What's your favorite kind of pie?

What's your favorite kind of pie?

Mine is MAUD PIE!

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Coconut cream pie and if it has a taste of lemon at all I will murder you.

30 days in the hole

'go 'ie

Coconut cream, my dudes.

chicken pot pie

Buttermilk pie. Mostly because my grandma made them for me as a kid.

key lime with a nice cheesecake sort of texture

never heard of this. where you from

My grandma is from North Carolina. It's basically a creamy chess pie.

I don't know what a creamy chess pie is either

Google chess pie and Google buttermilk pie


pecan pie is a god tier pie
if you disagree with this you belong in the trash

Lemon meringue

Apple pie is a classic, any chocolate pie is heretical and pot pies are like weird cousins of pies. Pecan pie is great if done right.

>Ctrl F
>Shepard's Pie
>0 results

Ireland is asleep.

ricotta pie

I like all of the pies posted.
I cant make up my mind!

I'm partial to limestone pie.

Pecan pie is the only choice.



people all over the internet keep telling me how disgusting mcdonald pie is, but for my little tasteless asian tongue this is the best shit ever


They're not bad, it's just that the fried ones are much better.

they look like they're having a good time


"This is MY little pony!"

>Ireland is asleep
Are you thick or something? It was 4 in the morning for us when you posted, prat.

Cream pie

No lemon here phamalam.

Does this even technically count as a pie? It feels so weird eating a non-dessert pie-like object.

It's like ingesting sweets that have no sweetening ingredients in them and are just sour.

I make it with a caramel layer inside

The density and ignorance of Americans never ceases to amaze me

Pies are more often savory than a dessert outside of your dump.

Of the pies that I have made so far, this French Silk chocolate is my favorite.

Blueberry pie, served hot with vanilla ice cream

No Cherry? I would've thought with Twin Peaks back it would have been at the forefront of people's minds.

I love Cherry Pie but being Australian it's rare as fuck here. Had it over it the states and every single time I had it it was fucking delicious, whether it was home-baked at a cafe or at a buffet in Vegas. Man, it was good.

Lemon Meringue, Apple, Pecan and Pumpkin also good.

From meat pies it's hard to go past a pepper steak. Beef & mushroom, curry, chicken & leek and beef & mushy pea all great too.

Fuck, I feel like pie now.




Actually made a cherry pie Saturday morning. I had a bunch of fresh cherries left over from a little party the night before, and so I just pitted them, tossed them in some sugar and flour, threw them into a crust with a little sugar on the bottom and butter pats on top of the fruit, put a crust on top, brushed with milk and sprinkled with sugar, and baked 425°F for 25 mins then down to 350°F for 25. The crust got a little too brittle for my taste, but everyone else liked it. The juice in the fruit all cooked out and ran out of the crust when you tried to lift out a piece. Next time maybe I'll throw in some corn starch to absorb it.

Black/red/marionberry here.

You know what, I don't even know what a marionberry is. Or a boisenberry.

marionberry jam is pretty delicious. got some in illinois once.

>I don't even know what a marionberry is
Mayor of Washington, D. C. that got caught doing crack with a hooker. It did not significantly impeded his political career.


not having a gram crackr bottom

Meat and potato

Everything else

I'm glad I'm not so fucked in the head that I think threads about pie are all posted by some guy I had an argument with once

Sorry, I like my bottoms white and past(r)y.

In* not on, dumbfuck.

They're all about rocks

rocks are cool

Not the guy you were talking with but that pie looks delicious except for the crust.

What does Ireland have to do with shepherds pie?

You stupid fuck. No doubt a clappyfat.

Post your feet

I feel like everyone's favorite dessert pie is whatever they have the fondest memories of from childhood family gatherings.

For me, it's pecan.
Shoutouts to my uncle who made it every year at thanksgiving.

>butter, flour, water and salt are not delicious
I guess Rice Krispies are more your speed. Here you go.

I like kites.

Marble and Pink Pie is far superior.

Maud's cool but Marble is better.

How do you pronounce this pie?

Hint: if you say "P'KAWWWNN PAHH" i will throw you in a gas chamber

why would coconut cream pie taste like lemon?

okay i googled

...very informative

Like the nut.

There was literally no reason for such a hostile reaction. You guys are obsessed. Here's a tip: people are more likely to listen to you and learn from you when you don't insult them.


Why do you have to do this to OUR board you fucking horseposters

>mods don't delete these threads

really makes me think

1As opposed to PEE KEN PAI?

No you won't you limpdicked city boy. I bet you say "pop" instead of coke, too.

>city boy
>says "pop" or "coke" instead of "soda"
Tuscaloosa isn't a city, cleetus


Your salt only makes us stronger

Pop is a Northern thing, primarily the Midwest, Northwest, and certain parts of the Northeast

My other normaly cannot stand macdonalds (because she has shit taste) but she loves the apple pie.


>really love meat pies
>these are pretty good
>my country only sells steak and kidney

i really want to try the all

Fuck you lemon+coconut is God tier

>There's no reason to call out an idiot being an idiot
You dopey cunt.

It's autism. Not the meme autism, genuine autism.

That isn't even all of the Fray Bentos types. Where are you that you can get them but not other types of non-tinned pies.

It's funny.

I think you're the one with shit taste, user.

How the fuck did you even know OP and
was referencing mlp you fucking closet faggot?

literally search maud pie or limestone pie in google you dumb faggot

Nice reading comprehension skills.

oh for fuck's sake I was telling you that's how probably knew it was an MLP reference

>be user
>see "maud pie"
>wtf is maud pie
>search it in Google

how can I make this any clearer

Gooottt it.
I'm sorry user. Instead of fighting we should be friends.

Okay, but first, I need to tell you a secret.
[spoiler] I like kites. [/spoiler]

Me too.

Are you a child molester?


It's p qon pye m8

Hot fruit pies like apple, raspberry or blueberry etc.

kites are cool

I like marble pie better.

I'd like to eat that.

I've never had keylime pie with as thick a consistency as cheesecake, but I really want to try it now.