Mfw Americucks call basic food 'artisan'

>mfw Americucks call basic food 'artisan'

>mfw Ameicucks claim Mexican food is Tex-Mex

Samefag. Also if you were non-American and seem to despise them, why would you be posting Beavis and Butthead, an American cartoon?

Of course it was me that posted both genius. I also never said anything about entertainment. This is the food and cooking board you fucking moron, I'm limiting my criticism to food and cooking.

>mfw Americucks pronounce 'herb'

>mfw Americucks call pommes frites 'fries'

>mfw Americucks are absurdly obese and retarded


wew, that scratched my shitpost itch. Feels like the quiet peace a few minutes after orgasm.

>mfw americucks think pateurized cheese products and uncultured butter are superior

>mfw europoors die of poisoning from unpasteurized cheese products

>mfw Americucks have such weak immune systems they can't even enjoy the smell of their own farts without a billion dollar healthcare plan

>mfw Americucks make Kinder Eggs illeagal because the parents are too busy shooting niggers and smoking crack to prevent their autistic, unvaccinated kids from swallowing plastic toys

>mfw europoors have such weak immune systems that they die of poisoning from unpasteurized cheese products

>mfw Americucks refer to cheese as cheese product

>mfw europoors refer to this as "food"

Ya fucked that one up, you need a face to say mfw you tit

>mfw Americucks

>mfw when americucks think authentic italian pizza comes in a box because it has a picture of an "italian" chef on it.

Fuck sake, just finished scolding the Americuck and some continental faggot fucks it up by posting a mfw without a face. I'm suspicious you are the Americuck trying to cover your failure. I'm almost certain actually.


>mfw americucks chug 1 litre of HFCS/day


>eurofags will never know the pleasure of peeps milk

>mfw Americuck 'chocolate'

The chef has a face, fuckwad.

>mfw europoors can't even into basic zoom functionality

Shouldn't you be focused on the Muslim epidemic and not what Americans call food?

Isis just keeps gunning you fags down little by little man

>mfw Americucks need milk flavoured because they are all fucking children and fucking their own children

when you have more than meat and flour to work with, things get fancy quick

>mfw Americucks won the war but weebs are your future

>mfw americucks think ham is a chunk of hormone and antibiotic raised pork injected with a chemical solution, tumbled and packaged in plastic.

Please enlighten me to any north American cuisine that doesn't have a parallel in the old world. I am dying to hear what you have to say.

>mfw Americans won the war

American attention span. No wonder you elected Putins love slave.

I'd ask you where you're from but we both know your country doesn't matter on the world stage.

lol, apparently enlightening you wont be hard, if thats all you know. how about you enlighten me on the origins of potatoes, or tomatoes, or any number of culinary staples in the modern world


blessed me, not being condemned to 10000 iterations of food based on meat and flour

>tfw eurofags can legally fuck kids

Sorry, I'm sure you matter to McDonalds TM.

Ironic to hear from a burger. Your cheese is awful. Your mutated tomatoes are fatter than your mother. Your sauces are all based on covering the flavour of terrible produce and your 'craft' beers are swill. You are also all ugly, you pay for plastic surgery but it doesn't disguise your rotten souls. The only people worse than you are the Chinese but at least they have good food.

what? how was any of that relevant? could you please backtrack to your point about old country food?

grinding your gears to damage control that quickly is going to give you a seizure

Damage control? You replied in about 15 seconds. We know who was damaged. Yanks are disgusting and sub-human. If a Caliphate is coming to Europe I'd prefer it to your pandering bullshit. Yanks, spineless cowards.

calls me spineless but runs from a conversation with his bare ass showing the second it challenges him

>can't even alt-code™ properly
your shitposting game is weak and your country is irrelevant

Our politics is news in your country because the people of your country care about what we do

Enlighten me on what I was challenged about? I said Yanks have no native foods that aren't from Europe or at best South America and then I stated everything wrong with your people.

True, how do I alt-code?

europe was a culinary wasteland, and still is by most metrics

Dunno how your keyboards are set up but put on the num lock and hold the alt-key, then type out an order of numbers on the number pad before letting the alt key go
alt-0153 is ™
You can google different codes, a surprising number of them work in games and other things that have text input

You realize "artisan" is a marketing term, right? You know as well as I do that marketers are not real people.

didn't work? It is just a standard qwerty


™™ should have read the image, I didn't have num lock on. Cool stuff, thanks

Tfw eurocucks wont be calibrating memorial day and enjoying some bbq

>eating what looks like diseased meat
Hey, at least those Eurocucks eat better than you do on a daily basis.

Calibrate that meat, homie hell yeah god bless this mess

>americucks think they are the only ones who know how to use a grill

>tfw my eurocuck meat isn't filled with chemicals that make you docile and meek

>mfw Americucks can't mount a decent defensive argument

Let's get this thread back on the original track.

>mfw americucks think chemical flour sponge in cellophane is bread.

Keep crying faggot meat is strait from the family farm no chemicals added

I bet it is you retarded inbreed

Nice paved roads faggot, even farms have paved roads where I'm from. Hint; not from fucking hicksville you mutant

>mfw Amerilards try and distance themselves from the eternal Anglo

>mfw americucks call burgers haute cuisine

That greek cunt is a fucking legend. Anyone who asks an African if they still throw spears at each other is OK in my book.

>daily OBSESSION thread

>mfw americucks call plastic 'cheese'

I can almost see your point but then the other day I had to point out to someone else who said that that there were 8 threads about British food or chefs in the catalogue. The obsession seems a little one sided if you take into account the user base. /brit/ is also easily the most popular thread on /int/. Face it, the obsession is real but it is yanks obsessed with the UK.

Will americucks ever recover from this?


I ain't gay or nuthin but that mofo smooth as fuck. Wanna lick him. In a strait way.

Dont need a tar driveway that gets ripped up when the plows drive on it. Beside i sleep well knowing i have millions in land value alone and pay very little in taxes compared to your shithole , enjoy getting blacked by the refuges moving being forced down on you by your goverment

Ment for

Talking about British chefs is not the same as talking about the UK in general. Also I'm 90% sure those "British cuisine" threads are created by Brits or other Europeans. Meanwhile, completely neutral threads still fall victim to anti-US shitposting.

Thats not grilling thats bbqing

Good for you, if I am ever injured on a farm an ambulance will be able to reach me on a paved road and I won't have to pay 10 million bucks for a few stitches. I won't have to pay for a fucking heart transplant either. My friends won't either because we aren't selfish cunts that cry about helping others and our selves with taxes. I am eternally grateful that my people don't have your backward mentality on taxes.

All you yuppies seem to be missimformed on american healthcare if you have a fulltime job its almost always a non issue for paying that shit, since most have good benefit plans. And if you think an ambulance cant dive on a gravel road i dont even know where to tell you to go to learn some common sense

>tfw eurofags can't catch 70 carp at a time and throw all but 3 in a ditch to rot

Is this what they call damage control? You get your health insurance by giving up some of your pay but the moment it is taxes you stamp your feet like a child. Yanks are absolute morons. You want a good country but your not willing to chip in. Cunts. As for the ambulance part, just because it can doesn't mean it should. In Europe the cost of repairs would be covered by taxes but in yank land the cost is added to your healthcare plans. One way or another your still fucking paying.

Paying 1200 a year for a health care plan vs 50+ in income taxes along with sales taxes too ill take my plan over yours i pay for my own and not some fat leech or subhuman that pumps out a baby ever godamn 9 months.

>mfw americucks live in suburban neighborhoods with 1/4 acre+ that have rules forbidding vegetable gardens and require residents to dump bayer and dow chemical poisons all over their yard to maintain a 1950's concept of beauty.

It is impossible to make people like you understand. You are just too narrow minded..

Example. Some kid born in poverty, no support from society, becomes a criminal. Robs your house for thousands of bucks worth. If he had a chance and was supported he might have done something with his life. It would have cost society less than a penny each to help but now he cost you thousands.

No, it is you who don't understand. People like him want an excuse to shoot someone. They consider the alternative "social engineering" which is on par with naziism.

I'll give the guy the same chance I would give the kid in my example.

He doesn't cost me anything due to homeowners insurance and i get the pleasure of shooting someone invading my home

Also this

>>“You look like you’re ready for bed!”
>- To the President of Nigeria, dressed in traditional robes.

That's because when the wealthy buy the congress, taxes on the top 5% are reduced while the middle and lower class gets ye ol' assblasting. If taxes were increased on the top 10% the US could easily have universal healthcare just like the rest of the civilized world. Hell, the US ranks 37th in healthcare according to the WHO, 2 positions above Cuba ffs, and we're fixing to go down even further. Much better to give Israel trillions than take care of your own people.

homeowners insurance

Like I said, you are paying one way or another.

Also, I love how cowardly gun users are. If someone broke into my home I wouldn't need a gun because I'm not a pussy.

Ok keep that in mind when Tyrone and his fellow silverback pack come into your home over power you or shoot you with there hipoint then take turns gang raping your girlfriend while you watch

And homowners insurance also gives me more that i pay in, i get alot of tornados in my area but you wouldnt know anything about those

Luckily the blacks in my country integrated and don't suffer the extreme poverty of cunts refusing to accept taxes when they have 'millions worth of land'. I'm not excusing the actions of the monkey cunts in yank land though.But you can't seriously think it would be worse if taxes were higher and better spent.

Do gun nuts develop these rape fantasies as a result of their alternative lifestyle, or does immersion in an alternative lifestyle give rise to the fantasies?

I actually like BDSM/rape porn. Ruskies are far more likely than anyone else. I don't include japs because they are just fucked.

>88 posts
>15 unique posters

>mfw white people start politics in a food thread

probably about 40 posts from me desu, I've been on a shitpost rampage.

Its delicious btw

What is it? Gator? Ostrich? Loch Ness Monster?

Same ive just been pretending to care about politicals

Sheeet, so it has just been us? We should get married. I call husband, you're the wife.

I've posted @ 5 times. There are too many things that suck about my country and they need to be displayed so people can learn.

Posting on Veeky Forums isn't likely to help but I suppose it is better than nothing.

Yes, it would never happen living in the country because nignogs know countryfolk have guns. Having said that, there are feral bands of nignogs attacking people in Memphis. It's routinely on the news. So whenever I travel the 40 miles there, I'm packing.

>be ameericuck
>eat lead