What are the most effay things to drink?

What are the most effay things to drink?

Water. Stay hydrated bitch.

A manhattan

Water, black coffee, and Coke Zero.

Not that

Diet Coke if you're a girl, do not if you're a male.

just water and black coffee, coke zero is shit

Dew s a

bud light lime


What is the best drink and why is it a mojito?

name a better zero calorie soda, name a better pair to whiskey

you fucking cant

fuck off Veeky Forums


Going from least hipster to most hipster: Microbrew beer, then "fringe" alcohols like mead, then 3rd wave single origin coffee, then expensive loose leaf tea, then PBR, then yerba mate.

>least hipster


> name a better pair to whiskey
More whiskey.
If you're mixing whiskey with anything you should've just gotten a different fucking drink.

Micromemes are mainstream as fuck now, you can find them in grocery stores and restaurants in any flyover town. You can't say the same thing about yerba mate.

>microbrews are hipster

Boy howdy, those 55 year old men populating the microbrew bars are really hipsters. Guess what faggot? Microbrews are what people of all ages who like beer drink nowadays. Get over it. Feminized macro adjuncts are long gone except among whitetrash sister/cousin fuckers.

I'm smashing a couple b double L's right now

Greetings time traveller from the far off year of 2006


is it 2012?

I'll inform the 50 year old blokes down the pub in my village in rural Yorkshire that they're all hipsters.

Microbreweries are a return to the old style of brewing beer, before ABinbev tried to destroy the entire world's collected brewing traditions.

Blame mods