So I've got some rabbit meat.....actually the entire rabbit

So I've got some rabbit meat.....actually the entire rabbit.

Mom says we should fry it, like chicken. Is this the best way to cook it? I'm open to alternative suggestions from people who have experience preparing and eating this animal.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stew it. Very good sub for any birria recipe



Make a gumbo with it and brown the meat still on the bone.

Or you could bone it out, chop it up, saute it, and serve it with pasta.

>brown the meat still on the bone
Does that make a difference?

I would imagine the meat won't dry out too much.

Rabbit is very lean.

Fry it and it can be chewey.

Braised and stewed is the most popular way to cook it.

I usually braise it or make little empanadas.

If you also have the liver, pan fry that shit. It's the best liver imo.

>Fry it and it can be chewey.

If it's OP's first time cooking rabbit, guranteed he'll overdo it and turn out like shoe leather.

Stab it with a stick, roast it over a fire made of scram lumber while listening to "celtic" music such as Enya or whatever, and enjoy it washed down with a wine horn filled with the finest mead in all the land.

Then rub the drippings into your cast iron pan and wonder why the wenches won't bed you after you were nice to them by holding the door and tipping your fedora

t.the butthurt frenchmen

Just admit you're wrong faggot, the Bretons and Celts are real.

You've posted this sort of shit in many threads about Celtic cuisine, it's really pathetic

t. the butthurt trashy enya fan with "celtic" tattoos all over her lower back

t.butthurt frog

The world would be better off if the French disappeared, there would be less annoying, stupid and rude baguette munching homo's.

Keep believing your own bullshit buddy, history isn't on your side and never will be

Don't eat animals , love them.

I'm not from anywhere near your country (France), Enya fan

knew a guy who grew up on a rabbit farm.

you know, for eating
asked him about rabbit recipes. He told me some. Made it sound real good.



What kind of dog is this

Where you from then England? Would explain why you're being such a faggot

Also Enya is not in any way a part of traditional Celtic culture let alone Breton culture, she is Irish and her music is inspired by Celtic folk music such as Irish jigs and reels.

And anyway I'm in to old school g-funk.

Wrong continent, wrong hemisphere, Enya fan. You should be more proud to be French, they certainly have a better and more important culture than the '''''culture''''''' of inane Enya fans.

What an unimportant dispute. Get a room you turdburglars.

Ah so you're a descendant of a dirty English convict mutt, not surprising, your bad blood makes you ignorant and stupid, enjoy your legal system letting swarms of muslims commit crimes, screw over your healthcare, welfare and get away with it EVERY SINGLE TIME faggot, meanwhile I'll be here in the countryside near San Malo chugging mugs of cider, eating kouign amman and enjoying myself without a spastic muslim in sight.

Not yet. Keep lashing out blindly, you've only got another 194 countries to go!

Oh so you're a dirty south american, my mistake.

you're both retards and should go the fuck back to /pol/ or /int/ and let people talk about rabbit recipes

Not trying to hijack the thread but its got me intruigued and I want to try it so..
Is there a season for eating rabbit? I heard at certain times of the year they get parasites. Also, where do you get it?

Enya fan started it, she can't stop raving about how she's really not French because she has bad taste in music

Not even a girl mate and anyway, you're the one who's getting butthurt over Celts existing that you have to shitpost in any thread marginally related to Celts.

You're pretty pathetic man, you're denying thousands of years of proven history

And here she goes again with her imaginary '''celtic''' shit. In a thread about rabbits. I don't even have to do anything, you discredit yourself just by posting you wild unrelated butthurt conspiracy/persecution theories.

Did a Celt kill your mum or cuck you or something? Why are you so mad that Celts exist

>Did a Celt kill your mom or something?

But I didn't even say anything about celts, I mentioned enya and you started raving about your imaginary nationalist butthurt.

When everyone else seems "mad" maybe you should consider the possibility that you're the one with the issues.

You're guy who thinks Celts aren't real from the other threads, I know this cause you constantly mention enya as if she is a quintessential part of Celtic culture also in your original post it said this "while listening to "celtic" music such as Enya or whatever ".

If you hadn't brought up enya and Celts your post could relate to almost any ancient European culture if you had left out those two things, yet you seem to want to relate something that isn't even uniquely Celtic to Celtic culture all while believing Celts aren't real

Where is the logic in your thinking?

Food and cooking board. Put on some Enya, take a deep breath, and relax.

Mcchicken and retardation board. Put on some suicidal black metal, take a deep breath, and cut your jugular