Is the eat less salt thing a meme?

Thoughts on the eat less salt meme? I tried doing what this dude suggests and having about 2 tsp for the last couple of days and I feel okay.

He basically says that we shouldn't believe the anti-salt kikery that we hear from (((health professionals))) because it lowers sex drive and increases weight gain and other bad shit.

I know the usual health advice is to eat less but what if it's based on shitty pseudoscience?

Other urls found in this thread:

In my intro to psychology class my professor told me this story about this little boy who loooved salt, and would put loads of it on everything. One day his parents decided to limit his salt intake and he fucking died. Apparently his body wasn't processing it correctly so he needed to have more than most people.

The moral of the story is that if you like salty food you need to keep eating it or you'll literally die.

>psychology class
>wasn't processing it
I really feel like I'm being baited right now

What does that story have to do with intro. to psyche? It's a medical parable.

My guess would be "don't go trying to apply your psyche training willy-nilly, you will kill someone because you lack medical insight"

Just in case people thought it was bullshit:

>In 1940, a case study reported by Wilkins and Richter [27] described a child with adrenal insufficiency and abnormally low synthesis of the sodium-retaining adrenal mineralocorticoid (MC) aldosterone (ALDO) that displayed an remarkable sodium appetite. The boy began licking the salt from crackers at age 1, and one of his first words was salt. Later he began eating salt directly from the shaker. His parents were often awakened in the middle of the night to the sounds of their son struggling to climb a chair or stool to reach a cabinet to find salt. Lacking the capacity to synthesize MCs, which made it impossible for his kidneys to retain sodium, the boy turned to his only available means of survival -- the intake of massive amounts of salt. Tragically, the boy died following admission to the hospital, as the hospital diet was low in salt and his crafty methods of obtaining sodium at home were no longer available.

Embrace your cravings or die.

Intro to Psych at my school was split into three components, and this was the one focused on biology.

That's a bit of an outlier 2bh. Most people can probably survive on a lot less than he needed since his body literally couldn't hold onto it. But the point the OP article is making is that the optimal amount is a lot more than modern health advice tells us.

It's a complete meme and your body balances sodium out naturally

drink more water and less carbonated syrup faggot

Haven't had a soft drink for about 5 years

You can find "evidence" for basically any position. What is more likely, that the huge scientific consensus formed over decades is shitty pseudoscience or that the "dude who suggested eating 2 tsp perday" is wrong?

It probably won't kill you but you don't need to add salt to your food, you'll get enough from just your regular food. Probably more important than pure salt intake is your sodium-potassium balanc.

>What is more likely, that the huge scientific consensus formed over decades is shitty pseudoscience or that the "dude who suggested eating 2 tsp perday" is wrong?

Well the "huge scientific consensus formed over decades" with respect to dietary fat and dietary cholesterol were both shitty pseudoscience.

Nobody wants your book James.

But that's because that one started politically by some vegetarian aid and a senator who was following a low fat diet.

Yeah but the position on salt stayed the same through all of that research. Plus dietary cholesterol is still not good and the official position is still to avoid it.


I eat less salt I dont get bloated and feel like shit.

Sure, consume lots of salt if you are aching to have a heart attack, I guess.

>you don't need to add salt to your food, you'll get enough from just your regular food

What does this even mean? My food is my regular food.

This. After all the anti-salt propaganda there isn't even a lot of salt in normal food.
>Sodium potassium balance
This is a good point that I will look into.

Exactly what I said, there are trace amounts in basically everything and most grain/meat/dairy products have decent amounts of salt too. Sodioum deficiency is pretty much nonexistent. That said I still sprinkle a little bit over most things I cook because it does enhance taste a ton (which is why fast food often has shit tons of added salt).

I'm looking forward to all of these gullible clowns dying of heart disease and stroke in the coming decades. All of the retards who think that the connection between fat and heart disease is a conspiracy and that salt is actually good for you, I'll be laughing so hard as more of these buffoons drop like flies from clogging their arteries because they trust an article in the Daily Mail or some random blog over what every government and expert organization on the planet says.

enjoying that vegan diet?

Yes. Now kys burger.

i hope you enjoy your insulin resistance as much


I stopped consuming salt for a month and I kept fainting

The more important idea is iodine intake.

>insulin resistant
burger education

>a high carb diet doesn't lead to insulin resistance

lol ok

Not even him but are you literally retarded?

>insulic resistence

salt fixed my acid reflux. not lying

This reminds me of when I was around 8 years old and I would faint occasionally, or standing up after lying down would cause my vision to go dark and I would collapse. After fainting in the doctors office, I had to go to a cardiologist. Ckg and ultrasound found nothing abnormal so the doctor asked my mother if I ate a lot of sodium. She said no and that she was very careful about how much sodium we ate. The cardiologist said "that's what I thought".

Turns out I had low blood pressure normally and it was exacerbated by low sodium intake.