Veeky Forums meta thread

considering we were always moot's favorite board and hiroshi isn't giving a single fuck about Veeky Forums, how would you rate this board now compared to this board few years ago?

Other urls found in this thread: ban

The shitposting is a bit worse, but it's not like it was great or anything. I probably had the most fun in like 2012, but I was unemployed and drunk 24/7.

Also, thank fuck for the ban of threads about certain youtubers. Masao was the only one ever worth talking about

I wasn't here a few years ago but this board is pretty great compared to the other boards I used to frequent. It's also one of the few that is almost completely devoid of any /pol/ bullshit. Rest of the site is unusable at this point cause of it

> It's also one of the few that is almost completely devoid of any /pol/ bullshit.
Thats because your a thoughtless nigger that can't into individual thought...

Try making some semblance of sense next time, retard.

Hiroshim00t allowed an SJW to moderate this board. Not anything like m00t era Veeky Forums in the slightest.

Been here since 2006

It took a nosedive after chanology, after stormfront discovered the site, and after hiromoot took over

I used to say "it's always been shit" but lately it's exceeded my expectations for how shitty a site can be

I spend a lot less time here now but it's still fun to check in once a week to see what the shut-ins, racists, and permavirgins think about the latest "cucked" foods (formerly known as memefoods, formerly known as fads)

It's about the same. Very little actual discussion, tons of bait, the same dumb questions, and the occasional good thread.

I like this board because people aren't nearly as angry or autistic as they are on other boards but it's not exactly a bastion of discussion and it never has been.

Veeky Forums is a flaming dumpster full of dirty baby diapers, and Veeky Forums is the dumpster right next to it that's full of soggy cardboard. It's not worrisome or anything but it's not really useful either.

>moot's favorite
Prove it tho

he said it multiple times

I found /b/ in 2005 and basically stayed there and on /x/ until about 2 years ago when I started actually having to cook for myself and I started checking out Veeky Forums.
I didn't know moot liked this board so much?
Anyway, /x/ basically turned into a huge pile of crap. I can't even stand to look at it anymore. I hope they fix all the fast food bullshit here before Veeky Forums is too annoying to visit too.

>an SJW to moderate
But that's everywhere now. Except /pol/ of course. This is why 8ch came into existence.

Even /b/ is a pale shadow of its former self. Or perhaps I should write "Especially /b/".

Outerchans have existed since /news/ was deleted, 4ch_0n replaced /new/ with their own board before it couldn't raise funds to stay in operation, 2011 maybe? Then /pol/ transformed into what /new/ used to be, then /new/ came back, only to be a white-bread version of CNN tier political circlejerks.

Veeky Forums had always sucked, but only recently have moderation began to control the narratives and outcomes of threads by comment deleting, shadow banning and outright banning undeserving people(s).

>But that's everywhere now. Except /pol/ of course.
and how the fuck is Veeky Forums affected by SJW culture? can you even hear yourself, how stupid you sound?

You can't be shadow banned on Veeky Forums you dumb fuck

>shadow banning
I don't think you know what that means

Post an angry birds thread on /v/.

I'll wait.

You can view the content of Veeky Forums while banned, not contribute though. Didn't used to be that way. Do this though: comments disabled for an hour.

make a British "cuisine" thread and see what happens

Compared to /diy/ and /out/ (the only other boards I frequent) this board has a shit ton of /pol/ sturmdrumpf posting, but I like it because they expose their retardation and simply become clowns when discussing international or exotic foods. It becomes very easy to laugh them off as the extra chromosome minority when they post on Veeky Forums.

>going to /v/
No thanks

That's been the case for years, and it isn't what "shadow banned" means

Go google "shadow banned"

You two are literally a couple of retards

Here since 2009. Veeky Forums was always full of shitty troll threads and shitposting, I just didn't recognize what it was at first. It takes awhile to recognize a lot of it. Same with most other boards I've gotten into. They seem like actual on topic discussion until you stay there long enough and start to see the same shit over and over. Those threads you thought were serious questions and discussions are all just a bunch of shitposting made by the local retards who endlessly bait and bite each other's bait

Most of that is libshit trolling, much like "flyover" and craft beer.


kys retard

Keep me in the loop with Reddit lingo. From what I've read, it's being unable to post content others can read, only you, like: said.

Huh? ban
consider yourself bluepilled/cucked/insert memewords here

>Stealth banning (also called shadow banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting) is the act of blocking a user from an online community such that the user does not realize that they have been banned.

So EXACTLY what I said in this post: Gotcha. You can be muted on Veeky Forums as well.

Still can't happen here because of how the site is coded


But it tells you you're being muted and can't even post

Muted=/=shadow ban

>completely devoid of any /pol/ bullshit

moot didn't allow whoever the cunt mod is for Veeky Forums, to run round handing out all board bans for for people asking why chicken in America is chlorinated

It's gone to shit

No, dumbass. Fucking hell, you really are stupid aren't you?

/b/ was always shit, but you're right. Somehow it's actually gotten worse

Doubling down on your stupidity won't make you right

Oy vey, good goy.

Does anyone else wonder what the hell moot is doing at Google? Like how bad do you think he feels for selling out to the very symbol of what he was against?

Moot has always maintained that /po/ was his favorite board

What did he mean by this?
What was his fucking problem?
How do you stop him?
What are some foods/movies/videogames?
What do you think about her body of work?
What's next for her career?
*blocks ur path*

Don't forget "kino" and using stupid frog pictures

This is why I mostly stick to /s4s/. The last pure board for serious memes and discussion.


Sounds like you niggers can't handle your memes

Literally everything is archived, how else do people get v& for threatening stupidity like blowing up the Super Bowl?

Not an argument or proving me wrong. Smart lads.

> moot's favorite board

that'd be /diy/

I asked him his favorite board in a q&a thread, he wanted to build a log cabin with help from /diy/ if he ever 'retired' from Veeky Forums.

And not in the 'fire' or 'burning' sense.

No thread is complete without a McChicken.

Work a little harder on your troll game son

I know he's mainstream meme material but I enjoyed jack. Probably because I had no interest in watching his actual videos, though.

MODS make a damn fast food sticky already

> was on /b/ for 12 years
I'm sorry that your brain melted.

>still can't refute anything being said


This election cycle has brought countless retards to Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums has been hit just as hard as everyone else.

Half the new fags are here to shit up any and every board they frequent because they think that's what you're supposed to do. The other half are here to "fight the fascists" that dare to have different opinions than those shared by their reddit/tumblr/instagram safe space peers.

Pretty awful, really.

That user is obviously confused on what shadow banning is

That other dude said multiple types of banning and muting exist on Veeky Forums, which they do. Since the CTR flood from 2015- end of the U.S. Presidential Election, entire regions of certain countries were (and probably still are) subject to range bans, muting, shadow bans, and all manner of shill silencing.

It really has been several years since I've spent any time on /b/. The last time I remember having a good time there was all that Jimmy Russels idiocy.

you're either banned or you're not
muting is a temporary mechanism
in both cases it is not "shadow banned" because IT SAYS SO RIGHT THERE

you sound like one of those idiots who used to call a 3.5" disk a "hard disk"

Muting is prohibition of free shitposting, ergo; is a ban.

Hard and floppy discs, friend. Used to play frogger on my K-Pro.


it's not a fucking shadow ban
quit moving the goalposts tech tard

We're on topic, Veeky Forums DOES in fact shadowban.

no, and drink bleach

>Veeky Forums DOES in fact shadowban
No it fucking doesn't you absolute faggot


What is a shadow ban?

I've been banned about a hundred times and the page has never said "you've been shadow banned"

i've been range banned and i've been temp banned. one time i pissed off a whole shit load of people and when i posted it wouldn't bump anything for a couple days and threads i created just fell off the face of the earth... but i never saw a system message with that - and i have reason to believe other people were having the same issues. i believe that was just system wide skullduggery.

Shadow banning is when a moderator allows a user to read and post on a forum but their posts are only visible to the poster, and not the rest of the forum. They do this to make it seem like the forum is ignoring their posts, and to keep them from just immediately making a new account.

Twitter does it to accounts that don't fit in with their agenda, as do other sites, I'm sure.

moot's a money hungry whore.

What is your proof that they do this.

I have had the site act as if it and other people weren't reacting to my posts, but i have no evidence.

In fact, I have reason to believe it was a glitch in the site because it happened to other people I know at the same time.

You're talking to more than one person, but generally speaking duplicate threads, off topic threads and the like are contained, along with the poster until it 404s. Good method to keep spamming to a minimum. Gotta find a way to keep the viral marketing shills off Veeky Forums though.

>hurrrrdurrrr amanduh todd urself

Well said, way to prove me wrong.

Profanity indicates anger.

Different user here, but I'd like a fast food sticky and actually ENCOURAGE the shills to post there. It would be like a pit of starving rats trying to virtually destroy each other. It would be high comedy for us and a fate worse than death for those annoying fuckers.

>You're talking to more than one person,

You're all user to me. Every post has to stand on it's own. That is the zen nature of the 'chan and my most beloved feature.

>ENCOURAGE the shills

This is, objectively, the worst idea.

After awhile of calling out MSM feeds for their bullshit, like CNN on twitter, you'll notice you stop getting the same number of replies and comments. If you check on your tweets using another account, you'll see they aren't visible at all, or they're automatically dropped to the very bottom where nobody sees them.

They do this in an attempt to silence any dissent and to try and control the narrative. Shit's straight out of 1984.

I was asking about Veeky Forums shadow bans, not twitter.

But that's sketchy as fuck for twitter. Thanks for dropping some info.

Gonna go sell my twitter stock, can't support that shit.

Veeky Forums just outright bans you for awhile.

They don't do that shadowban shit.

i miss irish stew guy

nigga that ain't no McChicken

Yes they do, thanks to CTR and their endless shitposting. Letting people who spam, sit alone in their threads, contained for small periods of time is psychologically discouraging. Just the last 3 months of the U.S. Presidential Election Veeky Forums saw a 20% decline in uniques, despite being in the spotlight of the MSM. Meme warfare was a legit realism with practical applications.

Fuck off JIDF

at least he's not illiterate

Stealth autosage is Veeky Forums's Shadowban

It's impossible for the mods or anyone here to shadow ban you

The porn posting for (yous) is getting out of control and is classic Reddit

>muh reddit
fuck off /tv/, nobody gives a shit

Sure, sure...

>no one is replying to my posts so i'm going to start porn posting

You clearly don't even have a basic understanding of how this site works

no one is replying to my awesome posts, so i must be shadow banned

post something worth a reply faggot

>no one is responding to my posts because I'm shadow banned

I know that m00t stole the base coding from Hiroyuki, and 2channel shaddow bans people a lot. So, using basic logic one could conclude the same shit is happening here. Not even that guy but fuck you're retarded.



this shadowban theory is /x/ tier shit and no one cares

people can go hundreds of posts without posting unrelated porn, but then crossboarders (usually from /pol/) come along and add some shitty instagram model into their post

no one replies either way, but mods
never take care of the posts. some people would like to browse blue boards without worrying about the images popping up

>everything and everyone I don't like is /pol/

Still not refuting the FACT both 2channel and Veeky Forums shadowban.

It's literally impossible for them to shadow ban anyone here

You responded to the wrong post numbnuts


Then why does it keep happening?

All the good tripfags left

I miss them :(

Well it doesn't happen at all actually

Why? If it's all contained in a sticky then yeah, watch them reply to themselves until they're blue in the face. Not sure what you are getting at?

Lol were any of them actually good? Sceak? BAR B Q KING? Uncle Whoremel?