How the everliving fuck am I supposed to know what kind of seasoning goes well with what kind of food? Right now I just use salt and pepper on everything because it just works.
How the everliving fuck am I supposed to know what kind of seasoning goes well with what kind of food...
Do that then. You think someone is going to force you to do something different?
like everyone else did for 100's of years
Of course not. But fucking every recipe I look up has some kind of herb or seasoning or whatever to spice shit up, and I'm just thinking to myself "What if I want to do my own recipe, what kind of fucking seasoning do I use?"
I love it how Veeky Forums shits on traditions, and then turns around and goes WAT DO, NEED ADVICE
All those generations of trial and error are a scam to make you feel uncultured, you dumb flyover. Best thing to do is start from a blank slate and hopefully by the time you're dead, you might have re-invented the wheel once or twice
Have you ever considered just trying things and seeing if they work? Fucking idiot.
why have you not been putting random interesting seasonings on your food all your life
salt and pepper is so boring
i was going through the spice rack from age 6
you taste.
seasoning is just a meme, didn't ya know?
Just flip through some recipes for whatever you want to make. Even if you're not following them exactly, it'll give you a good idea of what goes where.
>I'm a complete fucking retard, the thread
Just follow a recipe (or make a hybrid of several recipes). Then if you want to experiment, plate up a single serving and add herbs/spices to your plate. Now you don't have to worry about ruining the whole pot. Good luck in fourth grade next year bro, and enjoy the summer while it lasts!
1. Open spice
2. smell it
3. Ask yourself if you think this would taste good on your dish
4. If yes, add it, if no go back to step 1
5. Taste if you were right and remember
I've been using spices since I was 8 you idiot, it's not hard
I have that book :)
It's not rocket science, OP. The more you use them the more you get to know what they smell/taste like and what they go well with.
>I've been using spices since I was 8
>teleports behind you
>heh, nothing personal, kid
Someone post the egg copypasta/cap about spices. You know the one.
Everything else is a meme for tasteless plebs so just keep doing that.
My wife has been gone over a week and I have been eating only steaks for dinner.
>bacon and banquet for breakfast
>get Chinese and can't enjoy
Help me faggots
>nothing seasonal, kid
How did you learn your ABCs faggot?
Practice practice pratice.
>know what main ingredient tastes like
>know what seasonings taste like
>ask self "would A and B go together?"
>If yes then add B to A
Doesn't take 30 scientists working around the clock to figure out Tarragon and Chicken go well together.