>Tillamook Cheddar Cheese
Can those fags in Wisconsin even compete?
Tillamook Cheddar Cheese
here's a secret: if you are into melting the cheese, Bandon is a better choice.
Fuck no they can't. Oregon is so great in every way except [spoiler]Portland.[/spoiler]
Qfc has a 50% off sale on Tillamook ice cream. Get it while it's cold, people.
But, the only QFC out here is in the hood.
That sucks. WAfag here, qfcs are like a fucking disease in this state. Maybe try Fred Meyer. They're both owned by Kroger so the sale might carry over
Yeah I tried some of it when visiting friends in Olympia, WA. It was all right but it didn't blow me away or anything.
Cabot (out of VT) does a better job on the whole
tillamook curds are god tier
Cabot cheese is goat, anyone who says their is no difference in block cheese has only had Wisconsin garbage.
Tillamook makes a smoked cheddar that blows away Cabot. I'm still pissed off at Costco for stopping carrying the stuff.
>not buy locally made cheese
i literally live in tillamook oregon
No thanks, America.
"Pasteurization is the process of heat processing a liquid or a food to kill pathogenic bacteria to make the food safe to eat."
What exactly is your issue with this?
Do you work for the cheese factory?
He likes his tuberculosis active.
>not making your own cheddar
You fucking fags
no but ive toured it (they dont offer tours anymore). they still have the gift shop i think with lots of rare cheese flavors
i think that is because they are renovating the self tour thing. Bandon is also now made by tillimook so it is pretty much the same. Bandon when made in Bandon was better. Beechers Smoked Flagship cheddar out of Pikes place is fantastic.
You mean "Porkland the home of the other white meat" am I right? Because of all the ugly fat bitches there. ¬_¬
Why are there so many fat bitches there?
ex Portlandian/ PNW local here. We call that OBD or Oregon Butt Disease. It is found in white chicks mostly in rural areas of Washington Oregon and Idaho. Also is mostly found in people locally born. Not common in Cali transplants.
Because they stay inside doing nothing for 8 months out of the year due to poor weather?
lol i love Oregon...especially all up and down the coast, but what's wrong with portland may I ask?
>Not being friends with dairy farmers in the next town over
>Not getting straight cheese straight from them
But sure, you can go buy cheese from the grocery store.
>Can those fags in Wisconsin even compete?
Nope. Not even close.
Tillamook is objectively literally the best cheddar in the world.
>tfw have a few cubes of Tillamook cheddar as part of my lunch
Too popular, same reason people hate Vancouver, Seattle, and Boise
Why is it orange?
Cheadder cheese isn't orange.