard
>check the catalog some more
>see this thread
>Suddenly physics and the nature of the universe and matter
Veeky Forums is my new favorite board.
thats very nice, but who are you quoting?
Someone from /v/, I suspect. Namely himself.