Be me

>Be me
>Ditch veterinary medicine school to go to culinary school, basically waste my chance to get proper education and go to college
>Finishing culinary school, don't know shit because my teachers were lazy douchebags
>Working in a shitty bistro that rips people off
>Can't be creative, forced to serve frozen shit, pizza made by pre-made frozen dough
>Customers hate the food, I can do much better but I'm not allowed to

I'm gonna hang myself one of these days, Veeky Forums, I didn't finish culinary school to serve prison food to gullible tourists. I feel like a cheater

Other urls found in this thread:

our tripadvisor reviews, more to follow

who cares as long as you get paid


I care, I ditched actual education to make good food that will make people happy

Instead I'm making frozen shit that I wouldn't touch myself, it's a bad feel
there's too many negative reviews to post, three pages of them

quit he job... It's easy and you will find a new one quick.... Where is the problem?


convince the owner that
better food == happy customer == more money...

Vets make more than chefs typically. Think of all that sweet pony he missed out on too.

I'd quit the job but here's the "funny" thing.
Since my teachers were shit, I barely have any experience. Since I don't have no experience, nobody wants to hire me, but also nobody wants to give me a chance to learn and get experience

Also the owner is a greedy asshole with just money on his mind, it's a tourist trap.

Feels bad man.

Sounds like it's time to move on to a different restaurant.

Tribunal Bar & Bistro, in case anyone was wondering.

trying to gather experience

tfw some dude just took my name

>I barely have any experience. Since I don't have no experience, nobody wants to hire me, but also nobody wants to give me a chance to learn and get experience
thats like this in every job....

Look for a big hotel chain like Hilton etc they have opportunies for young people who want to learn and you a have lot of possibilities then ...

The best thing as a chef is that you can work everywhere in the world

Thanks man, sounds like good advice. That's why I'm working here, to make enough money to move out of this shithole.

(so please Veeky Forums don't spam their trip advisor site ,I don't wanna get fired, I need this job)

Won't your superiors not like the fact that you made this thread?

Quit your fuckin job you pussy and go work somewhere else. Not that hard.

You forgot to

>Blasts techno

Judging by the rating and how the food looks I doubt they'll care

They can, but there are definite downsides to veterinary medicine. Depending on where you live you may not get paid an incredible amount considering all the school and debt you've acquired. You can work as relief for another practice, but you might not make as much in the long run, owning your own practice involved the hurdles of owning and running a business.

It's definitely something that requires a passion to make it work, don't go in it for the money because you probably won't be satisfied.

Know this op.
Whatever ideology you choose to dedicate yourself to
Know this.
That revolutions are fueled by bread.

Cooking is a skill you shouldnt be ashamed of. You make ideology taste sweet or sour or robust.

Do not waste your skill. It matters to someone more than you know out there. And he probably has an empty stomach becuase he hates the taste of what he is currently given.

Go on kitchen nightmares

Get out of Croatia for a start. Come to London and I'll hook you up sonnyjimbob

Look at the bright side, at least you don't have to spend your days with your arm up some cow's or pig's asshole. Or its cunt.

The funny thing is that although you do seem to offer some frozen food of dubious quality, most people giving reviews aren't complaining about that. Your biggest problem seems to be your goddamn waiter who forgets people's orders, is rude and allegedly "look like he'd rather watch TV rather than help customers". Like 4/5 negative review is mainly about this schmuck. Who is this guy? I hope it's not you OP

Not OP but, saved. Underrated post

Cute broken English though. Made me smile.

Sorry about the restaurant

Start a culinary website, show what you can cook and go ask for job in proper restaurants.

You're a fucking moron. You aren't getting experience staying in a shit hole like that. IF you want to learn, compose a powerful e-mail that shows your passion and drive to learn, e-mail it with your resumé to every single decent or even michelin-starred restaurant in your area. (or even outside, how badly do you want it?)

I got into a fine dining restaurant (flipping 64 seats multiple times a night, 40 dollars for a main course) as a lowly kitchen worker without any experience using this technique, stayed there 3 years, learned a loooot and did my e-mail spam again until I got a job as an asisstant head-chef which i've been for a year and I'm making a lot of cash and sitll learning a lot, especially about quality control and general restaurant management.

tldr; get out of that place, it will only UNLEARN your good natural instincts and distill bad practices in you

I'll be taking your advice. Actually I might even skip a step and go further in my culinary education.

Also, update, I quit the job. In a very autistic way, mind you, but I still quit. Until I figure stuff out, I'll probably be a NEET. I have an interview to work in a bar tomorrow but I'm not optimistic about it

>don't know shit because my teachers were lazy douchebags

Fuck off you lazy piece of shit

>Teachers are shit
>Instead of quitting and going to study somewhere else you continue
>Bitch that your knowledge is lacking
This is entirely your fault OP.

Shut up you autistic sperg fuck. You have no idea what you're even talking about.

Oh right I'm gonna quit high school, genius idea senpai :')

You deserve everything you have.

You truly are retarded, aren't you?

You have the experience, now go work somewhere you want.

You are defending yourself by calling others autists on a mongolian loli anime forum, writing a post how bad decisions you made affected your life, stating that you cant do anything about it. You do look like a lazy person.

You should have made thread about the cheating in industry instead of trying to grab people's sympathy. I am just saying how this looks like

just fucking quit dude

I'm not lazy. Quite contrary, I work hard. I worked in two different hotels and different restaurants, I had to in order to finish culinary school.
The thing is that restaurant owners here look at us as nothing more than free work force.
You never get taught anything, you just peel potatoes and cut vegetables.

When I was in the hotel, I was basically forbidden to learn. They used me for cleaning fish and whenever I tried to learn anything else, I was threatened with a failing grade or getting fired

So yeah. Fuck anyone calling me lazy, I work my ass off

>quit job autistically
>sit out and be a NEET

I don't know man, you've really setup 2 strikes against yourself. Your previous employer is going to say you sperged when they inquire about your work history. Secondly, you're going to have a 0 work period while you're NEETing out. Their first guess will be you were in county on a possession bust. That looks bad, not because of the drugs because that's commonplace, but because you were stupid enough to get caught. Better start reconsidering the 3-6 month NEET deal. That'll be tough to explain.

In cooking industry you have to work hard, thats obvious. I havent read this post . Good for you. The only way is the way forward. DONT turn into NEET. Keep the momentum going, dont eat your savings.

My mate worked in a goverment's institution cafe.. Everything was made from cheap, mostly frozen ingridients, cooked in a batches and heated up in microwave or frying pan. When some day the head "chef" was out, he made the real pancakes with sweet white cheese and fruit sauce, actually frying them before serving. The workers who ate there, couldnt believe how good those pancakes were, hence they nicknamed him "pancake".

>they nicknamed him "pancake".

Hmm, not sure I'd like to have that nickname, but whatever.


that seems like they punished him for serving them good food. Fucking government workers are nothing but mindless sheep.

Restaurants are where your hopes and dreams go to die in this industry. Bail on them.

The real money and quality of life is in institutional. There are some old folks homes that serve high class cuisine, if you want to do fancy food. College campuses aren't glamorous, but have tons of fringe benefits (like gym memberships), corporate dining has lots of opportunity as well.

My wage isn't great, but I have a full benefits package and hours that allow me to raise a family. Restaurants cannot provide that. Oh, and holidays off. Memorial day was a four day weekend.

Look into companies like sodexo and aramark. Restaurants will kill you.

I didn't look what country you're in for my original post, but seriously consider institutional. The struggle is real, don't give up.

Last time I needed a job on the quick, I printed off a stack of resumes and personally delivered them to every chef in the area I was in that I wanted to work for. It worked, and the trial shifts I asked for were essential.

Good luck out there.

>revolutions are fueled by bread
Not really, more usually by the lack thereof. See: Venezuela.

>implying that there are not more enjoyable things to stick up those

What you're getting now is experience. Experience in how to not run a fuckin restaurant. Bail the fuck out, go somewhere decent and start from there. Take in as much as you can and learn from those that have been doing it a while. You don't have to bounce from job to job to job but find a place you like and enjoy. You think you hate it now, stay longer and you'll really find out how much you hate it.