We all know these are the cop cheese snacks....anybody who prefers all those powdery corn snacks is shit, these are the best
But which is king?
We all know these are the cop cheese snacks....anybody who prefers all those powdery corn snacks is shit, these are the best
But which is king?
>eating GMO "cheeze" snacks
Amerilard pls go.
Cheez-it unless we're talking pizza flavor blasted gold fish
the BIG cheez-its are god tier. and the tobasco one surpass all of them.
>the cop cheese snack
where are you from? In the first world, cops eat donuts.
>Amerilard pls go.
Suck my left nut, europoor shit.
Goldfish are better than Cheez-Its, but tobasco flavored cheez-its are better than original. Not sure which of those two are better.
But too be honest it's been a long time since I've had tobasco cheez-its.
Coming through with a product that's 100x better than both of those
Desu is this available in burgerland? I want
Amazon exists...
I doubt it desu, britbong here. Maybe amazon.
They do more flavors than curry but that's the most delicious if you like curry flavor stuff
Gold fish flavor blast are the great whites of the cheese-snack ocean.
I hold a very unpopular opinion that Cheese Nips taste way better than Cheese Itz, does anyone else here agree?
yes anything with msg is better
Better Cheddars, bitch.
Co signed. May the nips reign a thousand years
All processed snack foods are garbage except for chicken biskit. Debate me
Cheezits are better for planned snacking as where goldfish are good for casual snacking
>you can't even make a thread about Cheez-its without some non-American shitting it up
Will you fags just talk about food without bringing nationality into everything?
Yo whosnhad the xtra toasty cheeze its, they are best.
Cheez-its, without a doubt.
not that cheez-its taste like cheese but goldfish taste like saltines but almost different.
Cheez-its go great crumbled up on salad in place of croutons too.
Toasted cheez-its are the best and any non-powdery cheez-its are great, msg powder cheez-its are gross.