What to eat

literally poor af atm

what can i cook with only rice, flour and sugar?

Some really bland and shitty rice pudding.

I've got a good recipe

>Caramelize sugar
>Mix rice into caramel
>allow to harden in freezer
>eat the bag of sugar
>throw the caramel brick into a Best Buy at midnight
>steal some tvs and shit
>sell them
>launder the money
>use money to buy good food
>spend leftovers on alcohol

If you have any oil you could mix the flour and some water with a little sugar and fry in a pan for some ghetto fried dough, top with more sugar.

you can make dough, rinse off the starch, and make gluten-rich dumplings to accompany the rice. you need more seasoning though

Mix 3 1/2 cups of flour with 1 1/2 cups of water until it forms a ball. Knead for a few minutes and rest for 30 minutes. Pull off golf ball sized pieces, roll out to about 1/8" and cook in pan on medium for 1/2 - 1 minute each side. Cook rice mixed with sugar for desert. Now you have enough energy to go dumpster diving for real food.

If you can afford eggs, and have leftover cold rice you can make rice cakes.

Take 2 cups of cooked rice, add 2 eggs and mix. Add 2 tbsp of flour (self raising if you have it), salt and pepper. Fry on medium heat until the top starts to look dry, then flip and cook the other side briefly.

Maybe add more flour if you need it. But this saved me when I was poorfag

I kek'd

If you have salt, make some hard tack.

With some baking powder in the flour you could make some hoecakes.


this image makes me feel dirty

>literally poor af atm
>can afford the internet

Youre either not poor, a shitty decision maker, or both

kek'd and almost check'd

>use money to buy good food
>spend leftovers on alcohol

Do you even al/ck/?

me too it's stressing me out a bit

Sweet Flour Rice

You can make a dust bomb and blow up a bank and steal all the money.

Maybe he's using free wifi? Maybe he doesn't pay for his internet?

mix the sugar and flour with water to form a dough ball and put it in a few rat traps.

remove the meat from the traps and make rat stew thickened with flour. pour over cooked rice and cook sugar to make caramels for dessert

cook the rice and eat it with the roasted ants


What do you think that word means, OP?

Those are both statements which do not require question marks.

you can make a delicious meal of sweet-flour topped with rice

>Buy some baking soda.
>Spend all the rest of your money on cocaine.
>Use baking soda with cocaine and make some crack.
>Sell crack at a higher price per gram then the cocaine.
>Take all your profits buy eggs and fish.
>Take the flour you already have and fry some fish with rice on the side.