Guilty pleasures: Alcohol edition

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Cheap german beer, I don't know why, it's kinda a meme beer too but I often just end up with it anyways

Mix this with Parrot bay run to get really fucked up

Not so much of a pleasure but the guilty more than makes up for that

Macrolager with salt and lime.

this shit really hits the spot sometimes

>60-80 cents a bottle
>tastes just as good as berliner or similar

no brainer really



I couldn't even get a buzz off of these before I was sick from the heartburn and sugariness

What are the best bum wines? Planning to drink them with a friend tomorrow. If that falls through (he hasn't replied with a time yet), what are the best 40 ounce malt liquors to drink alone?

Steel Reserve

Past Blues Ribbon

i beer bonged two of them at a party last night.

shit was cash, i took two tabs of ex before I got there too

what's so hard about it?

Old English
MD 20/20
Colt 45
Side Pocket
Boones farm
Steel reserve

ex? wow you are so cool

IMO it's meant to be drank at a higher temp as the coldness will mute the flavor out

and cocaine

70:30 mix

Just looking at this image made my stomach invert
Every "the sickest I've ever been" story of mine involves Four Loko

fuck you

I always feel like such a weeb but its such a tasty beer. One of the few Ive had that doesnt take like hops and ass.

Seriously, how the fuck do people drink IPAs?

negro detected

>Seriously, how the fuck do people drink IPAs?
they are meme drinkers, thats why

Mah Milwaukee's Best negro

Im normally a whiskey beer guy but man this stuff is amazing. By itself is amazing or with peach arizona chilled. Nothing better

Cracking open my second 32oz can right now.

>right now
what, no work tomorrow?

If you bought it woth your own mo ey you can drink it as you please

I go in at 5pm, the night is young.

To be fair there are really good ipas. Granted a lot are trash but that wave already came and went.

the lemonade is a solid you have to bite into it you dont drink it

Hey dude I know Veeky Forums is a relatively tame board so I try my best to be affable around here but shut the fuck up, alright? Fuck you

Go be a triggered autismo sonewhere else faggot.

Fireball for me. I actually like the flavor and always ahve atleast one shot if it's available.

yeaaa had a bottle with me on a sporting event this week and it was LUSH.

I don't get the hate.

>we love to hear from our customers
>as much as I appreciate your love of our product, mr customer, no thanks, I don't need my windscreen cleaned at the lights

I drink two of these and two 40oz a night

i have a severe drinking problem.

p.s. black cherry is GOAT flavor

This right here, I love it. 50% alcohol but tastes good too, perfect mix of fruitiness and alcohol flavor. And it actually has the whole blueberries inside (which taste fucking gross), so you can scoop them out and give them to unsuspecting victims. And then eat one yourself because fuck it.

Anyone else know this stuff?

Cheapest palatable lager for me. Usually my go to when I'm penny pinching

Fuck, this is my first memorial day sober in about 4 years and all I want is beer.
>tfw got put on the whole 30 diet by the gf
>tfw doing all the cooking because she's p much useless as a cook

I'm lucky because my gf is a pretty gangster cook, but she knows to leave me alone when I'm cooking. If I need help I'll have her dice an onion or something to save me time.

Appletini with apple overload.
-Apple jenever (sweet apple liquor, sugary, 15%)
-Smirnoff apple
-Strongbow Apple Cider
-Soda water

Served ice cold on a hot day, gets you shitfaced and it's soooo refreshing and sweet. kinda gay though.

forgot shitty jpeg

Not very guilty about drinking them. Best beer at the price for sure. Can't drink xTREME 3x cocoa nibs and coffee stout aged in wine barrels every night.

fruity punches and mixed drinks
just made a watermelon sangria for a memorial day barbecue, it's delicious as fuck, and is getting me too drunk already

>tfw $5 for a 6 pack

Sometimes I get some Miller draft when I can find it in a supermarket, even though I'm in Europe. Something about the mildness of that pisswater makes it really enjoyable to just sip it for hours while watching a movie or something.

alcohol + x does not sound like a good time at all. more "how much can i fuck myself up" than "how much can i enjoy myself"

Nothing to feel guilty about, I really love 'Gansetts. One of my favorite locals has it on draft for $1, I'm sure I've spent close to a grand on them.

Recently starting drinking this. It's a little sweet but amazing

I'll suck your cock for one these user god damn

iT's nOT rEaL WHiskEy!!11!!

You're really not familiar with Veeky Forums. I have been eating and smoking drugs/drinking alcohol and coming here since April 2005.

literally just cinnamon water

I figured I'll just throw some apple bullshit together on a hot day, you should really try this. It's even better than you think.

Eggnog, even if it's out of season

you have six months to live

Ah, Mike's Hard. All the joy of a hangover with none of the hassle of getting drunk

I got some.

Milwaukee pisswater> any other pisswater

>33% ABV flavored whiskey beverage
Sounds more like a cinnamon cordial. I wouldn't consider myself a whiskey drinker if I liked this exclusively or especially, just as I wouldn't consider myself a vodka drinker if I preferred flavored Ciroc, or a brandy drinker if I delighted in mixing Hennessy with Coca-Cola.

Used to love it until I got SUPER fucked up on it and had a rough night, now I can't drink any cinnamon beverage. Even Barqs Rootbeer is too much. Just thinking about it makes me want to gag

How are you still alive?


because hipsters

mix it with cranberry gingerale or cranberry juice and it will taste exactly like red hots

My brother made a pencil holder out of a empty can of Sapporo and would order it now and then, when I was of legal age tried it, it was good. goes great with sushi. Cab I heard was good for the heart, so I paired it with some of the finer foods, no complaints, these are once in a blue moon, maybe 3X a year.


Mixing 35%? Damn dude, that stuff is to be drunk straight. Good idea but no alcoholic would do this.

Crown Royal regal apple. It's too good

what a fucking degenerate

My dad gave me a jar of the Cherry variety for my birthday one year. I remember eating all the cherries and getting really fucked up. Great stuff

One of my coworkers Sri k at bare minimum an entire bottle of wine EVERY night. She's like 55.

French Martini
Woodpecker Cider with blackcurrant cordial

Sweet tooth level: beetus, which is why any of these are drank extremely rarely.

Works every time. Favorite malt liquor, though Colt 45 can be good too.

Thank god the brought Mickeys back in glass, plastic bottles were terrible.

>implying this is an al/ck/oholic thread
i dont do this that much but its good shit nonetheless

Guilty pleasure my ass. I am a firm believer you can not go wrong with badger brews. Admittedly you have one of the worse ones and not firsty ferret (best). Also rev james is b tier at worst

When I was a kid I was very sensitive to bitterness, but as an adult I don't even recognize bitterness unless it's very strong. So I'm fine with IPAs, I can't taste the problem with them

Bum wines: Wild Irish Rose white wine, MD 20/20 grape.

Malt Liquor 40s: King Cobra, St. Ides, Colt 45

Boxed wine

Same. Every time I pass an empty on the sidewalk I shake my head and think "that poor fool"

It's the easiest one to chug

>the coldness will mute the flavor out

People call me stupid for explaining that, but it's true

Mix it with fountain Pepsi and grenadine, goes excellent with Mexican food

Anyone ever bash your testicles with a crowbar for saying it

The lemonade and sour apple are the easiest for me. Gold is a bit harder and watermelon is unbearable.

Lager is supposed to be nice easy beer that you can drink in one swig, at least in Japan anyway

>watermelon is unbearable

It's like drinking shampoo!

Our college has a once a year festival. I drank a 40 of king Cobra and drank a 4 loko and some wine with a friend. I puked all over the room after getting home and the 4 loko was unbelievably bad. My computer chair has a permanent watermelon 4 loko stain on it now.

drinking the whole thing feels so degenerate but man does it get me fucked

Why don't you take a seat right over there?

This is good

Stoli is a classic, but it makes me feel guilty for some reason every time i drink myself stupid on it

Is that the same company that makes the awesome root beer? If so I might check this shit out

No it's a whiskey-based liqueur. I don't see how that is an argument for whether it's good or bad though.



badgers is alright but Saltaire brewery is best brewery
never had a beer from there i dont like.