The perfect thing to go with tea. Can't believe I've never had this until recently.
Tea Snacks
Other urls found in this thread:
some form of digestive biscuit
>drinking tea
Hobnobs or Scotch Fingers.
i like both.
I've said this before in old threads, but these are amazing with strong plain black tea
fuck off amerifat
America waddles on Dunkin
So hostile. Not like they're any worse for you than a lot of the other stuff I had with tea when I visited England. Just 1 or 2 of those guys with a cup is really comfy in the fall and winter.
for me it's crossed avo with vegemite
If I'm feeling exceptionally english, I like some breakfast tea with shortbread.
I don't usually eat while I drink tea though.
vanilla scones you fucking pleb
I have Celiac disease. Any gluten free suggestions?
one grape
Why choose one over the other when you can have both?
A dick.
removing yourself from the genepool
A bullet.
Pim's Raspberry soft biscuits, fuck Jaffa cakes. Or maybe a cherry bakewell.
Why dont you just make toast yourself
I though the ol classic was cucumber and butter.
Unless some american misunderstood and it was really supposed to be cucumber and chip sandwhich.
Not much of a tea drinker but i'm going to have to with this guy in general fresh vanilla or blueberry,strawberry, raspberry scones with butter and jam are just about the perfect thing for a cup of tea.
> (You)
>removing yourself from the genepool
I got a vasectomy. No bread for the rest of my life and possibly my kids? boo
That's madeira cake right? I've never heard of "pyck". Delicious stuff.
Also death to everyone who posts a picture and says "this" without any way to identify it.
He said gluten free, not vegan you retards. People eat gluten free diets because they don't want swollen gastrointestinal tracts from an allergic reaction. People eat vegan diets because they're sissy faggots raised without a strong male role model.
Thank you. I eat steak nearly ever night to help me be distracted from the living horror of never eating bread
shortbread isnt English
ginger kisses
>People eat gluten free diets because they don't want swollen gastrointestinal tracts from an allergic reaction.
Nah, celiacs do that. People eat gluten free diets because they're trend-following morons.